A short blog tonight – sorry. But a reasonable number of pictures – so, hey, that should satisfy!

Tonight’s episode was written Adam Armus and Kay Foster and was directed by Allan Arkush. It features another tour de’ force performance by Zach Quinto and the return of Ellen Greene. Ellen is great. The best. She and Zach really enjoy working together. It also features Sylar interacting with Micah for the first time – another intriguing interconnection.

Anyway – I hope you like the episode. Season three comes to a close next week. I directed next week's episode. A longer blog is promised.




















Serena said…
Tonight's episode was amazing! I can't even decide on a favorite scene. Though Sylar morphing into Virginia, trying to work through his demons with her that way - beyond words. I love that whole sort of "Psycho" take Sylar had.

I cannot wait for next week though! The promo looks fantastic. Sylar and Claire's "date" is going to be amazing, I can tell already. And I'm really hoping we get some pics from that scene because it just seems like it was too much fun. Until next time: great ep, great update!
Anonymous said…
Definitely one of my favorite episodes to date.

Zach Quinto... wow. He was phenomenal.

The scene with Micah in Sylar's apartment was so intriguing! I wanted it to be longer. :(

The finale is going to be fantastic.
Great work, guys!
Steph said…
I am intrigued by this Cristine/Željko development. Give us some Gossip Girl details on this, please.

Kidding aside, I think Željko Ivanek's portrayal as Danko has been an excellent addition to Heroes this season. I'll be sad to see his character inevitably killed off too. [shake fist]
Anonymous said…
The promo was amazing, we want pics of the date. Sylar and Claire
AB said…
the pic of jack and hayden is cute beyond words and the family portrait :D
good epi greg, sylar stuff was really creepy , loved it.

i'm lookin forward to last episode ,sylar gettin kinda lovey dovey with claire lol and some petrelli lovin between the bros ^.^

hoping for pretty pics, especially hayden ones , or hayden/zach ( you havent posted one in a long time )
Anonymous said…
Awesome episode guys *claps* I can't for next week! and I'm really looking to that Sylar/Claire (and pics of it just because I love ZQ and HP :D)
edukateyourself said…
I love the Claire/HRG picture, the family portrait and Allan Arkush's Ramones t-shirt! :) This episode was really good. The Sylar/Mom thing was really creepy. Please do not let Nathan die AGAIN.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for the pictures, Greg! Love the one with Hayden and Jack, and then the one with Cristine and Željko. They knew each other since they were teenagers?! Awesome. That's one of the reasons your blog is so awesome, we get to find out interesting tidbits of the actors! :)

"I Am Sylar" was pretty good! It was great seeing Ellen, even if only for an episode. Maybe in Volume 5 a character named Ned will be introduced, LOL.

As good as this volume has been, though, I have to say that the scenes of Sylar and Claire in the preview for the finale made me nauseous. The way he was touching her hair and looking like he wants to win her over, simply because they're both "special" and are going to live forever. Gross. He's way older than her, he tried to kill her multiple times, he stole her power from her (clear-cut metaphor for rape), and it wasn't so long ago that we were led to believe they were related. The idea of Sylar fixating on Claire in a sexual or romantic way just makes me sick, so I'm hoping that the scenes won't be as cut and dry as what we're seeing in the promos.
Anonymous said…
wow, clint howard.
Anonymous said…
This episode was truly very good. But please don't kill Nathan!

Really if the season ends with Nathan, and I mean the real Nathan, dying, that will be the end of Heroes for me. God can't you just, for once, let Nathan finish a season alive and kicking!

I hope I won't be disappointed, I hope the writers will surprise me in a good way. Nathan is such a compelling character, and he has so many great interactions with the other characters. He is quite central to many relationships, so please, I really hope you didn't destroy all of that.
Anonymous said…
OMG Awesome episode. Again. I loved it all! There really isn't anything I didn't love. Great work!!!

I can't wait until next week when I will surely see that Nathan survives another season... I hope. I'm biting my nails here! Don't let Nathan die! Again.
erin said…
Once again, Quinto was an absolute epic win in this ep! I also thought Adrian was just phenomenal and owned his role as Nathan/Sylar-as-Nathan like never before.

And despite my hate for the commercial break, I loved the Grunny hybrid commercial (though my DVR missed it...human error!)--hope to see it on youtube. Greeen Grunny FTW!!

The pic of Hayden with the HRGlasses is epic! <3 Sorry for my lack of comments this season, but I have been watching live religiously. :) Thanks, Beeman!!! :D
Ruby said…
Lovedddddddddd this ep. The Sylar/Mom thing was really creepy and yet heartwrenching at the same time. Zach was usual. Y'all should just make it official and turn this show over to him, I would not mind at all.
Anonymous said…
Weren't we supposed to actually learn something new about Sylar tonight? That's what the writers on BTE kept saying, anyway. So what exactly did we learn? That he has mommy issues? Wow, what a stunning development. Never woulda seen that one coming.
Unknown said…
Wow, I recognize this show again! Things are looking up. Not only were the Sylar scenes with his mother a very effective retread of Season 1 ground, I also loved seeing Adrian Pasdar and the other actors playing as Sylar. While we may not have really learned anything new about Sylar, it was just so awesome to feel like the character was coming from a definite place, and for the show to take some time to develop where his psyche was at that moment... kudos.

Thank you to everyone who works on this show, I'm looking forward to the finale and the next season.
Anonymous said…
Well, at least Sendhil Ramamurthy still gets paid as a regular (I hope), even if he's not actually getting to work on that show.
Barak said…
People need to stop with this "If Nathan dies I'll never watch again" crap. Grow up people! It looks like one of the Petrelli brothers is going to die, it was bound to happen sooner or later. If Nathan goes up against Sylar and isn't killed then there better be a good reason as to why not.

As much as I like Adrian, I think Nathan has done just about all he can on the show.

Tonight's episode was great, definitely left me wanting more. I'm sad next week is the season finale! Great work guys!
TIffany said…
Last night's episode was amazing. But I have a feeling next week's is going to be better! Sylar/Claire is going to be amazing! Hopefully you can give us some awesome Zach/Hayden pics!
Anonymous said…
Great show. Lots of fun to watch!

Loved Clint Howard. Cool "Star Trek" connection, too!
NINI said…
Zach was awesome! It was a great Sylar-centric episode! I just don't understand why people want to get rid of him..

Anyway, do we really need to revisit the beginnings of the Company in Season 4? It's the past, and we already knew a lil about it. Do we really have to go in detail?

Seeing Hiro so weak makes my heart ache. And I'm telling you, it's Ando that'll die.
poppy said…
i love that sylar saves micah, so whats up with sylar being able to pull that knife out of his head? is he able to heal no matter what now? i'm so happy that ellen green came back!
there needs to be a hero that can talk to animals- would that be interesting??
Anonymous said…
poppy said "there needs to be a hero that can talk to animals- would that be interesting??"

How can you forget: "high five, turtle!"

Heroes has regained its season one glory. Production/acting have been top notch throughout, but the writers have finally got back on track. KEEP IT UP.
Anonymous said…
for the love of god, give peter powers again instead of just one at a time...have sylar and peter as extreme opposites was the best part of heroes
Miri L. said…
omg <3 sylar/claire is my whole life. no joke. haha <3
Anonymous said…
Sylar takes the shape of a chair?
Melanie said…
The "watch" scene between Sylar and Danko was fabulous! They both owned the heck out of that scene! Props to Quinto for a hell of an episode! Can't wait until the finale... I'm betting that Sylar or Nathan will die, although I seriously hope Nathan doesn't! The Petrelli brothers have such a good dynamic.
Anonymous said…
best line of the night: Sylar, pulling knife out of head, "that hurt"
Anonymous said…
Are you kidding me? All that psychodrama stuff with Sylar/Virginia was awful.
Anonymous said…
just curious,

which classic horror film will you guys borrow from next

you have done the fly, and now psycho....maybe frankenstein?
Anonymous said…
Nathans story is FAR from over. It would be a great disrespect to the fans, actors, and characters of the show if they kill Nathan off right when him and Peter reconnect and him and Claire bond. Seriously I will have lost all faith in this show if they do that.

You know whose story is done-SYLAR!! He has been done to death. OMG Sylar has mommy issues! OMG Sylar has daddy issues! OMG Sylar kills another person! YAWN

Oh and Daphnes body isn't eve dead and Matts already forgot all about her GREAT WRITING!!

Could of spent half of the episode on other characters and not having to rush the finale but choose to have an "Aw Sylar idenity crisis" Eyeroll

Go ahead kill Nathan off and keep boring repetitive characters like Sylar or Mohinder looking at his fathers research. No wonder this show is going down the crapper. One less they can lose anymore.

They have completely disrespected the fans and the actors on the show who deserve so much better
Unknown said…
Can't wait for Sylar/Claire pics from next episode. Looks AMAZING.
Anonymous said…
8:16 PM

as hayden was bangin milo, and zach isnt that much older than milo, is better looking and a better actor...why does the thought of sylar jumping claires bones creep you out?

personally, i wanna find out what happens when claire has sex

she must still be a virgin...why happens when the hymen regrows?
Unknown said…
I'm officialy impressed, Mr Beeman!! Great episode. Zach and Ellen were great... can anyone say Psycho??? You guys have made a wise use of the identity crisis to get into Sylar's mind and give him a direction again. Great job. What can the Petrellis do to stop him? ANd I'm also wondering what ahppened to Hiro, and why did his nose bleed... it doesn't seem to be getting nay better in the next episide, judging by the promos.
About Nathan's posible fate: well, I have to say that I still think it's a little soon to kill him. He needs another volume and we need to see Heidi and the kids again. It's a good moment to consider that, after what you've done with the Parkmans. I think Nathan is going to die at Sylar's hands sooner than later, but please... give him some time, and give us fans the chance to see him alive and kicking at least one Season Finale, please. It's also very boring and tyring having to be worried about him every Season Finale, don't you think so??
Finally, Mr Beeman... my email again, so that you can contact me and I can tell you about how much we european and latin american fans love the show and share some awesome ideas with you. PLEASE, PLEASE!!! (Still waiting for you) Contact me at:

Big kiss form Spain to all the Heroes cat and crew, and to all of you fans!!!
Hellfyre D said…
I think the series has gotten some steam back ... but I'm still waiting for more heroics ;) I'd like to see some costumes or maybe an actual assembly beyond the Patrelli extended family ... maybe something closer to The Avengers?
Anonymous said…
EFF this show if Nathan dies. I hope it gets canceled midseason!
Anonymous said…
What I think would be cool, ok peter and nathan fly into fight sylar.. The all fight a little and peter is knocked out.. sylar kills nathan and flies off(nathans power) with nathans body. Sylar shows up after the battle as nathan claiming he defeated sylar or some how ran him off. He convinces for the most part peter and clair who he is.

Next season nathans personality starts showing thru and at times takes control of sylar. this gives him a almost conplete dual personality; sometimes he literally is nathan. Maybe in the end The part that is nathan helps peter finally defeat sylar.

Just my thoughts,
Yokoromo said…
PLEASEEEEE.... dont kill nathan :(
we dont want to sylar play nathan... please pitty pleasee...

btw.. i love your blog and i love the petrelli family... its a lot like my family with out the powers haha... Keep Nathan alive !!
Bart said…
The beginning of season 3 was a bit depressing. To many story lines etc.
But after the x-mas break well, it's as awsome as season 1.
Really loved it.

Keep up the good work and maybe till season 4????

That be awsome:P
Unknown said…
What has really turned me off from this show is Peter losing his powers and Sylar growing stronger and stronger. Yeah, Peter gets to have 1 power at a time now, and yeah we got to see him learn how to be a hero without his full (and ever growing) compliment of powers. I believe the reason the writers have not yet given him back his full powers is that they are worried that there will always be questions like "well why didn't Pete just use power A or power B"...but c'mon it is a TV show about people with powers...the viewer should be suspending disbelief anyway

Give Peter back all his powers, or at least his main one (acquiring powers of anyone he comes in close proximity to)
poppy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
poppy said…
so what would happen if peter touches sylar- do he have the ability to take other powers the way sylar was learning to?- I mean without chopping the head off.
Anonymous said…
This was a very good episode however, it will be a real shame if Heroes goes on without Ali or Adrian. They bring so much more to the show than Sendhil does. Not his fault, but he is limited.
dazzling d. said…
Cute Claire!
Anonymous said…
Great episode. Loved the promo at the end. I'm so gutted we won't see the show for a while I'm actually going to wait for the stupid BBC to air the finale rather than online (as usual).

I've heard you guys are going to use the young actors from 1961 in volume 4, if this is true please get young Linderman to have some more dialect coaching, his accent was appalling (maybe he can get some advice from Sendil, although his accent has been slipping of late), bad enough he doesn't look like older Linderman (which I'd forgive if he sounded English). Really distracting for us Brits (well me anyway).

Keep up the good work though (and more Masi please, as usual so underused, next season don't have such big gaps between Hiro episodes the dramatic ones can be really depressing and drag without the comic relief)!
Anonymous said…
During the scene with Sylar and Micah escaping the agents, it would have worked better if we'd not seen the real Micah til after Sylar had fallen over the side (kind of ruined the surprise).
Loved it anyway though, and please don't say that Hiro is about to lose his powers AGAIN! He's only just got them back (can't Mohinder lose his instead, he might be easy on the eye and played by a lovely bloke but his character is getting annoying?).
Jemiah said…
Awesome... you've got lightning in a bottle in that Quinto fellow. Superb!
domandkat said…
Looking forward to the last episode tonight, but got to thinking how confused I'm going to be next week when I see Star Trek. I think I'm going to have trouble seeing Sylar as Spock. I'll keep waiting for Spock to morph into Sylar or wonder when the back story will come on how Sylar got pointed ears! or better yet expect Spock to cut open alien's heads!
Anonymous said…
This was probably my favorite episode to date.
also, piCtures does not have a X in it
Sad to see u leave to show Greg. You have done a tremendous job. Seems like u made some good friends on the set judging from your latest blog post. You will keep bloggin I hope? :)
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