Episode 21 is here. This one is a little bit of a quieter episode of HEROES. The key to understanding it’s place in the season is to realize that, episode 21, 22 and 23 are three parts of one story. It fact it’s less of a trilogy, and more like, Act one, Act two and Act three of a film. So, by the nature of that design, this episode is a little slower and spends it’s time getting the players into position. Next week cranks it up to a simmer and then we boil over in the finale.
John Badham came back to direct his second episode this season. Besides being a legendary director, he is a true gentleman. He is thoughtful, gracious and he grasps everything very quickly. On set he concentrates on performance direction foremost, and the actors all quite like him. Actually John wrote an interesting book about directing actors for screen. It’s called “I’ll Be In My Trailer,” published by Michael Wiese Productions.
One of the biggest ideas for this one that came from the writer’s room was to re-examine Sylar’s character. To have him have one last moment of doubt and one last shot at redemption. This would be viewed in relationship to his mother, so that we could begin to really understand how he had become the villain he was. Now, to be frank, this conceit spurred some healthy debate. I know my opinion, and some others, who hadn’t been involved in developing the story, questioned the need for it. Sylar felt like a pretty committed villain. Why would he have self-doubt? Why was it necessary to regress him to his previous incarnation? But Tim and the writers felt strongly that we needed to better understand this character, and that we had one last chance to fully round him out. They felt that Sylar had always acted methodically, killing the weak in order to become a superhuman. They added dialogue in his phone call scene with Suresh to illuminate the idea that he had no intention to kill millions of random people for no gain. This helped my issues. And any other doubts I had about the storyline vanished when we cast Ellen Green to play Sylar’s mother.
Ellen came to audition for the role. She did a first audition, and, right away, she was a riveting combination of vulnerability and mental illness. But her first reading was too maternal and sympathetic. Spurred on, mostly by Dennis Hammer we stopped and had a conversation about what type of woman this was. That she was very disturbed and very judgmental and very critical. But at the same time, over the years she had pushed everyone she loved away and she regretted that. So, now, with her son back at home she was trying - straining - to not be too harsh on him. We discussed that she should snap and be judgmental, and then catch herself and pull back. These are complex emotions, and it’s unusual to have a long discussion like this in the audition. Ellen did another take and it was absolutely amazing and mesmerizing.
Later, Zachary Quintos told me, that Ellen, on her own, called him up and asked if he wanted to rehearse. Ellen is a theatre actor and she really values rehearsal time. Zach told me that they spent a Saturday talking about their characters and rehearsing the scenes. When the shooting began a very unusual thing happened. It took about a day and a half to film all of their scenes. Face it, no matter how wonderful HEROES is, for the crew it’s a job they do for twelve-plus hours a day, five days a week. They do their jobs (very well) but besides the camera crew who need to pay attention for every take, much of the other crew wander off to the periphery of the stage and do crossword puzzles or read books while we’re filming. But on these days, the crew remained riveted by what zach and Ellen were doing. The scenes were so intense and the performances so strong that the crew stayed and watched.
One of the most interesting scenes for me is the one where Ellen is insisting on making Sylar a tuna sandwich and Sylar is fixing his father’s clock. John Badham talked to the actors a lot about that clock. Ellen’s character hated the ex-husband, Sylar's father, who was long gone, but still she keeps his broken clock on the wall. Sylar wants to repair the clock, and by extension, the family. In this scene, from one perspective, nothing is happening. A lady is making a sandwich and a man is fixing a clock. But, because of the writing, the actors and the direction, the scene is loaded with tension. The scene, to me is actually tenser than the scene where they struggle and Sylar accidentally stabs his mother,
Next week, our second-to-last episode – one that I directed. Until then… stay Heroic!




Here are a few pix from last week’s episode that I forgot to post:



Episode 21 is here. This one is a little bit of a quieter episode of HEROES. The key to understanding it’s place in the season is to realize that, episode 21, 22 and 23 are three parts of one story. It fact it’s less of a trilogy, and more like, Act one, Act two and Act three of a film. So, by the nature of that design, this episode is a little slower and spends it’s time getting the players into position. Next week cranks it up to a simmer and then we boil over in the finale.
John Badham came back to direct his second episode this season. Besides being a legendary director, he is a true gentleman. He is thoughtful, gracious and he grasps everything very quickly. On set he concentrates on performance direction foremost, and the actors all quite like him. Actually John wrote an interesting book about directing actors for screen. It’s called “I’ll Be In My Trailer,” published by Michael Wiese Productions.
One of the biggest ideas for this one that came from the writer’s room was to re-examine Sylar’s character. To have him have one last moment of doubt and one last shot at redemption. This would be viewed in relationship to his mother, so that we could begin to really understand how he had become the villain he was. Now, to be frank, this conceit spurred some healthy debate. I know my opinion, and some others, who hadn’t been involved in developing the story, questioned the need for it. Sylar felt like a pretty committed villain. Why would he have self-doubt? Why was it necessary to regress him to his previous incarnation? But Tim and the writers felt strongly that we needed to better understand this character, and that we had one last chance to fully round him out. They felt that Sylar had always acted methodically, killing the weak in order to become a superhuman. They added dialogue in his phone call scene with Suresh to illuminate the idea that he had no intention to kill millions of random people for no gain. This helped my issues. And any other doubts I had about the storyline vanished when we cast Ellen Green to play Sylar’s mother.
Ellen came to audition for the role. She did a first audition, and, right away, she was a riveting combination of vulnerability and mental illness. But her first reading was too maternal and sympathetic. Spurred on, mostly by Dennis Hammer we stopped and had a conversation about what type of woman this was. That she was very disturbed and very judgmental and very critical. But at the same time, over the years she had pushed everyone she loved away and she regretted that. So, now, with her son back at home she was trying - straining - to not be too harsh on him. We discussed that she should snap and be judgmental, and then catch herself and pull back. These are complex emotions, and it’s unusual to have a long discussion like this in the audition. Ellen did another take and it was absolutely amazing and mesmerizing.
Later, Zachary Quintos told me, that Ellen, on her own, called him up and asked if he wanted to rehearse. Ellen is a theatre actor and she really values rehearsal time. Zach told me that they spent a Saturday talking about their characters and rehearsing the scenes. When the shooting began a very unusual thing happened. It took about a day and a half to film all of their scenes. Face it, no matter how wonderful HEROES is, for the crew it’s a job they do for twelve-plus hours a day, five days a week. They do their jobs (very well) but besides the camera crew who need to pay attention for every take, much of the other crew wander off to the periphery of the stage and do crossword puzzles or read books while we’re filming. But on these days, the crew remained riveted by what zach and Ellen were doing. The scenes were so intense and the performances so strong that the crew stayed and watched.
One of the most interesting scenes for me is the one where Ellen is insisting on making Sylar a tuna sandwich and Sylar is fixing his father’s clock. John Badham talked to the actors a lot about that clock. Ellen’s character hated the ex-husband, Sylar's father, who was long gone, but still she keeps his broken clock on the wall. Sylar wants to repair the clock, and by extension, the family. In this scene, from one perspective, nothing is happening. A lady is making a sandwich and a man is fixing a clock. But, because of the writing, the actors and the direction, the scene is loaded with tension. The scene, to me is actually tenser than the scene where they struggle and Sylar accidentally stabs his mother,
Next week, our second-to-last episode – one that I directed. Until then… stay Heroic!


Here are a few pix from last week’s episode that I forgot to post:
Can't wait till next week.
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Greg, in a coming post can you address when we can expect Season 1 DVD to come out? Us fans are salivating like Sylar over a powerful victim for that glorious day!
I just want to say thank you for your insight into this episode. I was really moved by Zachary and Ellen's performances. Having been trained in theatre myself, I could tell that there was time spent away from the set to really get inside the heads of these characters. I thought Zachary was on par with Anthony Hopkins – and not just in that their respective characters might enjoy sautéed brains. There is a complexity that only the forsaken know.
I honestly agree with Tim and the other writer's choice to show the audience an exploration of Sylar’s character. Not only does it give the progression from humanity to inhumanity, but it also ties to the theme of morally grey. Furthermore, doing so brings back the ever-so-important characterization element Heroes is built on and removes the archetypal power-hungry, blood-thirsty (or brain-hungry) villain.
In effect, these very powerful scenes serve as the climax for Sylar's story (or timeline) being either comedic or tragic and use a very Shakespearian treatment of Fate.
I was really brought into the dance - beautifully represented with the living snow globe - and I too was shattered along with the hope for Gabriel's humanity just as the collection of trinkets fell to the ground.
Which is it?
Could you please tell us a little bit about the season finale? I'm a little bit worried for several characters, especially Nathan. There's been rumour going around that Adrian won't be back for second season. Is that true? I personally think it'd be a shame that you lose one of the best actors from the show. I hope you guys reconsider if you have a plan to off his character. I think his character has a lot of potential especially with the focus on generation next season.
And I like how you broke it down - Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 - that's cool. I was thinking that - because it was a different feel then the rest of them. Still, I loved it!
Zach did a great job, as did John Badham. I loved the shot with Sylar in the foreground and Mrs. Grey in the background... that shot was just amazing! Also, the montage between Peter and Claire and Thompson and Nathan. That was just GREAT film work!
Good call on Ellen Green - she's a legend. I absolutely love her and seeing two of my favorite actors work side by side was just fantasmic.
Let everyone know the eppy was PHENOMENAL. I look forward to the next two, as well as the next season.
How fun would it be to hang around all the characters after they finish filming a set? :D
Then the cure seems to be found out on a miracle, Suresh's introspective tension is completely wasted and the cure pops in deus ex machina (well without the machina but you know what I mean).
Things on this episode generally feel like they've been planted, there's almost no fluidity. It seems to me like the kind of average writing/directing that is sort of ok for a mid season episode, but guys, come on, on ep. 21 out of 23?! That was just careless.
Thanks, as always, for the behind-the-scenes AWESOMENESS! Especially appreciated are the candid photos. YEAY!
Nathan, OTOH, is my favorite character due to his age and complexity. Adrian Pasdar just keeps getting better and better, and Nathan's sheepish, wordless admission to Claire that he can fly was my favorite moment in the whole episode. YEAY FLYING MAN! 8-)
Should have included this in my earlier post, but I was distracted by hubby playing Time Splitters in the next room... heh...
Why would you want him to stay so one dimensional?
We all remember the closet he kept in his apartment with religious scribblings of "forgive me" scrawled in deep red. We needed closure on that scene and to know that there is a struggle deep within this man -- as there is in all our Heroes. We just needed to see it. The character development was much needed, a very good addition, and I for one was riveted by its magic (snowglobe flurries reminicent of the 1,000 cranes scene) and power (a mother crying out for her son to be returned to her).
The camera angles of Sylar shot from above as though heaven was looking down on him were pitch perfect and poetic, added to the semi-religious feel that seems to haunt the former Mssr. Grey. Good job!
As for exposition, I am interested in story and character development rather than shoot-em-up SFX (which, BTW were great), and you certianly delivered on this. We now understand why everyone's heading to New York.
Can't wait for the final acts, especially to hear your take on your directing. I know there will be great things in the DVD, but I live by your blog until then. I would love to hear your take on your own work, which I expect to be truly insightful.
i just like the way the entire theme of family is coming into play
my fav scene in the entire episode was the one with nathan, peter and claire...when claire finds out that nathan can fly, and there's this look of realization and relief on her face...and she says, "cool"
and i must say that hayden is one of the most special actresses on the scene matter who she is with onscreen, there is chemistry...that kid is going places
and as a huge jack kirby fan...thank you so much for naming the place where everything will come together....kirby plaza....nice nod to the king
its gonna be a long summer and fall waiting for the return of the show...i hope i can get to comic con this year to see the cast panel...but still not sure if i wanna fight the big crowds...
Another complaint I have been wanting to make for quite a while now is that Hiro and Ando do not feel like any of the Japanese that I have come to be familiar with. Explaining that they're really supposed to be "different" (especially Hiro, who wants to stand out) isn't a satisfying explanation. My problem with them started when they were discussing Star Trek. This may give Hiro his geek credentials with American audiences, but more authentic Japanese characters would have been making references to characters and works out of Japan's rich tradition of top-notch comics and animation.
All of this is not to deny the fact that Heroes is, without doubt, one of the most interesting series Hollywood has produced in recent years. But it can still be better. Till the next episode!
Sylar vs. Hiro scene ended way too fast. I was hoping more confrontation between them. Also, I thought Sylar can melt things thanks to Zane power. He could have melted Hiro's sword right away.
There was too much of Peter and Claire scenes. They're bordering on creepy. I hope they get toned down next time.
Also, I think we're missing a scene which was supposed to happen in episode 19. I'm referring to the talk between Angela and Nathan/Peter. I want to see her telling them why she knows about their power.
A brilliant performance by all of the actors in this ep. John Badham is an excellent director.
"The camera angles of Sylar shot from above as though heaven was looking down on him were pitch perfect and poetic, added to the semi-religious feel that seems to haunt the former Mssr. Grey. Good job!"
I didn't even think of that! I've watched-back the episode since my last post and I agree; it was a wonderful choice to shoot from above.
There is so much to take in, analyze, break down, and digest in every episode. Thanks again Greg for giving us this format to further explore the show!
I can't wait to see the episodes you directed - your episodes have a sense of both humanity and pure adventure that is unmatched, as well as some brilliant coordination between camerawork, special effects, and performance. Thanks again for your insight - I have learned so much about TV production by reading your blog! Keep up the great work!
Great acting on both of their parts.
The "Christmas Sylar" music was a nice touch as well with the bells. Very reminscent of Cast in Bronze. Their scenes were incredibly intense -- probably some of my favorite scenes from the entire series.
thanks greg for giving us the behind the scenes, i enjoyed reading your blogs, looking forward to the next.
because he is the man
Oh it's so nice to see photos of them in your blog. :D
when does filming begin for season 2?
who can i contact for a job working as a production assistant for the show?
I just read on that Heroes will have a spinoff next season called Heroes: Origin, and that viewers will be able to vote off characters. Can you tell us more about it? Will it be aired during a Heroes hiatus? Will it tell the stories of Linderman and the Petrelli family? How will the voting work?
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