Sorry for getting the blog up a little late this week.
Sadly, here at the HEROES offices we’ve dropped below a skeleton crew to a nobody crew, and I got stuck doing all the computer uploading, research and spell/fact checking alone. If there are more mispellings and fact mistakes than usual, forgive me!
So… Tonight our eleventh episode aired. It was written by Jeph Loeb and directed by Allan Arkush, both of who did their usual outstanding job! And I hope you all agree it is a fitting end to this segment of the season.
This time I thought I would do something a little different. I’ve been meaning to interview our composers Wendy Melovin and Lisa Coleman since way back since last season. I’ve actually tried to do it several times, but our schedules have been notoriously out of sync with each other. Now we finally hooked up.
The music of HEROES is I think, one of its most important elements. It is moody and ethereal and both unsettling and uplifting all at once. The instrumentation and orchestration are highly unusual. There’s also a lot of it. Two or three weeks before the show is on the air, we have a spotting session, where the producers Wendy and Lisa go through the picture and specify where we want music and what emotional effect we want out of the music. At the end of those sessions we always joke, saying, “well, this time there were only five music cues. All of act one. All of act two. All of act 3. All of Act 4 and all of act 5." By the way, that’s A LOT. Thirty to thirty five minutes of a forty-two minute show. I’d guess that’s maybe double an average TV show. And Wendy and Lisa will then have, frequently, less than a week to compose and record all of it.
I met them in their studio which is a unique and funky place in Hollywood, they call the “tree house” It’s a low ceilinged space, up a winding flight of steps, that is both cozy and crammed with so many instruments, mixing boards and hard drives that you can hardly believe it fits. They gave me a cup of coffee and we got started...
GREG BEEMAN: So, first of all, how long have you two known each other.
WENDY: Oh. Since we were two.
GB: Really? You’re kidding?
LISA: Our Dad’s were both studio musicians in Los Angeles. They knew each other and played together. They actually were in this same building for many years.
W: The A & M building. Our first band together was when we were 7. It was called “The Waldorf Salad”
L: Which isn’t a name we picked. Our parents picked because at that time we all went to a Waldorf School, Highland Hall, here in L.A.
W: The first real band we had – the first time we made money we were about 11 with my brother and sister.
GB: Cool. I’m so sorry I’m no naïve. Is this all common knowledge?
W: For Wendy and Lisa fans, yeah. But not to the general public.
GB: Okay great. And so, when did you hook up with Prince?
L: I joined Prince’s band in ’78 or ’79. He was looking for a female keyboard player. A friend of mine brought him to see me and I ended up joining his band.
GB: And you went to Minnesota?
L: Yes, where it is SO cold.
GB: How about Wendy?
L: She was visiting me in Minneapolis, and there was a sound check.
W: There was another musician who, well, lets say, was having a bad day and didn’t show up for sound check.
L: I suggested that Wendy play for the sound check, and so she sound checked with the band and she just shredded it. Prince was blown away.
GB: And the rest was history.
W: The rest was history.
GB: Okay, so how and when did the transition to music for movies and television happen.
W: Always. We always had an interest in it. It just seemed natural. Lisa father was an experimental musician, who worked on many films and art projects.
L: And Wendy’s father was a top piano player who played on many soundtracks, especially with Jerry Goldsmith as well as other composers.
W: It was a natural progression. Even before Prince, we always wanted to do music for film. We used to listen to records of soundtracks and read the score.
L: I was a total geek. Not cool at all. It was always a culture shock for me to be in the pop world.
GB: So what was the path that led to doing your own scores?
W: A movie called TOYS was our first opportunity. We did a title sequence for Hans Zimmer. And then Trevor Horn. And then Mark Isham, and he handed a movie over to us, which was the movie DANGEROUS MINDS with Michelle Phieffer, our big break.
L: Which, of course, mostly led to us doing a lot of low budget urban movies.
W: We started doing a lot of bad movies. Bad TV pilots.
L: Some were good. Some you don’t even want to mention.
W: And then we met Allan Arkush.
GB: That was a big turning point?
W: That was everything. That changed everything.
GB: What happened.
L: He called us up. He knew our work and he wanted to meet us. He was doing a David Kelley TV show called “SNOOPS” and he said they wanted it to be a little more rock and roll, a little offbeat.
W: We heard what it was about, and we were like, “I don’t know.” We weren’t sure we were interested.
L: But we went to Allan’s office to meet him. And Allan knows EVERYTHING about music. Everything about our Dads. Everything. More than we ever knew.
W: And there on his wall was a picture, of my brother, who had died a few years before. Allan had directed a movie called GET CRAZY, and my brother had worked on it. And there was this picture of Allan and my brother, who had passed away, and Allan didn’t even know it, but right then we knew, “this is fate.”
L: And we’ve done everything with Allan ever since then.
W: 150 hours of music later. And it has changed everything.
GB: And it all led to HEROES…
W: And HEROES changed everything again.
GB: Why?
W: Because it’s a true artistic endeavor. Every week. A lot of times with music for television, what your asked to do, it’s like bad porn.
GB: What does that mean?
W: You have almost no screen time to make any statement, to build any character. You don’t own any of the black, meaning the time when the act ends and it goes to black for a few seconds before commercial, and so you’re supposed to just jam home whatever the main emotion it is they’re going for. Nothing is contrapuntal. Nothing is subtle.
L: It’s so uninspired and uninspiring. With most TV it’s a job, a craft, not an art. You have short scenes and the music cues are so short. And network executives get scared whenever you DO experiment, so it’s frustrating.
GB: For instance?
W: Well, a small example, on CROSSING JORDAN, which was a good show and good musically, but originally Jordan’s character was supposed to be Irish. So we tended to play this up with a lot of Irish instruments and instrumentation. And sure enough the note comes down, “Can we back off the Irish stuff a bit.”
L: TV in general wants to hit every demographic, to appeal to the broadest audience possible. So, in doing that, the music tends to become generic. You can’t be hot or cold, you have to be lukewarm. If it’s funny, it’s a rim shot. If it’s sad it’s strings. If it’s exciting, it’s drums, and so on.
W: When it came to HEROES, We had done one cue for the pilot that was very dreamy. And another, exciting cue for an action scene. And Tim Kring came in to see what we were doing, and he said “Hey, let’s try the dreamy cue under the action scene.” And that became the cue under for Claire, when the trains on fire. Which has become a signature piece of music for the show.
L: And that was huge. When Tim said, “Let’s play the dreamy cue under the action scene,” it changed everything. It focused our minds on what this show could be and how it could be different.
GB: Did Tim talk a lot about what he wanted the music to be at the pilot stage?
W: He talked in a general way. He talked about the emotions and the directions of the characters. He gave us the idea he wanted to be incredibly unusual musically. And he definitely gave us the idea that we could have a lot of freedom and that we could really experiment.
L: He talked a lot about about subtext also. In HEROES every scene has MASSIVE subtext. The music is making the viewer unconsciously listen in a way that makes them believe there is more going on than what you see.
W: We have to work the same way you and Allan direct. We ask ourselves, “How are we going to tell this story and get from point “a” to point “b” emotionally?” What was Allan telling us, that in this 11th episode he had a scene in the vault that was two pages, but that it was so dense, it took 65 setups to tell the story? Well, that’s how the music is too. There are A LOT of layers, there’s A LOT going on in the music.
L: For instance, in the scenes between HRG and Claire, on the surface you may have a scene where the father is taking the daughter to school. On the surface it’s mundane. But there are layers and layers in that relationship. Layers of deceit. Layers of lies. Layers of mistrust. Layers of loyalty. And, also, always, and very strongly, layers of love. Well, all those things have to be told musically.
W: We do it the same way you guys shoot it. When you do a big swooping crane in, we have to support it. And... What’s that lens that you always use? The one Allan used so much in this episode, so that HRG’s glasses are in focus at the same time Bob is in focus.
GB: The swing and tilt lenses?
W: Yeah. Well, we have to do that too. We have to tell two or more very different stories, at the same time with the music.
L: Themes of intention. Themes of subtext. Themes of implication.
GB: That’s interesting, because I find in my own work, these days, and now that I’ve matured and hopefully gotten better, that I do A LOT of very complicated things with the camera and the blocking, all to support the emotion of a scene. But, when it’s all put together, it’s all very subtle. It isn’t really noticed. I experience the music on this show the same way. It affects you, and it moves you, actually very strongly, spiritually really... but you don’t notice it doing so. Maybe your work is like mine, it’s best when it’s not calling attention to itself.
W: If you study it, it’s much more complex than it seems. On the surface, much of the time it’s pastoral. But if you break it down, if, for instance, every piece of music was a color, if you broke it down and looked at it, you couldn’t tell what color was the main one, there are so many.
GB: Well the music works, everyone loves it. I actually don’t think you ever get network notes. Do you?
W: No. Allen and you give notes in the spotting session. Tim always has notes. There are notes from Tim and Dennis and Allan at the playback, and we still shift cues around. But, no, I think this is the first time in fifteen years that we really don’t get any network notes.
GB: Whose actually playing? Do you bring in musicians?
W: Just the two of us play everything.
L: It’s where the classical training comes in. We can play everything. And we’ve been building, and spending a lot of money of building up our music and sound effects library for this show.
(At this point I look around. Damn. There are a lot of hard drives here.)
W: We have 3 huge Intel Macs, we have a hard raid system, and we have so much information.
L: We need a lot. There are 30 to 35 minutes of music per show, which is unheard of in TV.
W: And we do not re-use music. I know it seems like we can or should. But when you get into these scenes, you can’t. There is always some new element or layer that makes it not possible to re-use an old cue.
L: We have our legends. What music goes with what character?
GB: What are some examples.
L: Mohinder gets a signature piano sound, which is now used at the end of the show.
W: There are actually four completely different pianos that we use in the show.
L: Mohinder's is a Bulgarian piano. We play it super compressed, like it’s coming out of a faraway radio – that’s because he’s so analytical, he’s always trying to figure it out, trying to dial it in.
W: Peter is marcato strings.
GB: What’s “marcato?”
W: It’s just an instruction to the musician of how to play the instrument. Marcato indicates to make quick, strong jabs with the bow. It felt right to play his character that way, like, “I’m going to be a hero now.”
L: Hiro is always marimbas and bassoons, always staccato to emulate a clock, like time, controlling time.
GB: I also hear a lot of, what sounds like wind, like controlled noise, wind moving through pipes.
W: We do a lot of wind, it’s true.
GB: It adds tension.
L: We have a lot of different wind. We used to do a really cool thing with the character of Claude, which was wind mixed with voices. It felt like there was a ghost in the room. There are also a lot of drones and chants that we mix into a lot of the music. This is because Mohinder, the narrator, is Indian.
W: Whenever Niki is being possessed by Jessica, there’s a piece we use that uses Indian voices chanting, which gives the scene a feeling of her being possessed. There’s a possession when she’s in the middle of a violent act she’s not in control of. So we use incantations to underscore this.
L: With Matt, when he's reading minds, we play voices, chanting voices, backwards, because it seems to us, that's his experience, he's drawing thoughts out of people's minds, so those thoughts would travel backwards.
GB: Wow. Which of your father’s was an experimental musician. It sounds like it’s served you well.
L: Mine was. And yes it has. Although now I call it, a “sound artist.”
GB: Okay, tell me about Shenkar. He gets his name in the credits next to your composer credit.
W: Well, he is probably most famous for being the vocalist in Peter Gabriel’s score for “The Last Temptation of Christ.” And also for “The Passion of the Christ.” And, as I said, Tim gave us the idea that we could do ANYTHING on this project. So we approached Shenkar and asked him if he’s like to be the guiding voice for the heroes on their quest. To me he IS the voice of HEROES. Years from now, whenever they parody the show on MAD TV or SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE or whatever, I’m sure they will parody him, because he is the voice of the show.
GB: What is his nationality?
W: He’s Indian. But he’s here in L.A. a lot. Here and there. He’s a very mysterious guy.
L: And he never lets you see him sing.
GB: Huh? How does that work?
L: I write down some instructions of what we’re looking for, and lay down three or four minutes of a drone in “D” and also in “E” and “A” and he literally comes in, in the middle of the night, when nobodies here and lays down his voice over the drone.
GB: That’s crazy.
W: That’s Shenkar. He's our mysterious little goblin.
L: We originally just wanted everything he did long and smooth and legato. Lately I’ve been wanting him to come in again and do some quicker pieces.
GB: Okay, last thing. Tell me about Allan Arkush who directed tonight’s episode
W: he is the most musical person I’ve ever worked with, even in the music business. He knows exactly what he wants.
L: His notes are SO specific. To the frame what he wants and to the instrumentation that he wants.
W: And he never forgets a note. If he says something at the spotting and weeks later at the playback, you didn’t do it. Allan remembers.
L: Allan is the best. We really are so connected to him now. It's a great relationship.
GB: Wow, That’s great. Thank you so much. Maybe now the fans will be able to listen more carefully to the amazingly deep music you guys write for this show.
And that’s it!
Fans, I wish I could tell you what's happenin g, but I truly do not know what the future holds. None of us in Hollywood knows when the strike will be over, or if when and how many more episodes of HEROES will happen this year.
But no matter what, we WILL be back, serving you to the best of our abilities, as soon as we can.
As for this blog – it will go dark now – until the show is back on the air. Thank you all for this opportunity. This blog is half like a term paper I have to write every week, and half an incredible opportunity to become more directly linked to you guys… Our fans who are our life’s blood. It's become a very special experience for me to put it out there for you every week.
Until we meet again…. PICTURES!!!





















Sorry for getting the blog up a little late this week.
Sadly, here at the HEROES offices we’ve dropped below a skeleton crew to a nobody crew, and I got stuck doing all the computer uploading, research and spell/fact checking alone. If there are more mispellings and fact mistakes than usual, forgive me!
So… Tonight our eleventh episode aired. It was written by Jeph Loeb and directed by Allan Arkush, both of who did their usual outstanding job! And I hope you all agree it is a fitting end to this segment of the season.
This time I thought I would do something a little different. I’ve been meaning to interview our composers Wendy Melovin and Lisa Coleman since way back since last season. I’ve actually tried to do it several times, but our schedules have been notoriously out of sync with each other. Now we finally hooked up.
The music of HEROES is I think, one of its most important elements. It is moody and ethereal and both unsettling and uplifting all at once. The instrumentation and orchestration are highly unusual. There’s also a lot of it. Two or three weeks before the show is on the air, we have a spotting session, where the producers Wendy and Lisa go through the picture and specify where we want music and what emotional effect we want out of the music. At the end of those sessions we always joke, saying, “well, this time there were only five music cues. All of act one. All of act two. All of act 3. All of Act 4 and all of act 5." By the way, that’s A LOT. Thirty to thirty five minutes of a forty-two minute show. I’d guess that’s maybe double an average TV show. And Wendy and Lisa will then have, frequently, less than a week to compose and record all of it.
I met them in their studio which is a unique and funky place in Hollywood, they call the “tree house” It’s a low ceilinged space, up a winding flight of steps, that is both cozy and crammed with so many instruments, mixing boards and hard drives that you can hardly believe it fits. They gave me a cup of coffee and we got started...
GREG BEEMAN: So, first of all, how long have you two known each other.
WENDY: Oh. Since we were two.
GB: Really? You’re kidding?
LISA: Our Dad’s were both studio musicians in Los Angeles. They knew each other and played together. They actually were in this same building for many years.
W: The A & M building. Our first band together was when we were 7. It was called “The Waldorf Salad”
L: Which isn’t a name we picked. Our parents picked because at that time we all went to a Waldorf School, Highland Hall, here in L.A.
W: The first real band we had – the first time we made money we were about 11 with my brother and sister.
GB: Cool. I’m so sorry I’m no naïve. Is this all common knowledge?
W: For Wendy and Lisa fans, yeah. But not to the general public.
GB: Okay great. And so, when did you hook up with Prince?
L: I joined Prince’s band in ’78 or ’79. He was looking for a female keyboard player. A friend of mine brought him to see me and I ended up joining his band.
GB: And you went to Minnesota?
L: Yes, where it is SO cold.
GB: How about Wendy?
L: She was visiting me in Minneapolis, and there was a sound check.
W: There was another musician who, well, lets say, was having a bad day and didn’t show up for sound check.
L: I suggested that Wendy play for the sound check, and so she sound checked with the band and she just shredded it. Prince was blown away.
GB: And the rest was history.
W: The rest was history.
GB: Okay, so how and when did the transition to music for movies and television happen.
W: Always. We always had an interest in it. It just seemed natural. Lisa father was an experimental musician, who worked on many films and art projects.
L: And Wendy’s father was a top piano player who played on many soundtracks, especially with Jerry Goldsmith as well as other composers.
W: It was a natural progression. Even before Prince, we always wanted to do music for film. We used to listen to records of soundtracks and read the score.
L: I was a total geek. Not cool at all. It was always a culture shock for me to be in the pop world.
GB: So what was the path that led to doing your own scores?
W: A movie called TOYS was our first opportunity. We did a title sequence for Hans Zimmer. And then Trevor Horn. And then Mark Isham, and he handed a movie over to us, which was the movie DANGEROUS MINDS with Michelle Phieffer, our big break.
L: Which, of course, mostly led to us doing a lot of low budget urban movies.
W: We started doing a lot of bad movies. Bad TV pilots.
L: Some were good. Some you don’t even want to mention.
W: And then we met Allan Arkush.
GB: That was a big turning point?
W: That was everything. That changed everything.
GB: What happened.
L: He called us up. He knew our work and he wanted to meet us. He was doing a David Kelley TV show called “SNOOPS” and he said they wanted it to be a little more rock and roll, a little offbeat.
W: We heard what it was about, and we were like, “I don’t know.” We weren’t sure we were interested.
L: But we went to Allan’s office to meet him. And Allan knows EVERYTHING about music. Everything about our Dads. Everything. More than we ever knew.
W: And there on his wall was a picture, of my brother, who had died a few years before. Allan had directed a movie called GET CRAZY, and my brother had worked on it. And there was this picture of Allan and my brother, who had passed away, and Allan didn’t even know it, but right then we knew, “this is fate.”
L: And we’ve done everything with Allan ever since then.
W: 150 hours of music later. And it has changed everything.
GB: And it all led to HEROES…
W: And HEROES changed everything again.
GB: Why?
W: Because it’s a true artistic endeavor. Every week. A lot of times with music for television, what your asked to do, it’s like bad porn.
GB: What does that mean?
W: You have almost no screen time to make any statement, to build any character. You don’t own any of the black, meaning the time when the act ends and it goes to black for a few seconds before commercial, and so you’re supposed to just jam home whatever the main emotion it is they’re going for. Nothing is contrapuntal. Nothing is subtle.
L: It’s so uninspired and uninspiring. With most TV it’s a job, a craft, not an art. You have short scenes and the music cues are so short. And network executives get scared whenever you DO experiment, so it’s frustrating.
GB: For instance?
W: Well, a small example, on CROSSING JORDAN, which was a good show and good musically, but originally Jordan’s character was supposed to be Irish. So we tended to play this up with a lot of Irish instruments and instrumentation. And sure enough the note comes down, “Can we back off the Irish stuff a bit.”
L: TV in general wants to hit every demographic, to appeal to the broadest audience possible. So, in doing that, the music tends to become generic. You can’t be hot or cold, you have to be lukewarm. If it’s funny, it’s a rim shot. If it’s sad it’s strings. If it’s exciting, it’s drums, and so on.
W: When it came to HEROES, We had done one cue for the pilot that was very dreamy. And another, exciting cue for an action scene. And Tim Kring came in to see what we were doing, and he said “Hey, let’s try the dreamy cue under the action scene.” And that became the cue under for Claire, when the trains on fire. Which has become a signature piece of music for the show.
L: And that was huge. When Tim said, “Let’s play the dreamy cue under the action scene,” it changed everything. It focused our minds on what this show could be and how it could be different.
GB: Did Tim talk a lot about what he wanted the music to be at the pilot stage?
W: He talked in a general way. He talked about the emotions and the directions of the characters. He gave us the idea he wanted to be incredibly unusual musically. And he definitely gave us the idea that we could have a lot of freedom and that we could really experiment.
L: He talked a lot about about subtext also. In HEROES every scene has MASSIVE subtext. The music is making the viewer unconsciously listen in a way that makes them believe there is more going on than what you see.
W: We have to work the same way you and Allan direct. We ask ourselves, “How are we going to tell this story and get from point “a” to point “b” emotionally?” What was Allan telling us, that in this 11th episode he had a scene in the vault that was two pages, but that it was so dense, it took 65 setups to tell the story? Well, that’s how the music is too. There are A LOT of layers, there’s A LOT going on in the music.
L: For instance, in the scenes between HRG and Claire, on the surface you may have a scene where the father is taking the daughter to school. On the surface it’s mundane. But there are layers and layers in that relationship. Layers of deceit. Layers of lies. Layers of mistrust. Layers of loyalty. And, also, always, and very strongly, layers of love. Well, all those things have to be told musically.
W: We do it the same way you guys shoot it. When you do a big swooping crane in, we have to support it. And... What’s that lens that you always use? The one Allan used so much in this episode, so that HRG’s glasses are in focus at the same time Bob is in focus.
GB: The swing and tilt lenses?
W: Yeah. Well, we have to do that too. We have to tell two or more very different stories, at the same time with the music.
L: Themes of intention. Themes of subtext. Themes of implication.
GB: That’s interesting, because I find in my own work, these days, and now that I’ve matured and hopefully gotten better, that I do A LOT of very complicated things with the camera and the blocking, all to support the emotion of a scene. But, when it’s all put together, it’s all very subtle. It isn’t really noticed. I experience the music on this show the same way. It affects you, and it moves you, actually very strongly, spiritually really... but you don’t notice it doing so. Maybe your work is like mine, it’s best when it’s not calling attention to itself.
W: If you study it, it’s much more complex than it seems. On the surface, much of the time it’s pastoral. But if you break it down, if, for instance, every piece of music was a color, if you broke it down and looked at it, you couldn’t tell what color was the main one, there are so many.
GB: Well the music works, everyone loves it. I actually don’t think you ever get network notes. Do you?
W: No. Allen and you give notes in the spotting session. Tim always has notes. There are notes from Tim and Dennis and Allan at the playback, and we still shift cues around. But, no, I think this is the first time in fifteen years that we really don’t get any network notes.
GB: Whose actually playing? Do you bring in musicians?
W: Just the two of us play everything.
L: It’s where the classical training comes in. We can play everything. And we’ve been building, and spending a lot of money of building up our music and sound effects library for this show.
(At this point I look around. Damn. There are a lot of hard drives here.)
W: We have 3 huge Intel Macs, we have a hard raid system, and we have so much information.
L: We need a lot. There are 30 to 35 minutes of music per show, which is unheard of in TV.
W: And we do not re-use music. I know it seems like we can or should. But when you get into these scenes, you can’t. There is always some new element or layer that makes it not possible to re-use an old cue.
L: We have our legends. What music goes with what character?
GB: What are some examples.
L: Mohinder gets a signature piano sound, which is now used at the end of the show.
W: There are actually four completely different pianos that we use in the show.
L: Mohinder's is a Bulgarian piano. We play it super compressed, like it’s coming out of a faraway radio – that’s because he’s so analytical, he’s always trying to figure it out, trying to dial it in.
W: Peter is marcato strings.
GB: What’s “marcato?”
W: It’s just an instruction to the musician of how to play the instrument. Marcato indicates to make quick, strong jabs with the bow. It felt right to play his character that way, like, “I’m going to be a hero now.”
L: Hiro is always marimbas and bassoons, always staccato to emulate a clock, like time, controlling time.
GB: I also hear a lot of, what sounds like wind, like controlled noise, wind moving through pipes.
W: We do a lot of wind, it’s true.
GB: It adds tension.
L: We have a lot of different wind. We used to do a really cool thing with the character of Claude, which was wind mixed with voices. It felt like there was a ghost in the room. There are also a lot of drones and chants that we mix into a lot of the music. This is because Mohinder, the narrator, is Indian.
W: Whenever Niki is being possessed by Jessica, there’s a piece we use that uses Indian voices chanting, which gives the scene a feeling of her being possessed. There’s a possession when she’s in the middle of a violent act she’s not in control of. So we use incantations to underscore this.
L: With Matt, when he's reading minds, we play voices, chanting voices, backwards, because it seems to us, that's his experience, he's drawing thoughts out of people's minds, so those thoughts would travel backwards.
GB: Wow. Which of your father’s was an experimental musician. It sounds like it’s served you well.
L: Mine was. And yes it has. Although now I call it, a “sound artist.”
GB: Okay, tell me about Shenkar. He gets his name in the credits next to your composer credit.
W: Well, he is probably most famous for being the vocalist in Peter Gabriel’s score for “The Last Temptation of Christ.” And also for “The Passion of the Christ.” And, as I said, Tim gave us the idea that we could do ANYTHING on this project. So we approached Shenkar and asked him if he’s like to be the guiding voice for the heroes on their quest. To me he IS the voice of HEROES. Years from now, whenever they parody the show on MAD TV or SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE or whatever, I’m sure they will parody him, because he is the voice of the show.
GB: What is his nationality?
W: He’s Indian. But he’s here in L.A. a lot. Here and there. He’s a very mysterious guy.
L: And he never lets you see him sing.
GB: Huh? How does that work?
L: I write down some instructions of what we’re looking for, and lay down three or four minutes of a drone in “D” and also in “E” and “A” and he literally comes in, in the middle of the night, when nobodies here and lays down his voice over the drone.
GB: That’s crazy.
W: That’s Shenkar. He's our mysterious little goblin.
L: We originally just wanted everything he did long and smooth and legato. Lately I’ve been wanting him to come in again and do some quicker pieces.
GB: Okay, last thing. Tell me about Allan Arkush who directed tonight’s episode
W: he is the most musical person I’ve ever worked with, even in the music business. He knows exactly what he wants.
L: His notes are SO specific. To the frame what he wants and to the instrumentation that he wants.
W: And he never forgets a note. If he says something at the spotting and weeks later at the playback, you didn’t do it. Allan remembers.
L: Allan is the best. We really are so connected to him now. It's a great relationship.
GB: Wow, That’s great. Thank you so much. Maybe now the fans will be able to listen more carefully to the amazingly deep music you guys write for this show.
And that’s it!
Fans, I wish I could tell you what's happenin g, but I truly do not know what the future holds. None of us in Hollywood knows when the strike will be over, or if when and how many more episodes of HEROES will happen this year.
But no matter what, we WILL be back, serving you to the best of our abilities, as soon as we can.
As for this blog – it will go dark now – until the show is back on the air. Thank you all for this opportunity. This blog is half like a term paper I have to write every week, and half an incredible opportunity to become more directly linked to you guys… Our fans who are our life’s blood. It's become a very special experience for me to put it out there for you every week.
Until we meet again…. PICTURES!!!

That said, the scene with Nathan and Peter and Hiro and Adam facing off was incredibly powerful, nicely done.
I have to say I really hope they didn’t kill Nathan and let Maye and Sylar still live. Maya is just not a good character and Sylar needs to die because him doing the same thing over and over is not entertaining. Now that he has his powers back what’s to stop him from blowing up the city so he could then become president like he wanted to last season.
I just hope Nathan really isn’t dead because there is no reason why he should be dead he is great and I hope you know that he is a popular character. If Matt can survive four gunshot wounds to the chest and Sylar can survive being stabbed than Nathan should still live.
I enjoy this blog and read it every week (it's a great connect!) but I hope the next volume's storylines are more compelling with a more even focus on characters. I also hope there is more involvement from characters such as Nathan, Angela, and others. I was incredibly interested by the idea of "Generations" but I found the execution lacking. When will we find out about stuff like the inherited nature of abilities? I am finding that my enthusiasm for the show has dampened.
The blog and pictures are a fantastic delight after each episode and we can never express enough gratitude for them. Thank you.
Yes, this episode was pretty damn awesome, indeed. You guys did a truly excellent job. Two thumbs waaay up. 'Be a shame for it to get ruined by a tragic consequence, really.
We love you and everybody involved in the writing and producing of Heroes. I mean it, every single soul. True love and dedication, I'm not kidding. So it is of the utmost importance for you all to remember nothing is ever unconditional, and for this love to remain pure and untainted NATHAN PETRELLI MUST LIVE.
And also many thanks for yet another great chapter (season?) and spectaculair finale episode. I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode we've gotten this year and I can't wait for the show's return.
I absolutely LOVED this episode. It was incredible. My favorite part was when Mohinder and Sylar got reunited, their scenes were FANTASTIC! Jeph Loeb deserves a round of applause for the writing here, IMO.
To all the people worried about Nathan: I think he'll live, or get healed by Peter somehow. Adrian Pasdar is too good to let go ;)
But I'm not against the idea of Mohinder/Elle. There's some chemistry here.
I don't think it's too much to ask for our favorite characters to be given equal treatment as other characters like Peter, Hiro, etc. To strung us along like this until God-knows-when is just cruel. I hope that episode 12 screening will include Nathan in it.
Heroes is my favorite show on TV. I really think you take TV as an art to a higher level. Everything about it is awesome and so well put together. Thanks for making such a great show!
Before this, there's nothing that will make me stop watching Heroes but this is just too upsetting. This entire storyline look like it's written at the last minute and without any thought of what will happen next. The bottom line is, expect myself and many other Nathan fans to walk out of this series if he's no longer on the show.
This whole season has been disappointing. You guys added too many new characters and instead of killing them, you decide to kill the original characters who are far more interesting? That to me shows that you guys no longer know what's good for the show and what's not good for the show.
I will add my voice to all the others you are hearing - please bring back Nathan. I watched the clip of Kristen at E! Online that says the writers are split about whether or not to bring him back. I can understand that. I can understand that it sort of cheapens the death to just immediately bring him back in ep 12. Who knows, it might make Peter grow up a bit. Although, I think it will actually hurt him more than help him. Peter is very fragile and Nathan is the most important person to him. If you kill him off, I think it will push Peter over the edge, and I would hate to see that happen, as he is my favorite. But as much as I love Peter, he's not quite the same without Nathan... I love them together and have missed seeing them together. For that brief 5 minute stint that we saw them together last night, I was ecstatic.
So while I can see the conflict, please, bring him back. Adrian Pasdar is an extremely talented actor and his character is very important to the show. I really love all the characters and hate to see anything happen to them. But I agree with what several others have said - to bring back HRG, and Maya (and *cure* Sylar) but allow Nathan to die, would be a travesty. It would almost be cheating, I think.
I would still be a fan of the show, because this show rocks. And this last episode knocked my socks off. So I would still faithfully watch... but I definitely would be disappointed.
However, all that being said, I hope the strike ends soon and we see you back here sooner rather than later. I heard there is going to be a big Heroes shindig on Dec 14 or 15 or something in L.A. where a clip of episode 12 will be shown...
Um, can you see me? This is me pouting. :p I live no where close to L.A., so I won't be able to attend. You say that this blog will go dead until the show comes back on the air... can't you come back and give us a small blog of that L.A. event? For those of us who can't attend? :) Pretty please?
Eh, well, it was a good try. :) Thanks again for the blog! I'll be waiting!!!
I thought last night's episode was the best ever. So much tension and me squealing a lot, and whoever decided to give the Sylindar back to the fans??? Really needs brownies. I mean, really. Zachary and Sendhil just light up the screen together, and everyone in my household was loving it.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I wait with bated breath for Volume 3, whenever that occurs.
I hope that the writing gets back up to the level of Season 1. Last season I was obsessed, and now I am barely interested. You have a lot of great actors and you barely give them anything to work with. For gods sake, give Kristin Bell something interesting to say! Hayden and Jack too. Aaaaargh!
the show is perfect as it is, i never know what will happen next! when will the music be released on cd? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE release a cd and give Wendy and Lisa a bigger segment on the season 2 dvd set. they are such an integral part of the show. it would be great to show their process for start till final lockdown of an episode.
cause then Peter will just kill her and I won't have Cristine on my TV anymore. And I don't care how bad she is, I just want her to love her sons. :)
I know this wasn't your orginal ending. Is there is a way you can talk about what you changed and why. I think I see some pictures from that ending in there?
And yes Cristine is the Queen. I just can't look at her for like four months while I recuperate from that ending.
But then I have to hear from Kristin Veich that the writing and production stuff is undecided whether to bring him back. You have to be joking, right?
Wasted potential and chemistry doesn't even begin to describe it if that is true. Why did you make Claire his daughter if there was never going to be a follow up? They have hardly interacted and there is still so much potential. We also don't know what the Petrelli parents were up to and Nathan is a key figure in this, too.
But most of all you can't kill one of the brothers. Peter's and Nathan's relationship was one of the cores of the first season and keeping them apart for this volume lessened my enjoyment of the show a great deal. Peter's character in particular suffered from the separation because it wasn't used for any character development. Peter and Nathan have one of the most interesting brother relationships I have seen on television; it was one of my favorite aspects of the show. Milo and Adrian have fantastic chemistry and Adrian is among the strongest actors of the cast.
I can only repeat myself. What an incredibly waste, if you don't bring him back.
Tim Kring apologized to fans and promised to fix things in the next volume. Killing off Nathan is NOT THE WAY TO DO IT!
And then there is his awesome relationship with Peter, which is the foundation of this show. I heard you guys wait until the last minute to cast Nathan and Peter. To actually waste away Adrian Pasdar after all of that hard work is such a disappointment.
Most of all, I don't understand why we Nathan fans have to suffer through this all over again. I actually cried in my workplace the last time you put Nathan in cliffhanger. It's especially cruel if you make us wait for unknown months only for us to find out that he's no longer on the show. At that point, I'll be really angry like the rest of the fans and would no longer have interest in the show.
I love this show. I really do. But I love it because of its characters and how they interact. The fancy powers are just special effects that are cool and add an extra layer to it all. Nathan Petrelli is extremly important to the story, since Peter is most interesting when interacting with Nathan, and Claire as well. If Nathan is gone for good, all that disappears.
I can't even tell you how incredibly disappointed I am with you killing him off. I'm honestly considering not coming back to watching the show when it continues.
Dead Nathan + Claire's healing blood = Alive Nathan? "Just because you die on HEROES doesn’t mean you won’t come back and do a few more episodes" ;D
Anyway, I just have to say the finale was brilliantly done, given the fact that the whole season had to end on such "short notice".
Can't wait for vol 3!
As for tonight's episode:
Wowsers! Nice finish for the season finale!
I, like many others, like Nathan and would be sad to see him go.
Elle gets more intriguing and layered every episode she's on the screen! I love seeing her become so aware of her surroundings as her vulnerabilities are exposed and she starts to become enlightened of her dad's true nature. Great dynamic, I hope to see you explore her character more.
This episode also seemed to be a lot more together and focused then last week's episode. It's left me excited to see what journeys you'll be taking all of our favorite characters in Vol 3. =D
Until Heroes returns, I'll faithfully wait... at least we'll have the weekly online graphic novels to keep us company until you guys come back to visit TV land. :P
Miles of smiles!
Tim Kring apologized to fans for mistakes. And kill off Nathan would be another HUGE mistake. It would destroy one of the main storylines, you can´t do that.
I am fan of Nathan, but most, I am a fan of Adrian Pasdar who is an excellent actor. I love Heroes but I am afraid that if Nathan wouldn´t be there any more, I quit watching. I am sorry.
I wanted to write some good things about the last episodes but the end destroyed it all.
You have introduced lots of new characters who were barely developed. So you kill the old, interesting characters to make place for...what exactly? What is the point of Maya or Monica of being in the show? Don´t kill Nathan just because you want to show us another five or so episodes with Maya yelling and screaming and Monica trying to be a hero which only gets her killed.
The most favorite part of the last episode was Nathan´s flight with Matt. Another undeveloped relationship.
Don´t you DARE to kill Nathan!
Nathan is actually my favorite character because he has soooo much potential, but you guys don't want to show it for some reason. He has great chemistry with all the other chacters. Him and Matt together are gold, Loved when he met Claire, He even made me like Niki for an episode last season, Him and Hiro are always great together, and ofcourse him and Peter.
I know there are a lot of Peter fans out there but there is no Peter without Nathan. Same with No Nathan without Peter. Their relationship is the strongest on the show and we had to deal with them being seperated practically the whole 11 episodes then you wanna tear them apart.
Next season I would love to see Nathan and Peter and Claire band together and go after The Company. But will the writers be smart enough to do that or be dumb and keep Nathan dead and ruin the show even more.
Also Adrian Pasdar is one of the best actors this show has but you guys have underused him so much it's a crime. I Hope you make it up to us in volume 3 by keeping Nathan alive and giving him some screentime
No Nathan- lose me as a viewer
Please make another post about the episode. It would make my day that much brighter!
Zachary Quinto is simply unreal.
After Season 1, we all seemed to think that Heroes was a great show, with a some moments of mediocrity sprinkled in (the finale being an entire episode of mediocrity). However, the last few months has me convinced that we were all wrong. Heroes is actually a mediocre show with moments of greatness. And I think it's because the writers don't really know what they have, or how to take advantage of the elements in Heroes that make people tune in every week. And that's been pretty evident this season.
Season 2 has just been bad. Really bad.
I could use the same old sophomore slump excuse that a lot of others are throwing out, but it's more than that. We saw signs of this in Season 1. Specifically in the finale. I'm not in the writer's room, so I can't be certain, but what it really feels like is sloppy writing. It feels like the writer's just don't care enough to make sure that the stories they tell are great, or that they even make sense. The characters don't do things you would expect them to do. I could give a hundred examples, but I'll just go with one for now. Why would Peter, who is so desperate to stop the plague, and is already a little unsure about Adam's motivations, not just phase through the vault door and destroy the virus himself? Why does he let Adam go in alone? How is that not a contrived, totally unbelievable decision?
And I'm not trying to say the writers are bad, just that the writing is. It's like there's no one involved in the writing process who can see a script before it shoots and say "hey, this part doesn't make any sense at all. Let's rework that a little bit." Or, at the very least, fix some of the dialogue. Sylar, at the end of the episode, doesn't say "I'm back." That's cheesy. That's something Hiro says, it's what makes him endearing and entertaining. Sylar just smiles malevolently... or something.
Anyway, a couple of points I want to make:
1. Someone mentioned in this blog a few weeks back that movies are about the story, but TV shows are about the characters, and that totally stuck with me (sorry, can't remember who said it). Season 1 had not only great characters, but great character pairings. I think the writers knew this, and tried to take those pairings in different directions this season. Unfortunately with disastrous results:
Season 1 - These guys were probably the two most important characters to the show last season. Their chemistry as actors was amazing, and we, as viewers, totally bought into Peter as the noble younger brother who wanted to save the world, and Nathan as the morally ambiguous older brother who had his own goals, only to sacrifice it all to save his brother's life.
Season 2 - Peter lost his memory, was in Ireland, went to the future, and tried to stop a plague in a highly underwhelming story arc. Nathan went from 'is he dead' to not dead, to not doing a whole lot, to 'is he dead?' (I have more on Nathan later) Oh, and by the way, how does an assassin (HRG I'm sure) shoot Nathan in a building full of cops and just walk away???
Season 1 - These guys were the adventuring duo that showed the ideal of comic book superheroes from the Golden and Silver Ages of comics. They were also the comic relief, and it was fun to watch their journey across America to save the world.
Season 2 - Hiro did some stuff in feudal Japan, then went after Adam in a storyline that needed more time to tell. it ended to quickly. Ando... did nothing. Seriously. The show actually paid him to contribute absolutely nothing. Ando is a good character, but only as the sidekick buddy to Hiro.
Season 1 - The surprise focus of the show last year, and deservedly so. HRG was great, and Claire was very capable as probably the main character from most of last season. And her journey to find her real parents, and her interactions with the Petrellis was fun to watch. One of the coolest moments of the show last year was the scene where she has the geeky "cool" moment after learning her dad can fly.
Season 2 - HRG tried to bring the Company down, got super overprotective of Claire, died, came back to life, and rejoined the Company. Claire got a boyfriend, and cried a lot. And whined. And got mad. And cried some more.
Season 1 - This pairing's great moment culminated in the apt scene in which Mohinder fired at Sylar, who stopped the bullet, then freed himself. It was a scene that really showed that Sylar was a force to be reckoned with, and made a creepy villain even creepier.
Season 2 - Mohinder had some decent character progression, but Sylar was powerless and didn't do a whole lot until the last two episodes. Then he ended the season/volume with the cheesy "I'm back" line...
The characters are what keep us coming back, so please don't screw them up. There's a ton of great storylines in them, but I feel like it's all being stifled for the sake of overly contrived plots and situations... and terrible dialogue.
2. The action scenes in this show are horrible. Remember the episode last season "Five Years Later"? Remember when Peter and Hiro stormed that building, and everyone thought a great action scene was coming, a scene we'd been waiting all season for? And it ended up being Peter throwing a guy against a wall and Hiro somehow defeating a bunch of guys with machine guns using a samurai sword?
Well, we get more of that in this episode.
For the love of God, please think about this the next time you plan a big action scene.
3. Smallville is NOT the show you want to borrow ideas from, or writers. Smallville has become Superman's version of the 60s Batman TV show, only instead of being campy and ludicrous, it's campy and melodramatic. I know Heroes has been working with people from that show, I'm just not sure how much, but please, please, please don't use that show as a model for doing ANYTHING on Heroes. I watch Smallville to satisfy my inner comic book geek, but I have to fight through the nonsense in the show to do it. And now I'm starting to see little bits of it creep into Heroes, mostly in the poor dialogue, contrived plots, and the heavy handed drama.
Sigh... I don't have any coherent summary or wrap up to this post. It's all just some ramblings from a fan that wants this show to be more than it is, or to live up to the moments of greatness we've seen here and there (mostly there). I'll be there for Volume 3, and I'll give you guys a clean slate, but I won't be holding my breath. So take this time during the writer's strike and really THINK about the storylines, the character progression, the highs and the lows these guys will go through in V3, and make sure it's not only right for the character, but that it makes sense, and that it takes advantage of the strengths of their personalities and of the chemistry in the show.
* About Nathan... he's obviously a very popular character. Just read a forum about this show and you'll see what I mean. I don't think he's dead. In fact, it would be about the dumbest story decision I've ever seen on this show if he was, seeing as how his biological daughter can just give him blood (and I wonder if Peter is able to do it as well). Plus, like someone else mentioned, Matt got shot 4 times and survived. I think HRG shot him, and Volume 3 will spend a lot of time with the weird family dynamic between Claire's two families.
But Nathan is an interesting character to me because he seems to be the central figure in all of this. Peter is the most powerful, but Nathan is becoming the 'leader' of this supergroup it seems. He's Peter's brother, Claire's father, Matt's partner, Hiro's "flying man!" buddy, and Niki's one time affair. Plus, when he's around, he's the guy who seems to take charge, pushing Matt to go after his father, standing up to his mother, trying to out himself and the others on TV, etc. Nathan has too much potential in this show for the writers to get rid of him, unless it's several seasons down the road.
That many people agree that killing Nathan will be a big mistake. You have a chance to fix the series so I hope you don't blow it now. Nathan deserves much better than this being a plot device.
Poor us Niki lovers haven't we lost enough with DL and Jessica leaving now you take away Niki....(Goes Sobs and talks to self in a corner)
Can't wait to see if she is in next seasons premier, if not then I lost all interest.
As season one title goes
Save the World
save the cheerleader........
Save the show
save the Stripper.....NIKI
Love live Jessica
* Peter will become greatly uninteresting (proof? Eh, I present: S2.)
* A great opportunity for some Claire development is gone.
* Adrian Pasdar is one of the actors who lift the show.
Honestly. This is Emmy-worthy. In the category "stupidest choice in a show. Ever."
It's not drawing me in to watch the next couple of episodes either, because, well, until I get word on "Nathan is not permanently dead", I am not watching Heroes, no matter what the show presents. Not interesting, so I'm not interested.
If you don't do what you think is best for the show I will stop watching :) It cracks me up how people will stop watching the show because a character may or may not be killed off. Heroes is one of the best shows on t.v. and as long as you guys are putting out incredibly delicious episodes I won't stop watching. I'm keeping my finger's crossed that the show will be back on soon, I can't wait for more episodes as I'm sure you can't wait to get back to work. Happy Holidays!
By the way, thanks a lot for your blog, it's an amazing job ! I'm SO in love with this show but this seasons disapointed me, except for the brilliant interventions of Elle (wonderful Kristen <3)
But i'm SO sad that the writers killed my fav' character. Nathan is so important for the show, Adrian is truly talented and the chemistry with Peter/Milo is excellent.
Save Nathan, Save Heroes !!!!
Come on Hollywood...get your house in order!!!
Way too much time was wasted on those Wonder Twins, their story could have been told in one scene instead of all those useles scenes that should have been given to the characters we care about. Or new characters that we care about.
All the same, I love Heroes and can't wait for Season 3. But PLEASE PLEASE Fix it.
I can't believe you tried to kill Niki off Bring her back!!!! She is my favorite and is the only reason I starting watching. A friend told me to start after seeing her character I am addicted so Please let her live.
I think too much was just crammed into this season and not a lot of story and character development happened.
There were also a lot of contrived and heavy handed scenes.
As for the death. I did feel that someone shooting Nathan seemed like it was what the company
I hope he lives but really, this time, take your time in bringing him back. Make it more important to the story. See how Peter reacts to it first. And how this will affect Christine Rose's character. Like have him recover first.
As for Nikki, I also hope she returns. But also, take your time on this one. I would like to see how it affects Monica and Micah.
Ando was pretty much nothing this past season.
The villains here were underutlized as well. Matt's father would have been a better threat. Adam Monroe/Kensei could have been but it became too "explained."
I couldn't care less if Maya returns. She was whiny and boring. I like Dania Ramirez (I think she's cute!) but her role sucked. Poorly developed character.
Sylar would have been better off keeping his mouth shut in that last scene.
If Nathan dies, there'll be so many missed opportunities. We have yet to see Nathan interacting with HRG. Nathan/Niki itself has a lot of potential. And you guys ruin it just because you want some kind of shocking ending. Shocking ending will be forgotten a few days later but character development and interaction will last.
(2) Nathan is too good a character to lose. He's one of the few with any real leadership potential.
(3) At least Niki's dead.
(4) In 30-40 years, when Adam/Kensei has dug himself out of the grave, he's gonna be really pissed. Hiro screws up again, leaving the problem for another generation.
And I just wanna say that I feel like Tim Kring and Company lied to the fans.
There was no cleaning of the mistakes made this season - several characters (most, actually) were acting stupid, new and boring characters got to live wihle old and far more interesting characters get to "die."
It's not fair. It's not right.
And I do feel betrayed.
No longer am I going to trust the word of the writers and producers or Heroes because, honestly, they did nothing that they promised.
PLUS, this entire season has been terribly disappointing - entertaining, yes, but very poorly done (written, directed, produced...).
Niki, who will always be my favorite character on the show whether she's dead or not, was sidelined and used only as a deus ex machina for plots that weren't even major overall (instead, she served as the reason Sylar gets to carry on with his same old storyline of killing heroes...).
I can think of NUMEROUS ways to have given her character a storyline - Jessica being alive, Adam recruiting Niki (explain why the Symbol appeared on her back when Jessica took over), etc...And I'm not even a professional writer. I write for fun but that's it. It's sad that I can come up with storylines that would work perfectly fine while the pro writers just let her drift off the sidelines and then, ultimately, kill her off after she distantly assissted Sylar in rising back to his old, bland self.
The same can be said of Nathan.
Adrian Pasdar and Ali Larter are phenomenal actors. Not only do they have fantastic chemistry when they're in scenes together, but they make their individual storylines (when they had them)far more interesting and compelling than the writers likely even intended for them to be.
Killing Nathan and Niki was definitely the worst way to "clean out" the cast and mistakes the creative staff made in Volume II. And I will admit that I'm even contemplating giving up on the show if Kristen Bell leaves (and, of course, if Adrian Pasdar and Ali Larter are both gone from the cast, too).
I cannot word how disappointed and frustrated I am, Heroes-staff. I truly can't.
If they can't keep Niki, introduced Ali as another character who's name rhymes with Nessicuh. And if they can't keep Nathan, introduce Adrian as a different role.
But getting rid of the both of them is a HORRIBLE move on the creative staff's part.
And it's something I might not be able to put behind me.
Nice blog btw. I enjoyed season 1 but didn't enjoy season 2.
Why? Underdeveloped story-lines (who's the Petrilli father, what powers did the 12 have if any, what's the motivation of the company ect.).
Too much screen time for characters I didn't care about and too little screen time for characters I did care about. I know it's not easy to juggle a huge cast, but come on, put them all in a scene together. Read alot of comics and you'll see that this CAN be done.
Nathan and Niki dead? Honestly, I saw it comming as soon as I heard the rumers that two will die. It was not a shocker. As soon as Nathan was stepping into a press conference, I KNEW he was about to get shot. Which brings me to another annoyance, I know guns are part of life, but can't your writers come up with other ways to die other than gun shots?
At least Nikki went out in a blaze (or did she? . . . . . ).
It seems that Death in the Heroverse is contrived. If you are going to kill a character, at least make it believe and necessary to the plot. The excuse of "well people die in RL all the time" doesn't work for me, because you, the writers, have the power to create any situation your hearts and minds desire.
Now saying that, what did I love about this season?
Monica - I really like her and the fact she's starting to embrace her powers.
Michah - an annoyance at first but the fact that he liberally uses his powers is cool.
Elle - I like her. Again, she's not afraid to use her power.
Sylar - Even powerless, he always steals the scene. Gotta love Zach.
Adam - He's not such a bad ass. But I do enjoy his acting and what Hiro did to him at the end was cool. I was actually thinking, about time. I though Hero would leave him in prehistoric Canada or some waistland, instead we see him in a coffin. That was eerie, even for Hiro.
PLEASE, focus this next year on writing a cohesive plot thread that is not full of cliche's, re-hashed plot lines and throw-away characters. I want to care about the Heroes. I found myself caring about the villians more than the Hero's and that's sad.
I'll be there for Season 3, but I won't be purchasing season 2 on DVD like I did for Season 1. I still watch S1 on occasion.
Thanks again for all your work and btw, you take a cute picture.
Please Bring her back on season three
Time to focus on the cast that can actually act (Pasdar, Coleman and....that's about it) and spin up maybe a few secondary threads ( Monica/Micah could be good, Hiro/Ando was good last year) and tighter the focus of the show. Spin up 5 to 6 episode arcs that definitively end and only keep 1 season long arc going.
It's ok to have characters leave, you don't even have to kill them off. They can just exit the story.
All in all I've been pretty vocal about my disappointment with the end of season 1 and this arc for season 2. The show is totally off the track and it's bleeding viewers. I'd hate to see a good concept fall apart due to poor execution. If Heroes fails, no executive is going to green light a "comic book" type show for a long time.
Time to make the characters smarter, time to hire some writers that can write dialog and time to hire some people with experience writing serial stories. Time to reach out beyond Smallville and Crossing Jordan and get some outside help. The show needs it.
Like someone said above why go to all the trouble and revealing Nathan as Claires biological father if your not going to explore that relationship. Claire is going to need him now that HRG has gone back to the company and is back to being a baddie(even though he is only doing it to save his family)
If you lose Adrian Pasdar and his wonderful character Nathan this show deserves to be cancelled
Thanks Again for this post Mister Beeman. I will start by disagreeing with you in regards of the writing of this episode. I was shocked that a writer like Jeph Loeb ( I enjoyed his Batman stories )would resort to shooting one of the 3 characters that had development, Nathan. All in the name of a shocking cliffhanger . This was a terrible mistake, specially fan wise. The Reason: people are pissed off that you did it. If you bring him back it'll seem like an insult to all the fans and if you don't it'll be disappointing that you resorted to such an overused tactic.
Bad volume 2
This show had one good episode, the one that you directed Mister Beeman, episode 9. That's it.
The whole show had no direction, no mayor storyline, slow development, confused characters, the lack of a villain, lack of motive, disposable characters. Everything that makes a show terrible was used in this volume 2. This volume 2 sucks. Simple as that.
It is not negative feedback. I'm putting how it is. I'd need more pages to go through all the loopholes in the story and its contradictions. This is merely the blatant truth.
You really don't understand your audience. Perhaps you tried to cover too much, too soon too fast. You got a hit and you wanted it all. Where as, if a show is good, it'll spread around. If people are talking about it, it becomes interesting and someone will watch the show. (From my part I will recommend volume 1 and to stop it there.)
You know the stories that have a sequel and they're sooo bad , that you try to tell yourself that it was never made so that it doesn't ruin the zen of the first part. Well, you guys became one of this now.
Which brings me back to my last point This show is over for me.
Yep, that's it. If I want to read this kind of stories I'll get a comic book that I know will be like this. Yes, Heroes is very influenced by comic books , the difference is the medium. TV and Comics are different. I can't read a comic book with 4 of my friends at the same time but we can all watch the show at the same time.
I mean.. there were so many loop holes in this volume 2 that it was embarrassing to watch the finale.
There was no class in it, few answers, and it was obvious that Adam was going to be contained. But you didn't fix the mess that was created in the first 8 episodes.
So.. it seems to me , that the show will have to surpass volume 1's success (since volume 2 was terrible, your audience will be EXPECTING something better that the original)and that's pretty tough to do.
Even if you do, I wonder if there will be someone watching.
The show was excellent in volume 1. I still give you a round of applause for that only.
Thank you again for this blog.
Should be, maybe. I *do* love him, and I think he plays a crucial role on the show, with his complex web of nuanced relationships (with Peter, with his mother, with Hiro, with Claire, with Parkman, etc.) and his still-complicated moral perspective. If we ever get back to a point where the characters' individual notions of what it is to be a hero force them into conflict and find them making tough decisions between difficult alternatives, Nathan only stands to become even more interesting to us. Because he'll probably always be more of a pragmatist than most of the others, even if he is now equally committed to being a good guy and getting his life back together. I guess I can't see how his journey is done, so I can't see how this is the last stop. He'll be back, sez I, and Adrian Pasdar will still be just absolutely one of the most amazing actors you've ever had! (Optimism. It's how we roll. ;o9)
Meanwhile, instead, I've been wondering about the way that Peter and Hiro and other favorite characters of mine have been portrayed lately. I just don't quite understand last night's confrontation, and I'm fully willing to accept that I've just missed something, but I don't understand how the whole Peter-Hiro-Adam-Virus showdown makes sense. Peter wants to destroy the virus. Hiro wants to destroy the virus (and also Adam). Adam says he wants to destroy the virus. Peter and Hiro can stop time, 93% of the population is at stake (along with Peter's girlfriend, his brother, and his mother, still alive a year later), and no less than three trustworthy sources have told Peter this is all wrong. With stakes that high, isn't even one doubt enough to give someone as well-meaning as Peter some pause? I really don't understand how it isn't as simple as:
Peter: Hmmm. Adam, you stay put in the hallway, and I'll dust the virus like you said, 'kay? Then we'll straighten this whole thing out in a minute.
Adam: Guh, guh...
Peter: Good point, Hiro. I think Adam's a good guy, but we have bigger fish to fry right now. Lets walk through the wall, destroy the virus without bloodshed, then unstop time and work out our personal differences afterwards.
If I'm Adam and what I *really* want is to save the world from certain doom, you can clock me on the head, tie me up and leave me in the hallway, and we'll still be friends afterwards, so long as you take care of saving the human race. If I'm Peter, maybe damaging a friendship with an isolated display of distrust is still not as big of a sacrifice as losing everyone else I've ever cared about to a bleak future and a wasting disease. Plus, Adam may have saved Nathan's life and Peter may legitimately see some good in the man, but Adam volunteered to save Nathan's life rather late in the game, as a bargaining chip to get Peter to do something for him in exchange. Even if Peter thinks that's reasonable under the circumstances (thirty years in jail), is that enough of a bond to be worth risking the whole world? I don't understand.
It really felt like the prompt for the scene was someone, somewhere back in the mists of Heroes-time asking the question, 'Wouldn't it be cool if Peter and Hiro, despite how similar they are, how *good* they both try to be, unwittingly ended up at each other's throats?'
Yes! Very cool! But doesn't it seem like that could only happen in genuine extremity, when each persona desperately wants some good that would only be attainable with the other one out of the way? Here, Peter and Hiro can both have what they want! Just destroy the virus and then read Adam's mind! Then, go out and catch up over waffles.
I don't mind that Peter isn't always that clever when it comes to life and death situations. I kind of like that he's a normal guy, not a strategic mastermind, and when someone is splitting open his skull, he mostly just screams like anybody else would under the circumstances. But this is only a life and death situation insofar as he makes it one, and he doesn't want to make it one, and there just is no need to.
The biggest Twilight Zone moment for me? Nathan and Peter's lingering pep-talk in the hall, while Adam is alone in the vault. Because it seemed like last season, the joke was on Nathan and his mother and everyone else who ever underestimated Peter just because he elected to live his life as a nurturing and gentle person. They all permitted themselves to think of him as this little lost lamb, who needed them to push him, prod him, critize him - all for his own good. Wasn't the punchline, though, that Peter can play hardball about as well as any of them, and that while he needs Nathan and his family, he doesn't need them to make him brave or capable or smart enough to act on his own instincts? I miss that. And while I wouldn't balk at Peter undergoing some change that meant his brother really did have to step in and set him straight, I haven't seen that happening to him yet. It kind of feels more like he's been treated like a coat-hanger, bent out of shape for the sake of a plot-point.
I miss the days when it didn't matter as much to me what the characters were going to be doing; I just wanted to see them once a week. When Peter and Claire were funny - not laugh-a-minute funny, but quirky and fresh and original and not just making dire pronouncements all the time. (If Niki had occasionally been funny - like dark humor maybe? - would I have liked her more? I think perhaps so...) I miss when the characters got to speculate together and try to solve their mysteries and to dream and plan what to do next with their abilities. When they stopped to consider who could or couldn't be trusted. (I never cared whether they were right or wrong or whether they actually did what they said they would, it just seemed more natural for them to be as interested in where their own lives were going from here as I was). Is the idea that it's more surprising to me that Claire might, like Adam, live a very long time if she never gives it any thought herself? I dunno, I think we were all thinking that might be possible, even before Adam was a twinkle in the writers' eye. Is it a bigger surprise that White Beard wants the swordsmith for a specific purpose if Hiro and Yaeko don't seem to think it's an important question to wonder about? (I kind of think if they had just talked about stuff like that, there would have been subtexts galore, and it would have elicited so many of the facets of their relationship without as much exposition).
Anyhoo, I am puzzled by this volume, but I know you've had to work hard and long and faster than is strictly fair in order to make it happen. And I know that you got cut off before you could have the chance to tell the story exactly the way it was planned.
I'm still excited to see what happens next, I'm looking forward to the new direction (not *more* interested in villains than heroes, but equally interested), and I still trust that your show's creators, cast, and crew are some of the coolest kids on the block and are capable of some magnificent things.
First of all, it's a show where people *can* come back, we've seen it before.
Second of all, do you see Beeman talking about letting Nathan's character off the cast? No.
And third of all, sometimes the best movies or shows are the ones where a character you're very attached to gets killed off. It's very powerful and separates the show from all the others where noone ever dies and everyone lives happily ever after.
And for those of you that say you won't watch the show if Nathan's not on it me. You *think* you're hating the show cuz it potentially "killed" off one of your favourite characters...but in reality, you like it more ;)
My 2 cents.
Niki's dead. Good. Her character makes me tired. And amazingly the people who want her alive now are probably the same people complaining about the pointless direction her plotline was taking last season.
Nathan dead...maybe. Do you viewers seriously think this writing staff hasn't though of all angles?? I'm not going to limit my view of Heroes' future by what only I have seen, when I've read that Tim Kring has had a plot for 5 seasons worked out in his head since its inception. And, I'd beg to say that the Petrellis have a big role in that. If Nathan dies, the impact of that could completely upturn Peter's character. Either way, I'm willing to remain loyal.
Oh, and to the poster that said, "How can someone shoot Nathan in a room full of cops and walk away?" Good grief. We've got people that are invisible, fly, and time travel. Anything is possible.
Sylar...I'm back. I love the character of Sylar and am glad the villian is back. Every story needs an evil protagonist.
Greg, you and your team have done an excellent job pulling off a first half of a season that ended on a high note. Granted, some of the episodes thus far had been slow, but Big Props to Tim Kring for recognizing that and apologizing. I just hope the writers can resolve this issue soon so we can drink from the Heroes fountain again sooner than later.
Oh and can we please see Peter get more composed and badass so he can take on Sylar? ;) He's uber Naive!! :)
Anywhoo, love the show.
Rock on.
Both of these meet ups havent happend yet so maybe she will be back next season/volume. Especially if Ali Larter and David Anders have already filmed a scene together.......?
Please don't kill him. We love him.
nikki = lame.
jessica = pretty cool.
go big, or go home.
Niki and Jessica have been my favorite character since season one, and I hate to think that she was given so little screen time, much less meaning this season just to pointlessly die without her powers in a scenario that isn't even related to the main plot. At least in the S1 finale she had a small hand in helping in the battle against Sylar.
I am seriously considering not watching Heroes if it comes back; the story just wasn't as engaging as it was last season and without my favorite character I have no incentive to watch.
Primatech stories the deadliest virus known to humankind with in a room-tempurature test tube with some garage sale knick-knacks? The devil's poker cards! ooooh! The letter opener of doom! eeek! And it's all guarded by six rent-a-cops without guns? Seriously... WTF?
And did Peter suddenly forget he could just walk through walls?
This whole episode looked and felt cheap. Nikki's burning basement was so chintzy looking. The shots where you didn't digitally add flames looked ridiculous! And that whole scene was maddening. A gang member using $200 worth of gasoline to set fire to a building -- why exactly? Monica being a helpless crybaby? Huh? You needed a way to get Nikki in danger, and that was an incredibly sloppy way to do it. Ali Larter deserves (deserved?) better!
I also love how when Elle was bad, she could sharpshoot West & Claire out of the sky. Now she's good, she can't shoot Sylar who's a few yards away. Weak!
And so Sylar is back with all his moustache twirling melodrama. We really needed three months of Wonder Twins to get here? Again... WTF?
A weak ending to an incredibly weak season two.
Wow! What a wonderful end to the season! I live in residence at an university, and watch Heroes each week alongside 41 housemates. As the episode drew to a close, the entire room was silent. I don't think it's ever happened before!
To put in my two-cents: I really hope that Nathan doesn't die ... Besides being my favourite character, I 137% love the brotherly dynamics between him and Peter; it's a fresh look at relationships, which TV is sorely lacking these days! ..
So what was the Maya and Sylar arc all about if he ends up the same way he began? I mean, do they have a Harley/Joker relationship? (In Paul Dini's "Harley Quinn" Joker blows up and tries to kill Harley and when she manages to survive and comes back to kick his butt he complains, "Ditzy, broad, blaming me for every little glitch in our relationship." As she's ready to kill him he says "Would it make a difference if I said I'm sorry." It does.
They're passionate about each other and yet try to kill each other at different times. Or is that Elle and Sylar I'm describing.
In any case, if Maya's relationship did nothing to alter Sylar's character emotionally--okay maybe the did the horizontal mambo--we're not clear on that so what was the point?
Emotionally, nothing has been given us that resonates with any humanity such as we had in Season 1 in "the Hard Part" between Sylar and Mohinder or Sylar and his Mom.
Its true when he shot Maya, (what was that--annoyance? "Lucy, you drivin' me crazy") he could have had Mohinder try out the drug on Molly, but she wasn't the dead one. I guess he could've shot her too, then tried it out on her if he wanted Maya to stay dead. Maybe you guys are way to subtle for me.
On the whole, I'm sorry. "Powerless" looked overall, in directing and writing, like a rush job.
And what's with Peter?
First Hiro tells him, then Matt tells him, then Nathan tells him and he still hesistates for no good reason?
You guys nead to read this stuff out loud to assistants or people you trust so you the logic is understandable.
The good things were:
Nathan and Peter scenes
Mama Petrelli
HRG and Elle
Elle shooting Sylar couldn't she look out a window?
Hiro going Dark and completing his arc with Adam--that was very satisfying.
Nikki dying like a Hero--though maybe not. Second loss for Michah. Poor kid.
West leaving Claire. Claire, as always, great.
Sylar getting his powers back. Oooooh Scary stuff.
That is all.
First I just want to say thank you SO MUCH for posting this blog every week and providing us fans with great insight into the show, and amazing pictures! It's something you don't have to do, but you do it anyway and we love you for it.
Secondly... I try to avoid reading comments on here because honestly, it makes me feel terrible. I just want you to know (if you read all these comments!) that there are fans out there who LOVE what you're doing with the show and support everything 100%. These comments give the rest of the fans a bad name and that makes me angry. We love you Greg, and we love Heroes, and the ones who truly love the show will keep watching next volume (even if Nathan is really dead... which I hope he isn't... because Nathan is awesome!).
Overall, though, I did enjoy the episode. The scenes with Mohinder and Sylar were awesome.
I am a Bulgarian, and have no idea what a Bulgarian Piano is ;)
This was a beautifully constructed episode, as they have all been. It certainly pulled a lot of emotion from me, particularly the ending... And that's where I want to say that I hope you and the other creative forces involved are pulling for Nathan to stay with us. I adore his character; Adrian Pasdar is an incredible talent and brings so much to the table with every scene. I just can't stand to see him go.
My personal mantra has become Nathan saved the world... now he needs someone to save him.
love that sylar is back!!!
as far as nathan and niki. one can die, not both right now. a death will change/motivate the characters close to him/her.
do people never seem to remember peter's ability? with him meeting either adam or claire his blood can do what...?
can't wait for the new season
All the best.
BUTTTT! Why must Nathan always be a target? He's always the 'maybe going to die' character....and I just think he's such a good character that instead of putting him in a tough position you should try to expand his with Claire, Peter, etc. He has great chemistry with all the other characters and he he makes the show a lot better...and his parts are always funny.
You can't kill him off...I mean he has so many unresolved conflicts, especially with Claire, that he just can't die and never fix them.
And now I'm soo nervous that cause of the WGA strike I'll have to wait forever to see his fate....please make him come back. Please...please...he has a huge fan base and he just has to be there!!
You can't kill flying man. :(
<3 Kerri
PS. But still, as I said before, great episode. Powerful, and I was literally on the edge of my seat (couch) for the whole thing. ^_^
PPS. But we still need Nathan.
Take it easy, Beeman.
1. While Peter looked for his brain (no memory, brain) in Ireland and Maya constantly yelled "Alejandro" and was more and more annyoing, Nathan tried to find asnwers and had some goals.
2. Adrian Pasdar is one of the best actors in the show, you can´t let him go.
3. Petrelli dynamics is a core of the show. You can´t ruin it. We have seen that brothers are totally lost without each other. Peter won´t be so much interesting without Nathan being his opposite and help in the same time.
4. Claire. Why did you reveal that Claire is Nathan´s daughter when we haven´t seen anything from their relationship?
Tim Kring apologized to fans for mistakes while doing antoher one!
I mean, I would enjoy the last episode. I was so glad that you decided to bring heroes together again and especially Nathan and Matt. But the end it completely destroyed.
You brought new characters who are not interesting at all. And you killed the most interesting and complex characters there.
Please, don´t let Nathan stay dead. I am not saying I would leave, I love this show too much but Nathan is my most favorite and the show simply won´t be the same without him.
I hope you will find some time to read our pleas and our reasons for keeping Nathan in the show.
Thank you for your blog, it´s interesting to see photos from behind the scenes and read all the stuff around. But...I can´t enjoy it today because I am mad and sad.
My only question is whether the Powers-That-Be made you edit the last hug between Peter and Nathan before Nathan is shot? I have heard from friends who reads all these blogs and some of the entertainment (I use the term loosely) magazines,that some of your viewers feel the brothers are too touchy-feeley...stopping short of calling them gay.
Frankly, as someone who grew up in and around NY, NJ, and PA and who is part Italian and part Irish, used to hanging out and living in Irish and Italian neighborhoods, the portrayal of the brothers is pretty low key but accurate. The editing was just off enough to suggest that Nathan was about to kiss Peter's cheek (as the character has done before). It's something I think the editors should have left in, considering what happens immediately following that scene.
I hope you will include it in the DVD set.
Take care, and I look forward to the next volume.
P.S. It's been a treat to see Nichelle Nichols and George Takei.
West can fly but is annoying. And Peter has enough trouble with thinking straight most of the time.
It´s not about flying. Nathan was the one who used his powers least but still was interesting. He and Peter are the core of the show, their relationship is one of the best brotherly relationship I´ve seen in tv show in some time.
Please, Greg, don´t let Nathan die! You can´t do Heroes without Nathan. It wouldn´t be Heroes any more.
I enjoyed the last episode but the end ruined it all. It was great to see the heroes (finally) together again. Please don´t let it be for the last time.
I figured that the heroes would be reveaeled and there would be awesome storylines about how the world copes with it(since the number of people with abilities is growing and already considerable if I understood corectly) people without abilities may be scared,and I always figured that Nathan would be an ambassador some kind of mediator since he is a politician and he seems to have so much potential to be a charismatic public figure.I thought he could be the new President of the Company and redirect it's purpose or have a war with the Cie, build another team with him as the lead. He's born to be a leader and all he needed was to be steered in the right direction and that's where his relashionship with Peter comes into play.
Peter has much power and doesn't own them yet.He's too ruled by his emotions, He's still too insecure too naive not mature enough of a man and he needs someone to help guide him in that way. He's my favorite character because I can see the potential last season, but I found him to be lacking a lot of the times this year. I've been disappointed by him ,because he's still too weak and doesn't show enought growth. I compared his characther development with Hiro's who at the beginning was also very naive. Hiro was able to become a man and more mature because he had his father to guide him at a crucial time and Ando to lend him moral support and help him question and affirm his decisions. Nikki had Micah and Dl. Matt has Molly to ground him.
Who Peter really had ? That guy who was formerly HRG's partner (I forget his name)very briefly (and brutally). Adam who didn't really teach him anything or help him in anyway except to use him. Caitlin is not even worth mentionning,(She's not the Trinity to his Neo) This is where he desperatly needs Nathan. They balance each other.
One cannot exist without the other. Nathan has to be the one who will make him be more mature and come into his own. Give him the strenght he needs and focus him on what's important. That you showed beautifully last night when they were at the vault and Nathan made him think over loyalty to Adam and the speach he gave him right before the conference in order to keep him from blaming himself.
Claire needs him too. I've always read between the lines that althought they love her and they would do anything for her. The Bennetts resent her powers and see it as an obstacle for Claire. The want her to live a full and normal life. They don't want her to be the Hero that she ultimately needs to and will be. The don't hear her need to be all that she can be, she tries to ignore that need for their sake. But now that HRG has gone back to the Cie. Who's going the be there has a guide for her and comprehend her desire to do more if Nathan is gone. Who else can understand her need to be great and be a father figure if not her father.
She helped Nathan realize his mistakes last season and she tried to seek solace in him this season but he was too drunk to help anyone but she need him now and he'll be able to be there when HRG can't anymore. Him being in the cie will create a rift with Claire and it's the perfect time for Nathan to step up and for him and Claire to help each other be better.
The Nikki and Nathan affair. I thought something would happen eventually. I was all for it because again great chemistry. The moment between them in las vegas was romantic. But that also is now spoiled.
Also the chemistry with Peter and Nikki was great in 5 years gone but that also wasted. When Nikki finally became interesting you got rid of her. It is a shame really.
Maya is absolutely pointless. I don't even know what to say about her. She did nothing. She only wasted valuable screen time. She didn't help the story much. I'm sure Sylar would have found a way to come back to NY by himself.
I don't know why she's there after all this screen time and the episodes. He story should have been rapped up last night with Sylar eating her brain because this is what her story line seems to be aiming at. All that screen time shouldn't have been spoiled on her just for that.
Nathan is one of Pillars of Heroes. Heroes without him and his dynamic with Hiro, Nikki, Peter, Angela, Matt and all the others will be weakened. their dynamic is simply not the Heroes I have come to love and is weakened it will lose heart for me.
I became a fan of Adrian Pasdar watching this show because he seemed to raise the performance of everybody he came in contact with I think he could have chemistry with a doorknob. And he has such great acting talent he adds nuances to scenes that otherwise would seem ordinary.
There is so much possibilities with him and Nathan. If Nathan dies then I will stop watching because for me this season will seem pointless and have very little to redeem it. (I would love for Nikki to live too but I don't have much hope in her case and I'm willing to accept because I love Monica and her and Micah have a great relashionship) Please bring back Nathan.
You guys destroyed whatever goodwill that fans had towards you. Your promise to fix the show just make it even more of a bigger mess. I also agree with the others, if you don't bring Nathan back, I'm done with this show. Well, others will leave the show anyway due to the poor writing. We have loyally watch the show despite the quality just in the hope of getting our favorite character in action and this is what we get instead?
Plus Adrian Pasdar is the best acor this show has. He and the viewers have been robbed of valuable airtime and to kill him off is so disrespectful to us and to the actor.
Tim Kring will be amking just another horrible MISTAKE yet again. Last chance
This is actually *not* a comment about Nathan, or even the plot. My comment is about the video commentary.
I really savor Tuesdays for the commentaries you all post up. It always gives me a great perspective on the writing, the production, and also gets me thinking about the plot.
And please, please don't get me wrong. Wendy and Lisa do a fantastic job on Heroes. The best scores you don't notice; they work so well with the show and are so well composed it's a complete experience.
However, I really don't think that the last episode of the season was the one to have them commentating. I wanted the writers, or some of the involved actors up there, talking about their thoughts and experiences. And while I learned a whole lot from the commentary - and the music DOES get taken for granted - it was extremely unsatisfying as a commentary for a season finale.
Could have been any other episode. Any other episode at all. And again, great information. But for the finale, I didn't want to focus on the music and the music over the past two seasons, but I wanted to focus on the actual episode.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the blog. Look forward to reading your thoughts in the near future.
-darin s.
Let's put our focus where it belongs, friends: PUTTING PRESSURE ON THE TELEVISION INDUSTRY TO RESOLVE THE DANG STRIKE!!! We won't know anything about Nathan or any of the other heroes because of it. If there's a reason for us to stop watching Television it shouldn't have anything to do with the death of a character or disappointment with a bridge season. It should be the blackout that will soon happen (and has been happening with some shows) because the writers are on strike. We aren't getting a product. If you don't bring back our product soon we should find other things that we like just as much. And maybe we need to let them know of our disapproval by not coming back.
Normally, I wouldn't post again. But I feel the need to defend Maya. There are people many who don't understand the dynamics or sympathise with her.
Mainly due to the really bad way she was introduced--great set-up for characters we don't know. Show them running away for some reason we don't know. The wedding scene put at the beginning of their arc might have helped this. But Maya's niavete is not well comprehended because it wasn't set up well. To the detriment of sympathy for her character.
There are a lot of fan girls and boys who don't like their favorites the baddie--Sylar or the--hero Peter having a girl friend.
So what are you going to do?
It was slow going until Maya and Al met Sylar and some real conflict ensued. That's why I'm so peeved that her arc was thrown away for a flippant and quick gag. Worthy of the Joker but doesn't quite work in the context of Heroes.
Since Jeph Loeb wrote it
Everyone's crying over Nathan forgetting that Mommy Petrelli wouldn't let her little boy go without Dr. Surresh's all purpose Cheerleader Wonder Juice (unless there are contract disputes).
That was a great ending to a sometimes so-so season, though i would never have missed an épisode...I didn't get bored once( in that last zode), was surprised, or not, but everything seemed logical ( in terms of continuity of the storylines). As usual, the'Sylinder' reunion is sparkling, thanks to Zach and Sendhil! Even 'Elle', which was at first an over-the-top, caricatural character for me, is starting to act/feel/talk more like a human beeing.
The choice of killing Niki doesn't surprise me at all, as i think her powers weren't able to surprise us anymore, or evolve to something new.
I'm surprised about your choice of 'maybe killing Nathan' and that's good (that i'm surprised, i mean) though i think, as most of the people here, that Nathan is bringing a lot to the series, mostly because he's the medias man, the public voice of the Heroes...So, more than his capacity to fly, his social and politic position can bring new, endless posibilities on the show.
There are 2 known'families' in 'Heroes': the Bennetts and the Petrellis.
All the Petrellis have something more to bring ,like Angela, who is a very interesting character, with surely tons of secrets.
But in the Bennets family, mmmm, HRG : great and Claire, well, i know you guys won't get rid of her, let's say 'because of her blood' :-)
But mama Bennett is not bringing a lot, even not funny anymore like last year with her' Mr Muggles'...Sylar love dogs,give him this one!
Or the Bennet brother (i don't even know his name) we can live without him, can't we?
Thanks again Greg for this blog, Thanks to all the cast/crew/writers, may we meet again as soon as possible!
and RETHANKS for Sylar, Zach is such a wonderful actor, i hope he will forgive you guys for the 'I'm back' à la Terminator;-)
I kept on tuning in week after week hoping for something that made me feel the same way the first season did. I got my moments - mostly HRG related. But for the most part the show was just on in the background. I began watching just for glimpses of characters - Adam and most of all Nathan.
I am so annoyed that yet again the season ends with Nathan's fate unknown. And I am even more annoyed to hear that the writers aren't even sure that he should come back. Of course he should. He has TONS of story left to tell if he could just get the screen time. He has tons of connections, he has the most interesting brotherly relationship on television. I want to see what happens between he and Claire. I want to see a power struggle between he and his mother. I want to see so much more...and I doubt I'll be watching without it.
Other than the whole Nathan being shot thing, you guys did fabulously these last few episodes, and I hope the strike is happily and fairly resolved.
Thanks again for taking the time to post the blog.
1) First off, though it was obvious as soon as the press conference was called that someone was going to get shot, I was really hoping it would be Peter, in the head. Not because I don't love the character (I do), but to encourage better writing. He and Sylar are such deus ex machinas that I'm totally sick of both characters, even though the actors are great. At the very least, I figured the writers would reset Sylar and Peter back to their default abilities, i.e., taking powers. But no, Peter is still practically a demigod, and Sylar somehow got all his stolen powers back, not just his original one. So now they're evenly matched again, with the same old boring powers. Yawn.
2) Speaking of powers, are we really so desperate for ideas already that we're repeating powers? Claire/Adam, Nathan/West, etc.? I mean, the cases where it's hereditary make sense -- but then why aren't all the parent/child relationships analogous? It just feels like lazy, uncreative writing at this point, but I really hope it will all be tied together logically at some point. It's also really disappointing that you've killed off a few of the elder generation of the cast without even giving us the barest hint of their powers. It might make sense from a production standpoint, as it saves the effects budget; but from a logic standpoint, wouldn't someone with powers at least TRY and do something to save themselves in the last moments of their life? Even if it's just shooting monkeys out of their butt. C'mon, guys. I hope this is for a good reason, i.e., you plan to reveal their powers in flashback.
3) Mohinder and Peter (not to mention Maya) are basically being written to be unbelievable idiots this season. Even moreso than first season. Mohinder actually said at one point to Sylar, "No, I can't just inject you with it right off, I have to determine if it's the right serum for you, or it could kill you." WHAT?! WHY WOULD MOHINDER CARE? He's tried to kill Sylar at least twice already, and with good cause! Peter on the other hand, while amnesiac, should not be astoundingly gullible forever. Maya and her brother were dull, uninteresting, and gullible characters as well. Fans of this show are amongst the smartest watching television. They should be written up to, not down to. I hope some or all of this is fixed in the new season.
So to summarize, please lose or depower Sylar and Peter, give us more original powers or more info on the existing ones, and stop requiring some of the characters to be idiots in order to move the plot along.
That being said, the camerawork, acting, effects, casting, and overall concept of the show are GREAT! Keep up the mostly-good work...and thank you!
This week's scene where Nathan was able to convince his little brother that Adam was using him made me cry; I've never cried watching a TV show in my life.
The writers can't seriously be considering taking that away from us. That would be a HUGE blow to an already dwindling fan-base. I'm not saying I'd quit watching the show if Nathan is killed off, but the next volume would have to be nearly flawless to make up for such a move.
Nathan makes the show, please don't take him away.
P.S. I hate to say it, but I agree with the people who are saying this season has been wasted with bringing in boring, pointless, irritating-to-no-end characters like Maya... killing off the best characters won't fix previous writing mistakes.
You could have killed Maya, she's been really boring so far, or Nikki too, it wouldn't make much sense to bring her back either (I may be way off here buy I read some rumours about Jessica returning, and well, all the Nikki/Jessica stories have been boring as well).
Nathan is one of the BEST characters on the show, and the chemistry between him and Peter is great, don't throw all that away, please!
Great episode and nice pics but I have to say, Peter and Nathan are at the heart of Heroes. If you choose to make him dead next season you will be missing an amazing character and I know that I, for one, will be absolutely heartbroken. The dynamic that Nathan has with the other characters is wonderful and I can't imagine Heroes without him.
I found the blog a few days ago and have been reading all the posts through the last days. It is really interesting to hear your thoughts behind how the show is directed and shot. As an aspiring director I've found your posts invaluable. Thank you very much for sharing!
Really like the show, keep up the great work!
Without him in the show I don´t know with I´ll have the same passion for it that I have now. Without him I don´t know with I`ll want to watch it. So I expect for the ones responsible for Heroes to arrange a nice explanation to bring him back, because lets face it the man survived a nuclear bomb he can die from two miserable bullets.
4) kriskramer, above, makes a number of excellent points, and I agree with just about everything he said, especially in regards to story logic and sloppy writing. To be honest, more than half of the general-audience (not even mature readers) comic books out there on the shelf today have a higher standard for logic and continuity than Heroes did this second season. The first season (except for the finale) was great, but whereas you used to be batting 1000, very few episodes since season one have impressed me.
5) Speaking of comics, it might be a good idea to bring in some fresh blood from that sort of background. Jeph Loeb is okay, but his writing on Heroes suffers from a lot of the same flaws his comics do. For instance, random character motivations and actions, huge lapses in story logic, and lazy resolutions. Remember how Braga and Berman ran the Trek franchise into the ground because they wouldn't loosen the reins? Please don't let that happen to Heroes. Let's go back to the fresh ideas and impressive writing of the first season! Thank you for reading.
PLEASE, SAVE NIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never again will I Watch.
Kill off my favorite character to Niki.
Many lack of respect with the fans.
The hearing will only decrease.
Let me be a broken record for a second; LOVE your show!! For so long, television has been uninspired and FINALLY there is SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO (these blogs included!). Also, LONG LIVE NATHAN PETRELLI; that loud and clear enough?
AND I BLAME YOU, SIR! I'm a diehard Superman fan (yes, I followed you from Smallville... all the way back to the special feature featuring YOU) and here you are helping create a hero with powers that now make him a draw to Supes. And of course I speak of Peter Petrelli. Honestly, when it comes to powers there is no contest, Peter Petrelli wins out! But, Superman's sense of morals are better only because they are more easily clearly defined in his less real world (vs. that of Heroes)
(And I know this is supposed to be about Heroes, but "your"/Smallville's Lex Luthor is AMAZING! Why can't Hollywood--film--catch on?!?!?!)
Okay, now seriously. It's very obvious that you guys are more than capable of creating such compelling episodes as Powerless, 4 Months Ago, and Cautionary Tales. Why not though for the eps in between? I saw your boss's (Tim's) EW interview, so I know you're all aware of the issue here. Not to say you don't do a great job, because you are, again, obviously the hardest working people in television, from your PAs to Mr. Kring himself, and believe me, IT DOES SHOW! But try to pick up the pace ep to ep, please!
And finally, as a fellow artist (though there is no comparison, you all are the modern Pantheon), I've learned SO much about drama, writing, television, cinematics, and music thanks to this blog. I know you work endless hours, but you will keep it up, won't you, until the end? (just like the life of Nathan Petrelli, right?)
I love them, and the first pic is SO CUTE!
Other than that, huge round of applause for the entire cast and crew. I love you all :D
...But please bring Nathan and Niki back?
Thanks for blogging all the time, Beeman! Wendy and Lisa sound so cool. I never realized how intricate the trademark background songs of the characters until now.
Nathan hasn't been pronounced dead. Just shot. People CAN survive from gunshot wounds. Even without Claire's blood.
And even if the wounds are fatal, maybe Peter will eventually gather up enough I.Q. points to put two-and-two together and fetch Claire to Nathan's bedside. Even if Peter has been a real idiot this Vol2, I still have hope that he will smarten up once he's near the presence of his all-time cool badass brother.
I'm hoping for more Peter/Nathan, Nathan/Claire and Peter/Claire interaction in Vol.3. Those were the best stuff from Season1, alongside HRG/Claire and Hiro/Ando. Alot of fans especially miss Peter/Claire. What's up with the keeping apart the two most popular cast members and sticking them with super lame love interests, West and Caitlin? Their love scenes with Peter and Claire made alot of people want to gouge their eyes out.
Speaking of Caitlin...Please wrap-up her storyline already. I CAN'T STAND CAITLIN!! If you visit other fan forums...alot of Heroes fans hate her presence too. There are numerous hate-threads for Caitlin in other forums. I hope her storyline can be tied up in just two minutes. No need to waste more precious showtime for that very annoying character. Please stop torturing the viewers with her presence.
That said. Thanks for Vol2. It may not have been the best, but heck, it's still better than no Heroes.
Please don't kill off Nathan, his interactions with everyone are really good (I've just been watching S1 again and they're some of the highlights)
If one of them has to go, then losing Niki is preferable - but that'd be a big shame too. Maybe put her in a coma, and when she comes out of it, we get Jessica back
In season 1, several good characters were killed (Eden, Simone, Isaac) - but it all felt part of the story, and the show gained a lot from it. Losing Nathan and Niki would be pointless and leave me feeling empty.
The whole episode felt a bit rushed - suddenly HRG reappears when I expected that to wait for a few more episodes. Suddenly Elle discovers where Sylar is, and goes to him, again that could've been next episode.
You've been given a gift by the timing of the writer's strike - sit down and think about where you want the show to go. When it comes back, have the courage to scrap that last episode and do it again; stretch stuff over several episodes. Stand up, admit it wasn't how you wanted it and do it how it should be done.
Your best episode by far was the one where HRG got shot at the end, with all the interactions between different characters, and all the anticipation of how this could work out. Try to recapture that spirit.
OK. Matt has the same power that Maury does, but fell victim to him in that Philly apartment. However, Matt's power of influence has no influence over Peter why?
Why didnt Peter phase through the vault door? Or read Adam's mind when he started having doubts about him?
Elle's blast knocks West out of the sky, but barely fazes Sylar? Yawn...
I have to agree that the flames looked really really cheesy!!
Remember boys, the best special effect of all is GOOD STORY TELLING AND GOOD ACTING...
I love sylar, i love he´s evil and all that, but I need to see some Gabriel in him.
I love Maya, really I do, her power is one of the best of all. So please keep her, I don´t know why there is so much maya haters.
I think she is the only one who have more humanity of all of them and that is a good thing, of course her power can kill everyone but after all she is pure!!!
And Maya with Sylar is totally love/hate ship, you have to do that, why would you do all this episode about they relationship and then...what you want to kill her??? I think Maya is really special and I think you will have a lotr of good ideas for her coz if you kill her, you will saying me that you waist such a good character
I know that is a lot of elle lovers, I don´t hate her but she is annoying and her power is boring and lame. If sylar kill her that will be fine for me.
Sylar: I've heard a lot of people say that they want Sylar dead, and I can't figure out why they would want to kill the most intriguing villain ever created for TV! Some want his powers taken away, but we've just had a whole half season (or season) of that!
Maya: I agree. She was kinda pointless. But her arc is done and over with. stop bitching, you can't change it. I do love the irony of a pure person having nothing but the power to kill though.
Peter: I don't get why people didn't like him this season. It's like people don't want Peter, just his interactions with Claire and Nathan.
Copying powers: Ever read X-men? Do you know how many telepaths and fliers, and healers run around? it's not inconceivable that Nathan/West or Claire/Adam would share powers. Besides, there was a point. Adam showed us what Claire could be. And West obviously draws a parallel to Nathan, her real father, further showcasing the struggle within her between her Petrelli and Bennet sides.
Nathan is shot and possibly die and never return in the show?!!
But stupid characters like Maya and Caitlin remain at large and possibly return to annoy the audience again?!!
This is screwed logic!
Save Nathan!
Kill off Maya and Caitlin! They're useless and boring!
The undeniable Peter and Claire chemistry was wasted because you have to make Nathan Claire's real dad only to have Nathan be killed? And they didn't even interact that much? LAME..
Okay the reluctant hero is a good story line and I like Peter in the first season just like I liked Sylar in the first season but at some point you have to move on. Sylar was a great villain and his opposition to Peter made a great storyline, but they are done now, move on.
The character connections you have made between various Heroes have been one of the main pulls of the series for me. And Nathan has had some of the best interactions and moments with the rest of the cast. Looking back on the small amount of season 2 we have received the moments between Nathan and Matt stand out the most, while I am loathe to see any thing like that between peter and ... well lets face it any other character aside from, you guessed it Nathan.
So while I understand that there were serious issues with putting out this season due to the writers' strike I feel very put off by this punch out ending. You know what would have worked better. A bullet for Peter and a bullet for Sylar, A character's attractiveness should not be grounds for their survivability unless you wish this show to become America's Next Top Model, talk to Tyra.
Also, out of the new charcaters introduced in S2 -- Elle, Bob, and maybe the family Mica is staying with were worth keeping. Adam was great too, but needed to be taken out, and that was fine.
The rest of the new characters, however? Maya, West, and Caitlin, were worthless. Please lose them! And please either start using Sylar and Peter in ways that don't make the writing nonsensical, or sideline them.
Nathan and Nikki should've been amongst your LAST characters on the chopping block, not first. They're the most interesting but the least used. Like someone else said, "you don't have to shoot every character you can't think of what to do with" for an episode. Come on, guys.
I agree: save Nathan, then save the show.
I hope he does survive, It wont be the same without the Petrelli brothers. I have a poll on my site if you guys want to vote on what you think:
Let's just say that the concept of killing Nathan after reviving him a few episodes ago is not genius. It's a complete waste of everyone's time. You spent so much time ensuring his survival, to have him be dead like this is a cheap cop-out. Especially when people like Parkman have survived 5 gun bullets to the chest and Peter is nearby to either turn back time or give him a donation of his blood.
Most of all though, like others have said, what are you guys thinking? What's the point of making Nathan as Claire's father if the two are not even going to interact much? I can count with my right hand of the amount interaction the two had together. Not to mention there is the potential of Nathan and Niki pairing, which wow, I can't believe that of all the pairings you come up with, the most obvious and chemistry-filled one is the one that wasn't considered.
These kind of mistakes are what upset most people. Not the fact that you don't kill characters during sweep time. Killing characters are a cheap way of attracting ratings. I wish we can go back to the days when series do not rely on this cheap device of non-storytelling. Now the ball is in your hands, guys. You can either ruin this completely or fix this whole mess you've created in the finale, no less.
*sigh* I hope the strike gives you all a new perspective on what it feels to be unemployed. On how it feels when your employer just ditch you because they feel they want to. How it feels to not have safe employment. Because I'm sure that's what the actors always feel on this show.
If you don't air my favorite characters when I want them on, and do what I want, I will stop watching the show.
If my mom doesn't bring my GI Joe's back I will stop watching the show
- - Good Riddance---
Overall I enjoyed it. I do feel that it was a bit rushed, but that isn't a big deal to me. I thought you guys did a good job.
I never really thought much of Nathan, but I guess he is loved. I mean yeah he is a good actor, but he is far from my favorite character. As for people wanting more Ando. I really don't see why. I mean I like Ando, but I would rather you spend time on more important characters.
Nikki, I'm glad she is dead. I never liked her from the start, and I think it will give Micah some great depth. Micah I have always enjoyed. The Wonder twin? I definetly think she should have died. She can't really be a hero with her power. Although if you pull that off, it would be interesting to see. Sylar??? I mean He is an established villian, and does a great job at it. But at the same time I do feel it is getting old. I think it would be much more interesting if you give him a partner. Someone who thinks like him. It would be interesting ot see how Sylar would take to someone like himself. Or in your own creative way put a twist on his character, add something. Become a different type of villian.
Someone whined earlier about character pairs. I do agree that the pairs do work well. It draws chemistry, gives depth, and also you air two heros at the same time. But over all I like how season 2 kind of had everyone one on their own. Kind of like a dark moment for them all.
Season 3, I am very much looking foward to. I hope things work our well to end the strike.
To shut the mouth of those blood-thirsty viewers, you can always say that they were never dead in the first place. There are instances in real life where people got shot and they survived the incident. Niki can just be written that she managed to get out in time. And next time, please be careful when crafting the finale. Not everything has to end in cliffhanger.
Beeman, you're fantastic in so many ways and it makes me angry that so many immature little twats are here giving us fans a bad name. You're amazing, you really, really are. Those saying 'omgz im liek not going to watch this show nemore!!!!' shouldn't be able to because they don't deserve this awesome you've helped create.
WE LOVE YOU BEEMAN! Keep up the fantastic work <3
i love this episode but i cant forget my frustration for a lot of things in v2
Caitlin no more please!next time or not a love story or a good one with a character we can love and see why peter likeher.
Petrelli brothers only some minutes together in 11 ep??? i dont know the rest of the fans but the 5 min of Petrelli reunion in this episode made more happy than the entire v2!
Could you realise how important is for the audience these 2 brothers sharing scenes?
And what about Peter and Claire?the close bond between them, how claire was so happy of finding someone like her...well all s1.
why didnt they even mention their names?? what was that??? They are family and friends! and they need each other.
NATHAN cant die ok??? CANT die!!!
As for Maya, please don't feed into the negative comments.Believe it or not Maya does actually have a fanbase but they are not as vocal as the people that hate her. Maya has the potential to be a great character but you haven't developed her enough. I think that people hate her beacuse she wasn't developed enough. You developed Elle in a few episodes so why can't you do that with Maya. You made Elle a strong chracter, why not Maya? She had and still has potental. Just stop having her be so weak and make her strong. As for a sl, get her back with Sylar. DR and ZQ have great chemistry that shouldn't be wasted and they would never be boring because they have a interesting dynamic. They also have a fanbase too...But please just give her something interesting. And last I am so tired of people saying that Maya keeps "crying black tears" but what is she supposed to do. IT'S HER POWER! I don't see people complaining that Elle uses her electricity, or Matt keeps reading minds, or Hiro keeps teleporting, so why is everyone on her case!
If you kill off Niki, I will stop watching the show.[2]
but i miss how fresh the character was in s1 i dont like a badass peter beside a man who is really BAD, heroes was a drama tv show not only a based comic tv show...
I miss Peter this volume, v2 Peter wasnt Peter except in 2 episodes!! or his reaction when he saw his brother was shot.
For me Peter s1 didnt need a stupid motive ( a girl who met for 1 week!!! called Caitlin) to try to save the world
THE PETER S1 WANTED TO SAVE THE WORLD because THAT, as a viewer i was why he has to name caitlin all the time??? why is that he only motive? are you kidding me????
bring back the real Peter personality and motives!!!!Please! he was my fav character!
altough i have to say with the poor plot yu give him Milo did a wonderful job.
If you kill off Niki, I will stop watching the show.[3]
If you kill off Niki, I will stop watching the show.[4]
If you kill off Niki, I will stop watching the show.[5]
Boo frickin' hoo.
*I'M* ticked off that you had the perfect opportunity to kill off Maya - but you opted to bring her back.
All I ask of season 3 is that you don't use "Character A goes to the future and sees a devestated NYC and has to save the world." Two seasons in a row of the same story is enough.
At least we have Sylar back. :-)
I'm sick and tired about the love for death that so many shows have these days, and it's driving me away from TV almost with the same power as reality shows do. It's gone from "oh, tune in because we have an interesting story to tell" to "oh tune in TO SEE WHO DIES". What is this? The medieval times, where public executions were popular?
but if you are following the history, Nathan its really Dead,
Remember the Chapter, 5 Years Gone..
Thank YOu For This Serie!!!!!!!!!
When it came back?
The brothers Petrelli and their relationship were one of the central aspects that made Heroes popular. Their relationship along with Claire and HRG are the heart of the show. Peter and Nathan are better together than apart. This season made this painfully obvious – especially in Peter’s case. His character suffered from the separation while Nathan managed to improve every scene he was in. You created one of the most compelling relationships on TV and got lucky with the chemistry of the actors. Please don’t throw that away!
If the next volume is about villains the remaining good heroes need Nathan and his strategic, pragmatic character on their side. He is the only one who can talk some sense into Peter and has a very pragmatic worldview. His level-headedness is such a refreshing contrast to Peter’s (Hiro’s and Mohinder’s) impulsiveness.
As many have pointed out I would also love to see Claire-Nathan interaction. There is still so much potential.
I can only hope that you a smart enough NOT to destroy one the things that made Heroes big. Heroes without the brothers Petrelli is not the same.
It's understandable that you're upset over the uncertain fates of both Nathan and Niki (heck, I am too), but being outright disrespectful to someone who has done nothing but attempt to include the fans in the world of 'Heroes' is simply uncalled for.
In a show like this you simply can't keep everyone alive and well at all times. It's not only unrealistic, but it would land the characters in a stagnation that would undoubtedly cause complaints anyways. The show has an ensemble cast, and every fan out there loves someone. It would literally be impossible to keep every fan in the world happy, but I truly believe that everyone who works on this show does what the can to come as close to that as they can.
Do I want Nathan to be dead? No, no of course not. I adore the character and I adore Adrian Pasdar in the role. But Nathan being shot is going to be the biggest motivator Peter's EVER had in the history of this show to be a truly independent and proactive hero, regardless of whether Nathan survives or not. In it's own way, this is what's best for Peter's character.
(of course, as someone with nearly unlimited access to the Heal Anything Blood, Nathan really should be the character that everyone is the -least- worried about...which makes me wonder if he's the one that I should actually be the MOST worried about! Eep!)
Basically, what I want to say the most is a big, huge "THANK YOU!!" you Mr. Beeman for continually sharing with the fans anecdotes, photos and in depth analysis of the show and showing nothing but respect to us, the fans. I wish everyone involved with the show nothing but warm wishes and hope that you all take care!
He should have just killed him. Maybe teleport him to Nagasaki seconds before the a-bomb goes off. If it's really his blood that heals him, a nuclear bomb would quite effectively vaporize all of his blood instantly. Or maybe teleport him to outer space and send him hurtling toward the sun. That would still give him several days of dying from suffocation over and over before getting burned up.
Those are just two ideas I came up with off the top of my head. You guys are professional writers, I'm sure you could come up with even better ideas.
Heroes Fall Finale Poll
Which seemingly doomed Hero do you most want to survive?
18.4% Adam Monroe
70.2% Nathan Petrelli
11.4% Niki Sanders
PLEASE make sure Nathan is around for as long as Adrian wants to play the role. Heroes would be emptier without him.
Like someone said earlier, it's your story to tell, not ours. If anything's been wrong with this season, it's that the writers have been listening to the fans almost too much. Obviously, you have to get people to tune in, but the story should be allowed to take it's course. (And, gods willing, we're only halfway through the season. Of course there are going to be issues that aren't tied up in neat little bows. Life doesn't work like that.)
Anyway, kudos on a phenomonal, edge-of-your-seat finale. I screamed at the TV so many times.... And here's hoping that Sylar and Mohinder cross paths again; that dialogue was priceless. <3
Best review on the episode I've read so far :)
Not to mention, having the ability to bring any mutant back from the dead, has just got to be one of the lamest things. You've got a few ultra-powerful beings (Peter, Sylar), and a legion of cast that can't be killed. Ever.
Seriously, without Sylar and Peter having been killed off before that, they are now Gods, that can do any damn thing they want. And if they ever run into each other again, then Peter will become like a super-God.
There need to be foils for these people, and the Heroes crew have not installed any foils.
At first it looked like they were actually going to do that with the Wonder Twins (by the way, the last episode totally changed the way her power seemed to operate from the previous episodes), needing Alejandro to foil Maya, but that got all farked up, now.
As it is, now, the only foil to everyone is the Haitian, who the series tried very hard to paint as "not a villian" in the first season, and just flat out plastered "is a villian" at the end of the second season. And having the only foil to unlimited God-like power and living forever being "a guy who can make you forget about it all" is just really lame.
(hopefully someone will actually be reading this)
Heroes would've been much better as a 6 or 8 episode mini-series. I'd heard that originally it was designed to be so, and that a bunch of episodes were stuck in in the middle between S1E5 and when Peter blew up. If you remove most of those episodes, and ignore season 2 in it's entirety, you've got a seriously awesome TV series. With those episodes, you've got a bunch of "meh" that only brings me to the TV because of Hope that it'll stop sucking.
I say bring back Niki before Nathan, she has a young and newly orphaned son to worry about, at least Nathans kids still have their mom.
Also, yay Sylar getting his powers back. Volume 3 is going to be my favorite, I can already tell.
There are large groups of people who do actually like the character Caitlin and hope that when the show returns that she is not forgotten, and even expanded on. And lets not forget that the majority of the fans DO NOT post on line. The writers have left open a large door for FINALLY expanding on a female character who just doesn't have those lovely powers to have her own story line. Can a female get the chance? Or are they only special if they have powers? For me those that lack powers are the characters that come across as the most interesting since they have to be heroes all by themselves. Mohinder and HRG are really great on the show, but where are their females counterparts in the overall story line?
Also, I think that the writers should take a look at some other shows writing teams to see how to actually write for an ENSEMBLE. This show completely fails at expanding on new and even old character with actual character depth. It's all about the plot on this show and it sucks. I don't care about the stupid plots like the virus, I care about the characters and how it effects them. If the show is trying to figure out what went wrong this season it is that it was so concerned with moving the story along that if forgot about the characters. Look into Battlestar Galactica if needs be. They've at least figured out that it is the characters that move the story along not the plot.
And there seems to be a failure to even care for certain group of people on the show. I'm talking about the women. Are you just trying to figure out how best to abuse them week in and week out? It's horrible. And the show only features female characters with powers, although they need to be a stripper, a cheerleader, an inexperienced "vixen", or a helpless woman that needs to be carried along by a strong man. And even when women get a story line, they need a man to save them. Pathetic.
Surprising enough, I hope you do kill off Nathan. After the show decided to not expand on certain minority characters last season and kill them off since... well, "they're just minorities" I picked Nathan as my favorite. I figured that if I liked a white male, than that character will have all the time in the world to grow on screen and expand his character. I guess he was just a little to old? Since the writers and Kring have felt that he's just not important to have his own story this season and needs to be killed... Well, I hope the show does kill him. At least then I won't have a reason to continue watching this show any more. So throw in Caitlin as well, she's just a female that can be abused so that Peter will look all angsty on screen without having to actual write him any depth.
Isn't it true that Adam/Kensai(?) "saved" Nathan with a transfusion? Wouldn't that keep Nathan alive? Just wondering...
Also, enough with the dubious threats to quit watching the show...that's a lot like "please don't throw me in that briar patch, Brer Wolf!"
I am still interested in an answer to my prior post regarding Nathan and Peter's last scene, Mr. Beeman, if you get a chance.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Healthy Kwanzaa, and all other tidings of the season!
I have a list of questions to ask, but I'll ask the one that I can definitely remember: Was what we saw the alternate ending? If not, what was the alternate ending?
Whoop! Roll on Volume 3. ;)
Except that Nathan is not even dead. The reporter clearly said that "he was shot" not "he was killed". If the writers want Nathan to be killed, they would have said that "he was killed", none of this stringing the viewers along to watch volume 3. By stringing them along, the writers are just going to make them angry when season 3 returns and Nathan is not there anymore. Not to mention that to have a solution that could bring people back and not using them is even more stupid than using them again.
I think it's pretty stupid to completly ignore such a great actor like Adrian Pasdar all season and take out one of the characters that has so much more story to tell but yet keep Sylar and Maya around for some reason. Also stupid to introduce the healing blood and not use it on Nathan but let it save Maya. Come on Kring, Beeman and others come to your senses and keep Nathan alive
Thank you so much for doing this blog for us, Mr. Beeman. It means a lot to know that the production staff of my favorite show cares enough about the fans to reach out in such a way. I can't wait to see what you guys have planned for us/
If anything killing Nathan will motivate Peter to reveal that he has bucketload of superpower and since he's hard to kill, the company will just be in one big trouble. On top of revenge, there's little they can do to stop Peter from revealing the truth to the public. However, by injuring Nathan but not outright killing him, they have the perfect blackmail for Peter.
Sure Nathan survives but if Peter ever goes out with the secret, another assassin might be sent to finish the job for real. This perfectly achieves what the company want to do: shut Peter's and everyone's mouth for good. Especially Peter, who's the dangerous one here.
West wanted Claire to expose herself in a stupid prank on the head cheerleader, and admit that she has superpowers.
And yet, the moment she decides to tell everything to the world, with documentation, he comes in and dumps her, after he's done everything creepy to her you could do to a high school girl.
Yup, you all might have begun redeeming West in the previous two episodes when he shared his obsession with HRG about Claire, but it was damned convenient for him to dump her when she started following her own mind.
You've confirmed that yes, West was always a peckerhead, will always be an peckerhead, and never changed.
Avatar: The Last Airbender has more character development, consistency in its characters, and keeps to continuity than Heroes does.
Why am I watching this show, again? I don't watch a show for the missed potentials; it drives me crazy. I watch a show for quality on the screen.
For one hour every week, I get to experience this great TV show, and I eagerly await the next part of Season 2.
Peter, Claire, Nathan, Hiro, HRG, Ando, Sylar, Matt, Angela, Adam & Mohinder
Characters that can stay around for a few more episodes:
Bob, Elle, Monica, Micah, Nikki (if by some miracle she survives the blast...though i doubt it)
Characters that should NEVER come back in this show:
West, Maya & Caitlin
I hope Maya gets more character development next season - both she and Alejandro were undeveloped, just in my opinion.
Also, I noticed the virus is never explained in much detail...
I read somewhere that the writers are reported "spilt" over the idea of whether or not to keep Nathan alive.
You seem like a really cool and nice guy... So as I favor to me do you think that you could go up to every writer that is not in favor of keeping Nathan around and, please, PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. That would be great.
Seriously... They deserve to be punched if they don't realize the potential Nathan has as a character. The only real argument I've heard for killing him is to make Peter go badass. Well, I say, make Peter grow some balls and become badass on his own for once. Nathan shouldn't have to freaking sacrifice himself everytime Peter needs to be dealt with. It's ridiculous.
I don't know what good it'll do posting this. But I really love this show and have put up with some not so great episodes this season because I have faith in the show but killing Nathan... I really feel that killing Nathan off is just a terrible decision. The Petrelli dynamic is destroyed (which is a HUGE fan favorite), the potential Claire/Nathan interaction and development for both is wasted, the Nikki/Nathan relationship that I was hoping would evolve is obviously done...
I beg of you and Tim Kring and all these idiots that think killing Nathan off is a good thing, to listen to the fans.
I love you but I DISAGREE. Once again putting Nathan is mortal danger and making all of us panic for the whole hiatus is not a fitting way to end the season. Haven't you tortured Nathan fans enough? Why is he always the one about to die? He is clearly too important to be killed but they still keep trying... I agree with everyone else that it would be a waste to Claire's storyline. Why say he's her father if not to later explore it? I guess the fact that Nathan obviously shot by HRG is ironic and interesting but not enough for them to really kill Nathan off. Adrian Pasdar is one of the better actors on the show and would be a shame to see him go.
could the writers give the heroes challenges to face, and have the heroes face them without being idiots?
seriously. sylar gets away, and no one thinks to ask molly to help find him and finish him?
character stupidity has been used very frequently to help further the plot along. haven't your writers any better tricks in their bags?
won't miss niki, who didn't have much to do both seasons except whine and wimper. too bad for ms larter, who is capable of playing an intelligent character if given the proper script.
nathan is savable. all peter needs is a syringe (oh, and a writer who lets the character think quickly. or at least think.) his character, unlike maya's, is worth saving.
Secondly, I'm very sorry to say this but you guys gave a lot of promises you never hold and that is tiring, repeatitive and annoying. Of course is your story to tell and I accept that fact.
However, without Fans, there is no show. As far many others said that they will leave and some already did before, I didn't.
Even you killed Candice, D.L., Nikki which all were favorites of mine.
Even I liked Ted and Isaac first season as well, I understood that they fullfilled their purpose (even Teds death scene was majorly lame but ok...).
However, killing Candice, D.L. and Nikki in the dumb ways you did was unexcuseable in my opinion (I and monica can roll under the wood but it doesn't matter, let us lift it until you can walk out of the door and I can wait until the building explodes <_<).
Anyway, the major drag was that almost all the characters acted stupid this season in many ways. Another thing many doesn't understand is why do we still keep sylar? Didn't we had enough of him? Didn't he fullfilled his purpose like Isaac, Ted and others did? Can we move on please? I like Zachary but his character is way overdue and keeping him around won't make the show any better.
Another one was the whole hype and empty promises about the older generation! Everyone was excited to see the powers of all those persons and then another season goes, Kaito is death, Angela is in many episodes, Victoria gets one episode and everyone else gets a sticker on their face with deseaced. Hello??? What powers did they have? Why is no one of them using them (like Victoria, Kaito and Angela which is overdue since you already had stated that she has a power since season 1).
So far we learned only VERY little about the company and you guys keep adding like 20 secrets everywhere in the whole series but revealing only 1 - 2 so at the end you don't even know yourself what you put in there in the first place that needs to be revealed.
At the end the frustration of the fans that are waiting gets bigger and bigger because we are waiting partially for two seasons for some of those secrets to get revealed but we get nothing at the end.
I think its time for a few new villains with good storylines and more depth for Maya and Monica so we can see the potential of both characters (like maya maybe learn how to focus her power on one person only would be awesome!).
Personally I don't mind too much that Nathan had to go since he had two good seasons and at least his death was good planned and well put in the scene. Even Matt didn't do anything to find the killer but still.
Please try to fill the lots of plot holes you added there and go away from the weak writing of many scenes this season and a few of the season 1 (like Edens power not working on sylar as example that also never got revealed why it didn't worked), give us some more action and stop the repeatitive whining of MANY characters that went through the whole season cause this is not a drama anymore it gets annoying(Claire and Nikki are whining for two seasons already, isn't that enough?).
One last question? Can we give Micah his mom back please?
That would be awesome! If Nikki ever comes back, please don't make the same mistake/excuse of adding more personalities after jessica is gone only to explain or justify deaths like D.L.s. Give Ali something cool to do, give her the strenght she needs and let her help for the greater good! Ali is a awesome actress.
The highlights of this season in my opinion was the new characters that brought a fresh breeze into the series and the awesome playing of Angela (also one of my favorites)and Bob that made me enjoy every single scene they was in! Molly was also great this season and lots of fun to watch.
A thing that made me happy was that you obviously changed your mind at the end and kept the new characters instead of starting killing them all off at the end of the season.
For that I thank you! :)
All in all the season was O.K. but the writing needs much improvement.
Mostly when it comes to critical scenes, decisions and deaths.
Thanks for the reading!
I love Heroes, I really do, and I’ve always supported it even when I wasn’t too thrilled with its direction, but killing off Nathan now? After all he’s been through? When there’s so much left unsolved? When there’s so much more he could do? To me that’s just inexcusable (not to mention dumb, and cruel). So basically, you left us waiting a whole summer wondering if he was dead or not, to find out he barely survived, and to separate him from his brother; then you healed him, and only at the VERY end of the season you decided to reunite them only to POSSIBLY KILL HIM AGAIN?! Bad joke, guys.
Like I said, I love Heroes, but some of the characters and the storylines get frustrating and boring at times, and Nathan is one of the few characters that’s consistently interested me (even when he wasn’t given much of a plot; yes, Adrian IS that good). Whether you like him or not, you’re sure to have strong feelings about him. I can’t say I’ve ever felt the same for the Sanders family, and both Claire and Peter have been pains in the ass this season; we NEED Nathan. While we’re at it, lets get something straight: to many people, Heroes IS about the Petrelli’s. I’m not saying we don’t love and appreciate the other characters (SOME of them anyway; I doubt I’ll ever be able to appreciate Maya…or the fact that the writers saved her), but it seems pretty obvious Heroes tries to emphasis the importance of family, and I believe the Petrelli brothers are the most potent example of that. Let’s face it: they’re magic; please do the right thing and work with what’s been given to you. Decent or not, I’m not sure I could watch Heroes without Nathan now; he’s too much of the experience and of too much importance to me.
Yes, they did their usual outstanding job. Yes, wonderful. Ye...
Wait a minute, I'm not a mindless robot, I'll decide as a viewer if they did a good job. And consider the ratings to see if others agree with me or not.
Greg, perhaps you too should rely a little on external input, because telling us they are great doesn't cut it.
I will compliment Season 2 on better storytelling. I remember in Season 1, every time somebody 'dies' at the end of the show, 5 seconds later, the teaser for the next week would show the 'dead' character walking around talking to people. Did Peter fall flat? Nope. No reason to wait with baited breath for the next week, I just saw him, he's fine.
Anyway, the editing, the 'choreography' of scenes, the dynamics of interaction, the suspense, was all pretty good, better than last season.
But where you fail is what everyone is saying here. Killing Nathan, kinda silly. Kililng Nicki? She's too hot. And it's too safe killing relatively low power heroes. Kill someone we don't expect!
Did you see x-men 3? Was that their usual outstanding writing? Use bigger guns, larger battles, more explosions, that will make it a better movie than the previous? No. It's the interactions, the social dynamics, the difficult decisions.
Some soap operas with a lot of characters switch storylines from one day to the next, featuring one group of characters on one day, another group on the other. Either consider doing that, killing off 1/2 the characters, or going to 1h 15 min an episode, because we also need just a little more time, a little more advancement, for a given storyline, on a particular episode.
I think it would be great if Sylar doesn't get his powers back. For a long long time. Have him try, and get kicked around like a mangey dog. Finding ways to be a big problem, without his powers -
That might be some outstanding writing.