Tonight’s episode was written by Joe Pokaski and directed by Greg Yaitanes. And, if you don’t mind me saying so, both these lads did quite well on this one.

I think this is one of our best, most exciting episodes of the season. Like last year’s “Company Man” it concentrates on one main storyline, the Bennet’s on a collision course with Suresh, Elle, Bob and the destiny of Isaac Mendez’s painting. Secondarily, we follow Hiro’s story as he seeks to change time and fate once again, by preventing his father’s death.

Also, tonight George Takei discovers what others before him have - Just because you die on HEROES doesn’t mean you won’t come back and do a few more episodes.

Oh yeah, and HRG dies.

But before we get into all that, a bit of praise for the principle behind-the-scenes creative operatives of this episode. Greg Yaitanes is new to our team. He’s a guy I’ve been trying to book as a director for several years now. But he’s a hard guy to sign up. He’s always off doing pilots and features and so on. (One of the many advantages of being on a hit like HEROES in season two, is you can finally get to book all the directors you’ve wanted to work with, Greg, Dan Attias and Lesli Glatter certainly fall into this category for me.) . I first got to know about him years ago on the first TV show I ever produced, NASH BRIDGES with Don Johnson.

Anyway, in the area of performance direction, we mainly have good results with our directors. The primary quality we look for is the ability to work with actors and guide performance. But, in the area of visual style, what I find with the directors we’ve used, is that there are some things about our style that I can teach and some things I can’t. Certain things I say, such as - "Shoot low angles” and “Shoot big wide feature-style masters” and “When we get into the meat of the drama, shoot super tight close-ups” - get good results. They’re concrete instructions and people seem to get that. But when I say, “Look for incredibly graphic compositions – like a comic book or graphic novel.” Or “move the camera fluidly, yet aggressively, try to never have it call attention to itself, but let cranes and push in’s and sweeping camera moves become a lyrical part of telling the story” I get more haphazard results. Those instructions are more subjective and less concrete. And in those areas a director either intuitively has a graphic sense of composition or not.

Yaitanes, without question, has an incredibly graphic style. I know that he brings that style to all the shows he does. But it really fits here. I love the way he shot this episode. Image after image are SO graphic. In fact, he brought a couple of new ideas to our visual language that I intend to co-opt and make part of our ongoing style.

I loved the way he used silhouette in the Japanese cemetery, and the way he composed through the thin vertical headstones.

Look at the way he used the street signs in the scene where Suresh lies about West’s location. These simple shots work on so many levels. First they clearly and simply convey the critical story information – that Suresh is lying about what street names he’s giving HRG. Secondly, the shot is efficient, by putting HRG small in the background and the sign huge in the foreground, we get the story point AND HRG’s attitude about what he’s learning all in one combined moment. Thirdly the composition is wonderfully graphic with the sign dominating the top of the frame with its clean graphic straight lines, and the lower part of the frame is wide open organic because of all the foliage. HRG and West are small but their body language is clear. By using a very wide lens for this shot Greg was able to keep it all in focus. Finally, the shot is humorous. It’s hard to pin down why, but it’s a funny composition. The wide angle helps make it funny, and having HRG centered small in the frame helps too. A more conventional, and much less interesting way to film this moment, would be to have HRG look off-screen when Suresh tells him the street names. And then to cut to a shot of the street sign, which would be HRG’s Point of View. I promise, nine out of ten directors would have filmed it that way.

There’s another notable scene – The one in HRG’s car, between Suresh and HRG. This is an incredible directorial challenge. In this scene, two guys are, by the nature of the scene, static in an enclosed space for almost three pages! Greg used all incredibly tight angles, but unusual angles. Look at the shot over HRG’s glasses into the mirror onto Suresh. Greg Y used the swing and tilt lens to keep HRG in focus and Suresh in focus. Sometimes HRG turns back into profile, sometimes he turns away and addresses Suresh in the mirror. That simple shot is so full of tension and drama. Again, it’s also efficient. The split focus lens and the mirror gives you both performances in one shot. And then come the close-ups. Now, I LOVE close close-ups, but Greg Yaitanes went BEYOND in this scene. There are a number of shots that are just details: lips, eyes, HRG’s glasses. And he lets relatively long chunks of dialogue play on, say, a shot of HRG’s eyes. Frankly, it’s beyond what I would have been comfortable with as a director, but it works.

Alright, enough kissing Greg Yaitanes’ butt… And onto kissing Joe Pokaski’s! Joe, as I understand it, was one of Tim Kring’s writing assistants on CROSSING JORDAN. Tim gave him a script to write on that show. And, according to legend, when he was writing the pilot of HEROES, he had Joe (as well as Aron Eli Coleite) read all of the drafts and give him feedback all along. When the HEROES writing staff was being put together Joe was brought over.

I don’t know how old Joe is, but he seems young to me (of course “young” seems to be moving upwards every year.) He is super enthusiastic and collaborative – but mostly I think he “gets” HEROES, as well as anyone. So far he has written three episodes of the show: “FALLOUT,” and “5 YEARS GONE,” from last season - And now this one. What’s noteable about all three of those is, not just that they all turned out great, but that, other than for budgetary reasons, none of them were extensively re-written from the first draft. That is an extremely good thing. Sometimes, when we get a script (usually 10 days or so before we start shooting it) they are troubled. There have definitely been “all hands on deck” preps for some episodes, and that can really divert energy that is needed elsewhere. But Joe’s shows have uniformly come out of the gate both creatively satisfying and shootable.



I think the drama is great in this episode. There's an ever-escalating sense of tension, like a pot rising to a boil. All the characters feel like they're really under pressure. I especially love the way HRG and Sandra's relationship develops. How angry she is at first, and how she openly questions why she never left him before now. Then, when HRG is talking to Elle about why SHE was the reason he never handed Claire over to the company, Sandra's crying face - which we cut to two or three times - let's us know how she's coming to understand them. Another, very simple shot which I love is a close up their hands, as HRG tries to hand her a gun, and she puts her hands on his chest. So beautifully visual. And it completes the arc of their story.

Also, I want to talk about the scene in the cemetary where Hiro meets his younger self. This scene made me cry on the page. But it came under a lot of debate in prep. Many people believed that we'd never find a young boy who could speak Japanese and deliver the performance. Also, some thought the scene was extraneous and time consuming in an already busy show. Cooler heads prevailed, and we adopted a "let's see what happens" attitude (which I think is always wise.) We decided that if we didn't find the right kid, we'd cut the scene. If we did, we'd schedule the scene last and if we fell behind on the day, we'd cut it then. Well, our casting directors came through, as always, they somehow found a little kid in L.A. who could speak fluent japanese and act and looked enough like Hiro. And Yataines, God bless him, shoots fast. Yataines comes from low budget syndicated Tv - he did a lot of shows like VIP, which - wether you like that kind of show or not - have to be shot fast. VIP was always shot in six days. I've seen some of Greg's episodes and they're a lot of fun. But, in that medium, you have to be super specific, shoot the shot, get it right and move on to the next FAST! That served him well here - Greg made all his days (OK there were thirteen of 'em, more than double the shooting shedule of VIP, but stil!) The scene was shot and I welled up again the first time I saw it put together.

Not that there were NO problems with this one. It was a hard beast to wrangle episodically. There is A LOT that happens. And a lot of action. The scene in the alley where West flies in and saves HRG from Elle was complex. The scene on the beach, with its 6 characters, hostage handoffs, flying, zapping and shootings was EXTRA complicated.

We scouted several places for the beach parking lot. We needed it to be remote and deserted, but still large enough to stage the scene. The one we used was in San Pedro California; it was perfect! Unfortunately Greg and I scouted it at 4:30 in the afternoon, when the afternoon light was perfect. Our DP, Charlie Lieberman was busy shooting other episodes, so he didn’t see it for a week. He saw it at 10 in the morning, when it was shrouded in shadow. At that point (after we were already committed to the location) he revealed that we wouldn't be able to film on that spot until the afternoon - there wouldn't be enough light. That meant that what a one a 1 day scene would have to be split up over two days. We scrambled to find more locations that could go with this one. There was a little park, which I thought was beautiful, right above the beach location. And we found the streets where Elle and Suresh’s van is parked and where Suresh confronts HRG in his car and we built two days out of it.

Greg and Charlie really wanted a sundown feeling to the scene. But we couldn’t really wait until sundown to film the whole scene, or it would have taken weeks. So they made sure to film all the wide shots in the latest part of the day. They filmed as many of the other shots as possible in backlight. And then, in color timing (the last stage of the photographic process) we modulated the colors, adding red, and sometimes graduated filter effects in the sky to give the whole scene an end-of-day look. We also tried to make the scene feel more and more sunset-ty as it progressed.

One thing I was happy about, in general, was that I feel this episode finally featured the beachy Los Angeles setting that we’ve been saying the Bennett’s live in. Up to now, other than the odd oceanside scene, we haven’t had the opportunity or ability to really go to the beach cities (they’re kind of expensive to film in and kind of hard to get to.) But I think we well captured the L.A. beach feel on this one.

Okay now, pictures:










Now, the next group of photos falls into the “don’t ask/don’t tell” category. I credit Greg Yaitanes for staging all these pix, under the supervision of Joe Pokaski. Their cultural significance will become clear in the coming months, so… pay attention!













Serena said…
i love those pics of various cast members with slusho!! :D
Unknown said…
This episode was amazing. It was an emotional roller coaster. Excellent job! By the way, SLUSHO is a reference to Cloverfield.
Anonymous said…
This episode was, indeed, awesome. But you guys are killing us with the lack of Sylar. Thank God he's back next week.
Anonymous said…
What no Cristine Rose and Slusho. Wow. Amazing episode. Please, please make Cristine Rose a regular. Please.
Jimmy B said…
Eh, the cult of Sylar is overrated. I agree with Senor Beeman - best episode of the year so far. I loved every dang minute of it.

And I loved the slippery slope that Parkman found himself on. I note that he wound up with a name on that post-it note. We're going to have to watch him.

The last words of the episode were completely priceless.
Margo said…
I agree that this episode was one of the most fun, graphically shot episodes we've seen in a while. And the scene in the car with Suresh and HRG really took me back to their first meeting in the cab in Genesis. Ah, how far we've come! Keep up the wonderful work, and thanks for blogging.
Unknown said…
this by far was one of the best endings of the series to date. Awesome! The entire episode was awesome as well; I'm glad to see the series getting back on track with the twists, turns and shocking surprises.
Anonymous said…
I LOVED this episode. Fantastic, fantastic job! I was so sad during the scenes between Kaito and Hiro, and even though I knew what was going to happen (arggh spoilers!!) I was still on the edge of my seat.

I absolutely loved the parallels here to last season and the switched Mohinder/Noah scene in the car this time around. Their positions, their demeanors... Oh, and Noah waking up on the table like Claire did?? PRICELESS!

I can't believe there's only two episodes left!!

LOL at Slusho, those pictures are HILARIOUS!! Will there be a cameo of it in the next ep? I seemed to have missed it in this one...
Anonymous said…
slusho will be the destruction of the world. maybe its how the virus gets out.
Tyson said…
Amazing episode. I have decided that I can count on Heroes to deliver mind-blowing stories at least every other week. This week, I was cheering and yelling at my television. These episodes are why I am obsessed!

I think you outlined perfectly why this episode was so great. It had a two main storylines that built up perfectly like a pot coming to boil. For me, it allowed me to become immediately invested in the 2 stories, and I could not stand to miss one second of the last 30 minutes! Please thank everyone (especially Joe P. & Greg Y.) for this fantastic episode.

PS - I totally forgot about Slusho! I found the site for Slusho so many months ago, but it just slipped out of consciousness. I can't imagine it's significance!
Anonymous said…
"Have you packed Mr. Muggles' doggie bath yet?"

Best. Line. This. Season.
Tyson said…
Dangit, I remember what Slusho is now! Thanks for reminding me dposse. The pictures tricked me into linking it with Heroes. I didn't even realize that the film had a name yet. Yay for Cloverfield!
Anonymous said…
I hope they're paying you for that Cloverfield advertising. ;)
Nibehlung said…
Greg, when are we going to see a "Company Man" style episode focusing on the Petrellis? I think it's about time that we see Nathan and Peter's past as well as their interaction with their father and mother.
Anonymous said…
INCREDIBLE Episode! Loved every minute! Just so much awesome! So glad HRG isn't really dead! Glad Elle got a bit of a shock herself. Stings like a b*tch doesn't it?!And Slusho: beware of brain freeze. ARGG!=0P
Anonymous said…
Agreed: best S2 episode to date. And your blog serves as a terrific complement to the program.

Thanks for keeping us all in the know. Looking forward to future entries!
Incredible episode! You guys got me crying twice. On Company Man, and on this episode. Maybe I just hate to see HRG, you know, DIE.

Go Slusho! XD You guys are hilarious.
Unknown said…
That episode was INSANE!! Even though I was kind of screaming, the wrap-up of the HRG/Suresh collision was really amazing. That whole arc was very Greek tragedy: both Mohinder and Bennet are struggling NOT to become the guy in their respective paintings, but in the end they have to. I'm really in awe of what a smart, unusual story choice that was for this season. Especially because only HEROES can do something like that, given that not many other TV shows contain prophetic paintings of the future. That kind of mindbending premise is the what makes science fiction so great.

Very intense, although I feel sorry for Suresh having to come out the loser in the popularity contest - his defense of Bob will never stack up against HRG's defense of Claire, despite great acting from everyone involved.
Anonymous said…
This episode TOTALLY ROCKED! HRG kicked serious ass!! I love it. The only sad part is Mohinder's blunder into Gray Area Land. I was quite fond of the character till this point.

I would also like to add to the chorus of a "Company Man" style episode revolving around the Petrellis. You just know their history is chock of interesting stories.
Unknown said…
kick ass episode! Seriously, best one yet as you said mr. Beeman. What's really depressing though is that just when the show is gettin really really up to first season standard, the season is ending... oh well, i'll take a good season finale rather than nothing. Hopefully volume 3 will come sooner than volume 2. Cheers and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said…
holy crap!!! does this mean jj abrams is making the move to heroes??? will heroes destroy cloverfield?? does this mean the end for my dentist (whose office is right next to bad robot) will peter be eaten by the monster?? will i ever finish downloading tonites epi?? will kring finally hire real comic book writers??
Wonderful episode. It was so, so great to see Noah back in full form again. I loved how, in about two minutes, he got West to go from trying to kill him to following his every order. Nice call-back to Company Man there, and a great bit of characterization.

I was also so glad to see the Bennet family back together and cooperating again, especially Sandra. (Lines I particularly loved included "Noah, put the tape DOWN," and "Why? Because he can fly?" in reference to West being like Claire's father. Awesome.)

In other news, I'm really hoping Angela gets an opportunity to kick Matt's butt for doing what he did to her. Christine, as usual, totally rocked that scene. I say again: when is she going to be a regular??

PS THANK YOU for giving us Arthur Petrelli's first name. Now can we get a name for the Haitian? (I know, I know, we're just never satisfied!)

PPS Mr Muggles going over to Sandra and dropping his toy in her lap at the end there was a perfect little touch. Gotta love the detail on this show.
Cristina said…
Tremendously fantastic episode. I'm just in awe of the whole thing. Thank you so much for this excellent blog. I loved everything you had to say about the writing in the ep but really, I come here to read about the visual stuff. It's such an important element to the show and it truly enhances the story.

I had to miss the first fifteen minutes of the episode because of school, but as soon as I got into my house I parked myself in front of the tv with the parental units. Immediately, I go into film criticism mode. "Ooh, guys did you see that shot? Look at that close up! OH MY GOD, the composition!"

The scene with HRG and Mohinder made me feel tingly in places...well, places I won't mention here.

*cheers for Heroes!!!*

I love you guys.
Lucy said…
I loved this episode, and you guys are definitely hitting your stride with this season (pity it all has to end so soon!) but I had one issue: HRG telling Mohinder that Mohinder had "gone native". C'mon, that's not just sloppy writing using a cliche, it's using a cliche with socio-cultural implications that are, frankly, kind of racist: Mohinder's fine as long as he does what the nice white man tells him, but he's just a "native" if he doesn't. Is it too much to ask that this internationally-oriented show think about the way its international audience might recieve some expressions?

(I'll note I'm commenting at the behest of my Indian flatmate, who was so upset at this phrase she paused to throw something at the TV screen.)
Anonymous said…
slusho zoom!
Der Merzmensch said…
Wow, I love Slusho (i.e.Cloverfield) and I love Heroes, this is great postmodern world we aree living in :-)

Btw. dear Mr. Beeman, I've linked some of your images on my blog, if you don't mind. If you disagree, please feel free to say it and I'll take down the pictures.

The very best regards
Anonymous said…
Great episode, but I have to say one thing...


Seriously, he struggled to shoot SYLAR of all people, yet in just a few hours of Bob telling him what to do, he turns into a cold-blooded killer who shoots Noah in the face? I'm not buying it. There has to be more than this, or I just don't even like Mohinder at all anymore. It's totally out of character for him to do that. I know he's kind of naive sometimes, but he's not stupid!
Anonymous said…
Also, PLEASE reveal soon what Kaito Nakamura and Angela Petrelli's powers are! I'm dying to know!
Anonymous said…
Greg, are we ever going to see Milo and Adrian doing a commentary together? Please? It'd make me and many others happy.
CosmicAvatar said…
Oh, you're killing me. I cried and cried and cried. And whooped. And screeched. And let out various uncontrollable profanities. Bloody marvellous. Damn your hides for doing this to me!

p.s. Jack's face in that Sweet Revenge photo just cracks me up. And don't get me started on the Slusho ones...
Anonymous said…
Why did Suresh say "she's the executioner"? was that in a previous episode?
trac54 said…
No tears this episode for me but myself and my boyfriend did go "OHHHHH" out loud when Suresh jumps in and kills HRG!

I responded with a "See you can't escape Issac Mendez"

The ended was so awesome. I also loved whatever noise HGR makes when he wakes up.

My only worry is that Monica, Maya and Alejandro are not going to be wrapped up before this ark is over. They were definitely placed on the back burner. Also what's going on with Sylar?
Anonymous said…
OMG, Greg! This episode ROCKED!!! I, unlike a few, have extremely enjoyed Season 2... I have all the episodes saved so I can go back through and rewatch them when and if the strike continues and we don't get volume 3 (crosses fingers, hoping it ends soon).

I kept teeter-tottering back and forth about HRG... maybe the painting had been misinterpreted... it's so easy for those of you on Heroes to have us second-guessing ourselves. *g* But when HRG was finally shot I was like "no freakin way! He's coming back (I told my husband) you just wait, he'll be back... LOL... I thought it was nice of you to let us see that at the end... and not make us wait a whole week. Because, let's face it, that just would have been cruel.

Okay, now I'm off to watch the commentary (even if you weren't the one to do it this week.) Thank you so much for the blog... and I can't believe there's only 2 episodes left *cries*.

Anonymous said…
this episode was so cool! it was just like season 1 again! probably even better. and i agree i loved the technical stuuf, the camera angles etc. and the graphics, acting and plot was amazing. i almost fainted when HRG got shot! and then i had a near death stroke when he came back to life!
Taylor Blue said…
I love these pics!!! thanks for sharing them!
The Slusho shots are hilarious. I particularly liked this episode, we get to see the heroes pulling the past and present closer together. I still can't believe we don't know more about all the parent's powers. Are we going to see any of them in action, like Angela Petrelli or Kaito Nakamura (he'd have to be in a flashback I guess)?
Anonymous said…
You guys are having too much fun making my favorite show - the Slusho series is too funny! Keep up the good work, pretty please.
Rickey said…
Wait a second, isn't Cloverfield made by J.J. Abrams, the guy who produced "Lost"? You know, that show that is infintitely better than Heroes has been this season?

Just curious...
Anonymous said…
Wonderful episode! I loved it! Everything was well-done, and the timing was great! Bouncing action, knitted with emotional scenes (but not too long...) beautiful pictures,and a pinch of...humor!!! yessss! Just what was necessary! I really think that a good episode is like a recipe:a few of this, of that, a linking additive,cleverness, logic, humor, Sylar....Ups! Yes: i only missed the spiciest reagent ;-)
Is it me or i feel like you guys are trying to detox us from Sylar, as we see him less and less? Not working though, the french forums are mourning...
Anyway, thanks again for the good show!
I was beyond impressed with last night's episode. Yaitanes' directing amazed me. I love, love, love how graphic compositions was incorporated into the shootings - very effective. The street signs, the dialogue in car between Suresh and HRG, and the shooting scene = i was overwhelmed. i was like "why don't they just shoot like this for EACH episode?" Yaitanes definitely explore unique ways of telling a story. very brilliant. ♥
Anonymous said…
ha ha ha. The pics of slusho series reminded me of Adrian's YouTube footage. I really love your blog! I think that's the best feature of "Heroes".

Although the Japanese cemetery site was a bit odd (knowing what the Japanese cemetery looks like...), it was very interesting to me.
Navarro Parker said…
Ok... pretty good episode.

No Wonder Twins. yay!

Parkman becoming his father. Mind rapes Momma Petrelli. Bad Parkman!

Too many "duh!" moments.
Bob is Elle's father? Well, DUH!
HRG doesn't really die? Well, DUH!
Adam kills Hiro's father? Well, DUH!

Characters are acting too out of character...

Claire loves daddy HRG last episode and this episode she completely hates him? Emotional flip flops for easy writing.

Has Elle's power's changed? In every other instance of her power, she shoots *bolts* of electricity. Now she tosses electricity balls?

What is up with Suresh? His becoming this incredibly unrealistic character. First of all, I don't understand why he accepted a gun -- the biggest gun in the world! Why not a tranq gun? With someone like Nikki or Elle by his side, isn't a firearm a little overkill?
And he's a doctor -- so he shoots HRG in the HEAD? Why wouldn't he just wound him in the arm or leg? Completely unbelievable. Another character flip flop makes for sloppy and lazy writing.

And why do Matt and Molly live in the grayest, darkest apartment in the city? Did a couple vampires live there before? Very depressing and weird set.

And I still don't get why Hero or his father let him get murdered. I understand the honor of death, but he was *murdered*, there was no honor in that death.

All in all, it seems like the writers needed characters to end up at "point b" to get them ready for future events, but got them there without regard to believability.
Anonymous said…
This episode had me on edge from start to finish and next Monday cannot come soon enough.

Seeing as Mohinder is one of my favourite characters I'm very interested to see where this character is going. Right now it feels like he's hitting rock bottom, feeling like there is no one he can trust (not even really trusting himself) and crossing his own line with the actual shooting of Bennet. Mohinder tries to hold himself up to this higher moral level, but what I liked about this episode was him realizing that he's not necessarily better than anyone else. As much as he tries to do the right thing he keeps falling further down the rabbit hole.

I found it interesting that in this episode you had Hiro learning from his father how there are some things that you can't change, but there are always choices to be made...Matt is slowly heading down a similar path as his father (despite trying to use his powers for "good")...and Mohinder has become more like Bennet (something Bennet even comments on when he says Mohinder sounds just like him 20 years ago). The difference is that Mohinder doesn't have Bennet's current 20/20 hindsight.

Maybe Mohinder needs to hit rock bottom before he can begin to climb back up. I can't wait!
Anonymous said…
Finally, that was the right harmony

Like the saying goes, " better late than never" which applies to this episode. It is noticeable that the creator and executives are trying to steer this show to what made it a big success last season.

Mister Beeman, this last episode was a success and a well done piece of writing, directing and acting.

The way it was edited so that the audience (us) would think: "HGR made it, he knew what was coming and change its future", to find out at the end of the episode that he didn't. That was perfect writing and editing.

It was a great episode.

The formula --> ONE MAIN story at the time in this case the Bennets, with ONE MINOR story that keeps the motion of the main plot, in this case, ONE WEEK AGO, which also touches on Parkman's story.

That's what we want...that's why this episode worked so well.

Now it's all up to get rid of the characters that have incorporated nothing to this story.

Keep up with the good work, hope the next 2 episodes work as well as this one.

Thank you for your time reading this comment
Anonymous said…
Great episode! I can't believe there are only a few left! :( Okay, with Suresh shooting HRG, I have to agree with another poster and ask, why not in the arm/leg/some other non vital body part? Also, in the past, he has looked at guns like he couldn't be more opposed to them, and he has good enough aim to shoot HRG square in the eye? And he shot HRG to save Bob? WTF? I understand he is being pulled in by the company, and we all know Mohinder is not known for making the best choices (Sylinder, not believing Peter on the subway, bringing Molly to the company, etc.) but I have a hard time believing he could kill someone, especially someone he knew and was helping at one point. Oh well, at least it gives Sendhil something interesting to do, and I'm sure it'll all make sense at some point.

On a related note, who gave HRG the blood!? It had to have been Bob or Elle, because in the van, Mohinder was still looking at the gun and feeling like the most evil person in the world, so he must not have given it to HRG. But why? Didn't Bob have plans for that blood, and wouldn't he have noticed if Elle gave it to him? And we also *know* that Claire still things HRG is dead, if we can believe a teaser where she throws his ashes into the ocean. Did Bob know what was going to happen...the Hatian knew about the paintings...aaah! I will just have to wait and see. Awesome mirror image of HRG coming back to life the same way Claire did when she was on the autopsy table. Thanks for the pics (Backlit Badass being my favorite), thanks for the blog, and thanks for an AMAZING SHOW!
Anonymous said…
the slusho pics reminded me of something. in the last episode of season one heroes the title was "How to stop an exploding man" in the second trailer of cloverfield there is a woman who looks like she is exploding.she must have slushoed herself.Ha Ha.
rekkair said…
Agreed, this is by far the best of the season. Not a single complaint I can think of, only praise. Awesome slusho pictures by the way, here's hoping Cloverfield is actually good.
Jonathan Kelly said…

That's all I can say.


It's episodes like this that make me happy I have eyes and ears that work and can enjoy such a masterpiece.

If there was ever evidence that shows the foolishness of the studios to not give the writers what they deserve, this is it.

I'll be on a high for at least a day after watching this episode.

P.S. You should give HRG his own spinoff, he's that good.
Avi said…
The flying scenes on this episode were definately some of the smoothest I've ever seen on a TV show. Good job! Wasn't young Hiro in the first season when Bennet gets Claire from Kaito, playing gameboy? A different actor?
Anonymous said…
If the pictures are any indication, working on this show must be a blast!
Kelley said…
The pic of "MATT TRANSPORT[ING] SLUSHO TO SAFETY" cracked me up. They were all cute but that one got me good.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the Cloverfield Slusho pics this time, too!

Isn't Grunberg also in that movie?

hasulad said…
amazing episode. BUT,
I remember seeing Clare behind a wall near HRG's body on Isaac's painting.

but there was no wall when he was shot ?
Anonymous said…

Why don't you and your roomate actually bother to learn what the term "gone native" means before you start throwing the "racist" label around? It has nothing to do with race. The "natives" that HRG refers to are Bob, Elle and the rest of the Company. What HRG is saying is that Mohinder is becoming one of them instead of remaining one of the good guys.

If an International audience can't understand that, then they don't need to watch. I don't watch Chinese films and expect that they conform their content and dialogue to what may or may not be misinterpreted by an American with a lack of understanding of the culture.

It's the viewer's responsibility to learn and step up their own understanding. Much like reading a book, if there is a term you don't understand, you look it up in the dictionary. You don't bash the author based on your own ignorance of the term.

As for it being a cliche, would you rather him say "gone over to the dark side"? That would have been the sloppy written cliche. And then of course someone would be on here claiming "socio-cultural implications" of using the word "dark" in a scene containing a non-caucasian.
Anonymous said…
Great episode, but how are they going to explain Sylar in NYC when last time we saw him he just crossed the America-Mexico border with two other characters; who now do not fit into the accelerated story arc?
Any ideas?
Lucy said…
Patrick, you seem unaware of the origins of "gone native", so let me clear it up for you: it originated in British India, where it was a derogatory term for British people who started to integrate with the local Indian culture - which was, by the mores of the colonists, pretty much the lowest thing a good British gentleman could do. Its meaning may have transmuted somewhat, but its origins remain, and are remembered - especially by Indians. To use the phrase of an Indian (or, really, anyone from the ex-colonies) is to invoke that subtext of disdain towards their culture, and to imply that they are only acceptable while following instructions from white people.

I'm not claiming that HRG intended it as an insult within the context of the show - clearly, he was talking about Mohinder and the Company. I'm not even claiming the writers intended the subtext. But I think it's pretty clear that the use of the phrase to an Indian character was at best jarring - it threw me right out of the scene - and, at worst, deeply insulting to a lot of South Asian viewers. It's not what HRG meant that's the problem - it's the implications of using the phrase, which are all the worse precisely because the writer seemed unaware of them.
Anonymous said…

Nuff said! Love it!
Anonymous said…
LOVED this episode. And thank you a million times, and a million times more, for NOT killing HRG permanently. He better stay alive as well. No reviving him just to kill him again as with D.L, please?
But seriously, LOVE! for this episode. It even made West and Elle interesting. Wow.
I'm stunned that TV can be this good.
Anonymous said…
Greg, did you know there is an actress named Victoria Pratt who played on a TV series in Canada called Mutant X.
Anonymous said…
looove the episode
Anonymous said…
And much like "Company man" it as a good episode - not quite up there (perhaps we are missing
Eccelston and HRG together again), and there are things which I still find annoying about the
characters not *talking* to each other when I think they should. Some dynamics are born out of what I
consider contrived silence - yes it would have made a slightly different story, but that doesn't mean
bad (also which originally sprung to mind was: Why doesn't HRG get some other glasses, at least for a
Not that this was bad overall, it was much better - in fact this was probably the best of the season -
alas for me the rest of the season has been less than i hoped for. I think this episode was not only
stronger because so many of the new people were not there (what a joy to avoid the temporal
twins who keep killing and healing in a perpetual circle), and we return to the core group most people
care about instead of a larger group of people they never learned to care about (and when West falls
the viewer can at least entertain the notion that he dies on impact!). I suspect Krings notion of having a
revolving door of people is one of those concepts which sound interesting to writers but would be a
hard sell to viewers many of whom i suspect are there for additive emotions not subtractive.

The writing well, ok, but not something to write home to Ma Whedon about (oh wait, her son is on another show ;)

I generally like the directors choices as well, though find it slightly scary that it is almost perceived as a disaster if there is a scene with several words of dialog. Slight visual confusion on the graveyard 17 year hence, where it looked to me like little Hiro was looking at double old dad.
Anonymous said…
This was definitely the best episode this season. I was thinking it was among the best EVER right up to HRG coming back. Sigh.

The good: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for Kristen Bell in her bikini. Can I push my luck and ask for one of those pictures to be posted on here?

Is there any character on the show that can have a fist fight with someone and then turn around the next minute and recruit him to a cause better than HRG? I loved it and of course the creative use of Mr. Muggle's bath tub.

I definitely got a perverse thrill watching Mama Petrelli finally getting hers. For once this manipulative witch was finally made to do the bidding of another. You go Mark Parkman!! Or should we now call you Eden ?? Looks like Peter is all the more powerful now too.

Hiro Hiro Hiro. Sigh. One kiss with a woman that he didnt stay with and now he is in a blood feud with an indestructable man. Didnt he learn his lesson last year with Sylar about how futile it is to stick his sword into a man who cant be killed? Oh wait that was future Hiro, LOL....I loved the scene when modern day Hiro and boy Hiro both adjusted their glasses at the same time....

The Bad. Suresh...Geeze his character is dumb as dog-poop. Anybody figured out why he still on the show now that he has presumably warned all those with special abilities about the dangers they face **snicker snicker**

The Ugly...Major HOLE in the plot. Season 1. This abilities come from the BRAIN remember? That is why Peter was temporarily dead when he had glass in his brain, why Sylar ate people's brain and why Lindeman died when DL ripped his BRAIN out. Now Claire's blood is causing people like HR to regenerate too? Come on now! ITS THE BRAIN! I guess the regenerative ability can be short lived in these guys, but it shouldnt be at all!!!

Please please please, the bikini photo of Kristen!

Thanks for everything.
AscendedTauri said…

YOU GUYS ROCK for putting those up!

Here's to Cloverfield! And the best market campaign I've ever seen!
Anonymous said…
To Lucy, "You should tell your indian flat mate that she should save up for a shrink - there was nothing wrong with that line - only your friend being overly hysterical"

(And before someone starts to rant about race - there is no support in science for the notion of race in humans, its an old colonial way of supressing people. Enlighten yourself here )
Lucy said…
To Lucy, "You should tell your indian flat mate that she should save up for a shrink - there was nothing wrong with that line - only your friend being overly hysterical"

Oh, right - how dare she be offended at something which directly touches on her cultural background! And, of course, she's just a hysterical woman, so her opinion doesn't actually count. She must be mentally ill or something!

Jesus, but you're pathetic. If you don't have an actual _argument_, don't bother.
Anonymous said…
This Episode Was Totally Badass my favorite scene is when HRG tied up elle & she tried her powers on him & then is backfierd & she electrocuted her self the HRG was like "Hurts Like A Bitch Doesn't It?" Bottom Line BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonasi said…
Question: Did Angela give Matt the name "Victoria Platt" or did she convince him not to take the secret from her, in which case he got the information elsewhere?
Andrea said…
One of my favorite episodes! Much deserved kudos to Yaitanes! I absolutely loved the shots and that means a lot coming from someone who doesn't pay much attention to that stuff =P They were all so noticeably graphic and breath-taking. This was a major part in the greatness of the episode. Have him come back!

Pokaski is the man. FYG was my favorite last season, and he really delivered in this episode. So many great and memorable lines! And the season 1 references were funny as well.

Those pictures are probably the greatest I've seen -- ever!!
Anonymous said…
Loved it! Best one yet.
Anonymous said…
OH how I wish you would have had this blog during your Smallville days.

thanks for the BTS
Anonymous said…
I love this cast even more now.
Jolls said…
oh God, is Peter going to tear the head off Lady Liberty!?
Anonymous said…
Aha, awesome pics and I love your blogs. I'm just sad that theres only 11 episodes...
Blade said…
I just wanted to say that anyone who didn't see EVERY. SINGLE. POINT. of this last episode from at least 3 episodes ago (which is the last one that I watched), except for the things that were setup specifically in this episode for later use in this episode, are the reasons why people call TV the "idiot box".

Anyone who didn't see the end coming from at least a mile in, is an idiot.

That said, however, the episode itself was completely farking awesome.

Now, the Heroes guys need to figure out how to do all that, WITHOUT giving all your stuff away 3 episodes ago.
Unknown said…
Lucy, "Gone Native" is the intelligence term for when a double agent switches loyalties to the organization he is penetrating.
Anonymous said…
I think Lucy's roomate is one of those people who question why Angel Food cake is white and Devil's Food cake is brown. She should meet up with the person who claims that the reason we don't like Maya and Alejandro is because they're Hispanic. Or that because Simone and Isaac were killed the show is racist. The person named one more but I can't remember. Besides, I didn't think that Isaac was non-white. What about Charlie? She was white. And the super-sonic hearing lady- she was white. And the chearleader- she was white. People are just looking for reasons to get annoyed.
Anonymous said…
I think Blade just replaced Bacci0 as the biggest A-hole on this blog.
Anonymous said…
Lucy I find your use of the Lords name in vain offensive. See how easy it is to pick apart something someone says?
Andrew MacNeill said…

Who gave HRG the blood?

Why couldn't it be Mohinder? He realized what he's done, he KNOWS the blood can save him and he has butt heads with Bob before.

Also interesting to note, no glasses needed. Sure it could be because he's waking up - BUT it could also be because the blood is regenerating him and any previous "ailments".

Awesome episode!
lisam33 said…
What is this two episodes left?
For the whole season?
Please tell me it isn't so.
Anonymous said…
Please help: was the Slusho cup actually in Monday's episode? If so, what scene was it in?
Anonymous said…
Please help: was the Slusho cup actually in Monday's episode? If so, what scene was it in?
Anonymous said…
Big question!

How the hell did you get a new Panic! At the Disco song to play before it's even been released?
Melian said…
What a glorious episode. I had to be at work at 10pm, so I missed the last 8 minutes. I felt my heart leave me when HRG got shot... he is so multi-dimensional, he's one of the best characters on any show ever. So badass but so... human! Never have I been so upset!

Slusho! Love the pics! I want one! XD
Anonymous said…
I cannot express how thankfull i am that HEROES is finally back on track. The season was was a bit of a lackluster up until this episode which blew me away.
Amazingly directed, acted and written. It was like watching the first season (emotionally wise) and it reassured me that this is the best show on t.v.
Thanks to all involved and looking frwd to the upcoming chapters...
Anonymous said…
Great show! When it was over though, one thing kept bugging me. If HRG was "dead", how did the IV drip circulate through his body? Without the heart pumping and keeping the blood flowing, he'd just be a very large pin-cushion... Yeah, I can "believe" the part about Claire's blood reginerating his body (OK, forget blood-typing, rejection, etc.) but I just can't get over the problem of how to introduce it into his damaged system to begin with.
Anonymous said…
beaman, ya crack me up!!!! love reading your posts. wish i'd known you when you lived in hawaii. anyway, i support the writers. studios: don't be sooo greedy. this is really an issue about fairness. share the wealth, even if it's (allegedly) "not much."
Anonymous said…
Beautiful cinematography this episode, and I loved the less frenetic pacing and the focus on one story. Ditto to the comments about a similar episode dealing with the Petrellis, (including Claire!)
Anonymous said…
I love the Slusho picture series, very funny, hahahaha. :P Sad that this season is about to end soon with the last 2 episodes left. :(
Anonymous said…
i love the pics!
and this week's episode did indeed KICK ASS!!
Anonymous said…
this episode was made of win!!!! i love every second of it!!!!really!!!
i love number 8 finally peter and nathan!
But i didnt like 1 to 6 in general there were some tiny good things in them but nothing more...

i want to say this because ..well i have to say it...

I need i so much need with all my heart and soul i need the petrelli brothers together in a lot of scenes and i need the petrellis with Claire together in a lot of scenes!!
I miss them so so much!!!!

Please dont do that again! they need to be near each other like any family!
Anonymous said…
this episode was made of win!!!! i love every second of it!!!!really!!!
i love number 8 finally peter and nathan!
But i didnt like 1 to 6 in general there were some tiny good things in them but nothing more...

i want to say this because ..well i have to say it...

I need i so much need with all my heart and soul i need the petrelli brothers together in a lot of scenes and i need the petrellis with Claire together in a lot of scenes!!
I miss them so so much!!!!

Please dont do that again! they need to be near each other like any family!The lack of petrellis moments and peter and claire moments is killing me!
Anonymous said…
The episode was fantastic I could not help but cry during almost the last 10 minutes, I thought it was only me, but I am happy Mr. Beeman also welled up. Really, the past two episodes have been just great!!
Jonathan said…
John Clifton, if I had to guess, HRG's blood while not moving since he was dead. But, it's likely that:

A) A small amount of the blood was injected into his heart, so it would restore function to the tissue around him begin pumping. Or,

B) By virtue of the way Adam's blood works, and it's likely the blood is either Adam's or Claire's, the moment the blood touches injured tissue it would begin restoring normal function almost immediately.

I wouldn't read too much into the how it doesn't work, know that whatever it is, their blood is probably some combination of cell and virus, extremely resistant to disease of any kind.
Anonymous said…
Lisa, I really think Mohinder being Indian and them using "gone native" was entirely coincidental. I am sure any offense was not meant and they would have used the phrase if it were any other character switching sides while infiltrating the company he initially was trying to take down. I'm sorry "gone native" can be interpreted in such a way that would get your friend so upset though.
hasulad said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
hasulad said…
how come no one has realised that , the scene where HRG got shot was not the way ISAAC drew it ??????????????
The drawing was dark and clare was behind a wall ?!
Anonymous said…
This episode was excellent.

The Japanese kid did a very good job.
Anonymous said…
This episode was excellent.

The Japanese kid did a good job too!
Anonymous said…
This episode is the best episode since Company Man. I've cried both times HRG was shot. I was pretty sure he was gonna be alright but still, I couldn't help myself!
The showdown scene was just perfect in every artistic way. You guys should keep HRG in Heroes. He is the most interesting character. I wonder if he is going to reunite with his family and his glasses!!! I can't think HRG without them.
Herval said…
Slusho rooolzzzz!!!

Episode 9 was the BEST of Season 2 so far. EXCELENT work!
Anonymous said…
The scene that Hiro says his last goodbye to his father almost made me cry! The entire episode was amazing.
Anonymous said…
you guys DO know that matt is in the cloverfield movie right?? :P

im guessing that the only reason y slusho was in heroes xP
Admin said…
Soy un creativo que vive en el fin del mundo, que sueña con trabajar en series como esta. para asi alimentar la creatividad y la imaginacion de quienes lo miran.
Anonymous said…
I hope if you do an episode about the Petrellis, you'd leave Claire out of it. We don't need an added baggage to the already complicated dynamic of the family. What I really want to see is how Peter and Nathan interact with their mother and father. Some kind of flashback.
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful episode! I loved every minute of it! Well, I did miss Sylar, but besides, that an excellent excellent episode! I can't wait for next week's (which will have Sylar I hope)! Keep up the awesome work!
Anonymous said…
Good ep. They are getting more interesting eack week. I find I am enjoying it much more when more of the character's are coming together. One thing I find lacking is that we haven't seen much of Sylar recently, but fingers crossed that he's featured more in the last two eps of season 2.
Anonymous said…
I don't think Claire was behind a wall in Isaacs painting. I think she was behind West. Which is why HRG immediately said no boys. He wanted to prevent the picture from coming true and if she didn't have a boyfriend it couldn't.
Anonymous said…
Please don't kill Nikki!!! Is she in the next episode? Will Claire's blood save her?
Anonymous said…
Please figure out a way to keep Sylar out of it! We need a new villian, after all, the comics don't keep the same old villian in the mix. He needs to disappear for about a season, then reappear. You should have left him in the jungle.
Unknown said…
Thank you so much for this amazing episode!

This is with no question the best show on TV.

Here at Guatemala City there are many fans of Heroes.

We are expecting to watch more about this great adventure!!

Keep the good work!
Anonymous said…
which beach in los angeles?
Anonymous said…
Wow great inside into filming this ep! And Slusho rises again! Now I know there is more to it since first seeing it at Comic Con this summer
Anonymous said…
Greg Beeman: I hope you remember me. I met you at a meeting @ Paramount many years ago. I have followed your career with pride from Philadelphia. You're just the best. Your old friend, Louise
Anonymous said…
I love the HRG backlit pic. :)
Anonymous said…
I think the Popeye reference was awsome... but please, there is way to much returning from the dead... like if everyone just needs a drop of blood... then wtf.. can we just bring like all those Sylar killed back and make Peter just as powerful? FYI-there is actually a Slusho machine in Brooklyn, NY...

Oh and whats the mothers power?
Anonymous said…
loved these pictures!! excellent episode too!, my favorite so far.. hehe

i always watch heroes... can't wait for the next episodes and seasons!
Anonymous said…
dposse, no SLUSHO is a fictional drink that direct JJ Abrahms invented and thus includes in all of his projects, Heroes has a small tie to him therefore the SLUSHO
Anonymous said…
Best episode of Season 2 and it is the second best after Company Man. I loved Slusho pics. HRG episodes are always good. Let Mr Coleman know that we love him.
Anonymous said…
I really envoyed this episode, it was tense and subtil. It's getting better episode after episode.

I liked the fact that no matter what HRG did to change his fate, the picture's prediction occured (made me remember the unavoidable death of I.Mendez).

BUT even if HRG is one of my favorite character (he has charisma, and he is ambiguous, he is not THE good guy or THE bad guy, I love that), his resurrection made me feel relieved and disappointed at the same time.

We had all this touching conversation between Hiro and his father about accepting people's death and then what ? HRG dies but lives again thanks to a little amount of his daughter's blood...

IMHO you should have made a choice, you had to kill him for good (don't like this idea) or to show us a HRG wounded but not dead, no resurrection please.

The other thing that annoyed me is young Hiro playing with his sword near his mother's grave...

Otherwise everything was great, and Elle ! OMG I'm already attached to her character, poor thing.

Thank you for this blog, sorry for my bad english.

Anshine from France.
Anonymous said…
Great episode!
Thanks for posting those pictures.
Anonymous said…
thank you nice sharing

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my favorite pic was the one w/ kristen and the cash...i luv that pic
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Matt Parkman demuestra sus habilidades telepáticas cada vez más desarrolladas, utilizándolas de una manera muy abusiva con tal de conseguir sus objetivos de revelar el caso de Kaito Nakamura. Confronta a Angela Petrelli, para volverla una mujer honesta sacándole mucha información, pero cuando muestra resistencia antes sus órdenes, ella le dice que si le arranca el secreto de la ubicación de Victoria Pratt, Matt no solo será como su padre, será el.

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Matt Parkman demuestra sus habilidades telepáticas cada vez más desarrolladas, utilizándolas de una manera muy abusiva con tal de conseguir sus objetivos de revelar el caso de Kaito Nakamura. Confronta a Angela Petrelli, para volverla una mujer honesta sacándole mucha información, pero cuando muestra resistencia antes sus órdenes, ella le dice que si le arranca el secreto de la ubicación de Victoria Pratt, Matt no solo será como su padre, será el.

Al final del episodio se ve que Matt tiene una lista de casi todos los fundadores de la compañía identificados como fallecidos; Hiro dice su discurso expresando que no elogia a su padre y que el no estará muerto mientras conserve sus lecciones; a la familia Bennet esta deprimida por la muerte de Noah; a Bob, Elle y Mohinder escapando después de haber asesinado a Noah, y por último a Noah siendo resucitado por la sangre de Claire
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Matt Parkman demuestra sus habilidades telepáticas cada vez más desarrolladas, utilizándolas de una manera muy abusiva con tal de conseguir sus objetivos de revelar el caso de Kaito Nakamura. Confronta a Angela Petrelli, para volverla una mujer honesta sacándole mucha información, pero cuando muestra resistencia antes sus órdenes, ella le dice que si le arranca el secreto de la ubicación de Victoria Pratt, Matt no solo será como su padre, será el.

Al final del episodio se ve que Matt tiene una lista de casi todos los fundadores de la compañía identificados como fallecidos; Hiro dice su discurso expresando que no elogia a su padre y que el no estará muerto mientras conserve sus lecciones; a la familia Bennet esta deprimida por la muerte de Noah; a Bob, Elle y Mohinder escapando después de haber asesinado a Noah, y por último a Noah siendo resucitado por la sangre de Claire
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Matt Parkman demuestra sus habilidades telepáticas cada vez más desarrolladas, utilizándolas de una manera muy abusiva con tal de conseguir sus objetivos de revelar el caso de Kaito Nakamura. Confronta a Angela Petrelli, para volverla una mujer honesta sacándole mucha información, pero cuando muestra resistencia antes sus órdenes, ella le dice que si le arranca el secreto de la ubicación de Victoria Pratt, Matt no solo será como su padre, será el.

Al final del episodio se ve que Matt tiene una lista de casi todos los fundadores de la compañía identificados como fallecidos; Hiro dice su discurso expresando que no elogia a su padre y que el no estará muerto mientras conserve sus lecciones; a la familia Bennet esta deprimida por la muerte de Noah; a Bob, Elle y Mohinder escapando después de haber asesinado a Noah, y por último a Noah siendo resucitado por la sangre de Claire
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