There you have it 23 episodes of HEROES. Wow. What a long strange trip it’s been. Everyone else who works with me on the show will agree that it has been one of the hardest and most creatively satisfying experiences of our professional careers.
The fans frequently sight that the show looks like a mini-feature every week. That is a great compliment to all of us. But, as you can imagine, it’s not easy to do that. The sheer logistics of doing this series have been quite challenging mentally and physically.
So, while you guys may have to wait 3 months or so for the next installment, let me encourage you with the following news: First we here at HEROES are already all back at work. Episode 1 is being written as we speak and we begin shooting episode 1 in about 1 short month. I have heard the writers pitch out the story lines for the next season and lemme tell you they are freakin’ awesome. There are new characters. New powers. Some of the characters you have come to know and love, in fact, DID die last night. And ALL those who survive will be moving on in new and unexpected directions. We are all ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to not repeating ourselves next season – but in bringing you a freshly conceived show. Also, the reason we are beginning so early is that we are all committed to long runs of the show next year with very few, and very short hiatuses. We don’t want to be off the air with new episodes for 5 or 6 weeks anymore.
Also, the DVD will be out on August 28th and it will be loaded with lots of extras. We have been working on many of those extras for several months already.
OK – that’s it. As for me, my blog will go dark for a couple of months. But this season, my plan is to come back online a few times before we air, to fill you in on what’s developing, and maybe to answer some questions you have. I’m sure the official NBC site and will alert you when new blogs are up.
Hang in there. And we’ll see you next year!!!







The fans frequently sight that the show looks like a mini-feature every week. That is a great compliment to all of us. But, as you can imagine, it’s not easy to do that. The sheer logistics of doing this series have been quite challenging mentally and physically.
So, while you guys may have to wait 3 months or so for the next installment, let me encourage you with the following news: First we here at HEROES are already all back at work. Episode 1 is being written as we speak and we begin shooting episode 1 in about 1 short month. I have heard the writers pitch out the story lines for the next season and lemme tell you they are freakin’ awesome. There are new characters. New powers. Some of the characters you have come to know and love, in fact, DID die last night. And ALL those who survive will be moving on in new and unexpected directions. We are all ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to not repeating ourselves next season – but in bringing you a freshly conceived show. Also, the reason we are beginning so early is that we are all committed to long runs of the show next year with very few, and very short hiatuses. We don’t want to be off the air with new episodes for 5 or 6 weeks anymore.
Also, the DVD will be out on August 28th and it will be loaded with lots of extras. We have been working on many of those extras for several months already.
OK – that’s it. As for me, my blog will go dark for a couple of months. But this season, my plan is to come back online a few times before we air, to fill you in on what’s developing, and maybe to answer some questions you have. I’m sure the official NBC site and will alert you when new blogs are up.
Hang in there. And we’ll see you next year!!!





I'm saddened to hear that some of the characters did die last night--I am still hoping that Peter and Nathan are alive. With Peter's power, especially--once he really learns to control it, we could get a much more epic showdown with a Big Bad in future seasons, right? Well, I guess we'll see in September.
I'm really hoping that Peter survived (I'd like Nathan to be alive, too, but I think there's more hope for Peter). I would be disappointed if his story ended here--I think there's so much potential with this character, and I want to see it explored fully!
that would be kewl.
You officially KICK ASS! Sir!!
Thanks for a great first of many seasons of Heroes!
Kudos to you and all who've provided us the ride so far!
Heehee I too root for Sylar, Zachary Quinto is just made of so much awsome.
Greg, you, and the cast and crew deserve all the praise you are receiving. And a special thanks to you for that special tip your young "tracking system" gave us for next season...especially because he/she is far worse than Sylar. Can't wait for the DVD!!!
Is it Fall yet????
That was a great season. I really liked the 1st season. Can't wait for season number 2. You, the cast, and crew have a great summer. And all you fans out there have a great summer as well.
Chris Tombrello
(well Hana die... DL? Mat? Nathan? Peter?)
This show is the best thing ever in my life. Lol, ok maybe not, but it comes close.
I really can't wait till september, the same month as my birth'month'.
I would like to thank you Greg, and the rest, for making the best thing ever on TV.
Thanks lol
I felt the why Hiro stabbed Sylar was little lame as there are inconsistencies with the way Sylar is able to stop bullets but can't stop Hiro. I hope some explanation occurs about it as it seems there may be a plot twist involved.
The season finale really felt rushed though. Was it a problem of budget or something else? Your writers were really on the ball entire season but it seemed they dropped it a little for the finale.
I still looking forward to Season 2 though and hope to see some amazing stories!
Please bless Peter and Nathan, the two bestest brothers evar, and please let them live into next season.
P.S. I assume that Nathan dropped off his passenger and then took off very fast to avoid the explosion. Let's go with that. Or you will have some VERY upset fangirls. Adrian Pasdar is just too good an actor and too hunky to let leave the show. Sorry -- we won't allow it. 8-)
There. You have it. In caps, no less.
Sylar was distracted from the attacks from multiple angles. Something he wasn't used to. So he had to prioritize...
Sylar thought Hiro wasn't a real threat, as each time Hiro tried to confront Sylar, he pulled up short. Obviously, not this time.
--Rick from The Ninth Podcast
I hope you read this, because I have some questions. Mostly just one: What exactly happened that made the last episode so terrible?
Now, if you are honest with yourself, you must agree that that episode was lackluster. Maybe not directing it, you don't particularly care, but I am having a real hard time figuring out what went wrong.
The writers had been pretty on the ball all season, and last night was really an atrocity. It was really the most anticlimactic season finale I've seen, especially given the hype. Now, was everyone pressed for time? Was this the actual plan of how things went down? I'm sure something MUST have happened - I've invested so much into this show that something is awry in Las Angeles.
I hope you respond to this with honesty, because without explanation, I know many loyal viewers who have given up hope, and hopefully a reply can ease their confusion/allow them to return for a second season.
I'm guessing Nathan is gone but Peter will be back. And so will I.
Looking forward to Season 2! And hopefully more posts than you say you'll be making.. Then again, enjoy the break. You all deserve it.
And I hope Zachary Quinto will be back next season as well, he has a great character,
If you want to kill someone kill Matt or Sylar. I'd seriously lose faith in the writers if they allow serial killer to survive but a more interesting character to die.
This show is way more than awesome. I wish Heroes was a person so I could give it a big bear hug. :)
Hope you enjoy your time off. Can't wait for September!
Best of luck with Generations.
Can't wait till the fall.
It makes so much sense now!
Secondly, to one of the anonymous comments a few posts up: It could be that the explosion occurred at night because the timeline that led up to it was much different from the timeline that Hiro jumped into, thus effecting when it occurred. As for why Peter himself didn't fly away...well, I don't think it was a writer's brain fart, so I'm guessing it was because he was either A: too preoccupied with controlling the explosion until he was far enough away, or B: it was too much for him to have that power activated and the flight. Maybe he can only have one at a time.?
As for the showdown, I admit, I wouldn't have minded a bit more Sylar-Peter beatdown. Oh well, next season should be pretty dang exciting!
Kill Peter and its a total dealbreaker.
Peter, Claire, & Hiro are the lifeblood, without which the show should not exist. So DO THE RIGHT THING.
At the beginning of the series though, the explosion was predicted to occur the day after the election. Since Peter exploded the night of the election and Sylar was able to escape, is there still a possibility that he could go kablooie the next day?
The suspense is killing me! I'm going to sleep, wake me up in September :)
Believe me, I'll be recommending the DVD to all my friends who didn't watch ... while bracing for the inevitable post-finale complaints.
The blog is fantastic by the way. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say any and all updates between now and September will be appreciated.
But there were some big, gaping holes.
Why does Peter keep passing out?
Peter controlled Ted's power when he got it, why not later?
Where did the Haitian go?
What was up with the dead Deaveaux's scene? I have no idea how you could explain that.
I was right about the way to stop Peter. Please don't let my theory about Nathan being saved be wrong (because flying at supersonic speeds = invulnerability!) *L* I'll be so sad. And Peter will be emo again.
Good Points
Great to involve the whole cast, and the way the final moments did mirror the prophecy dream was great
Some really good emotionally resonant scenes especially with the Petrelli brothers, HRG and Claire. I love the new super powered family that is emerging with Niki too
The "evil" ones were on top form too, Mama Petrelli and Sylar.
Not so good bits
There were a lot of episodes building up to this climax and it was too rushed, and didn't have enough impact for me, personally
Peter seems too weak, and no other Heroes can stand up to Sylar well enough, so he seems too all powerful, and when he went down so "easily" with the Hiro stabbing, it was weird
Too much slush mush unconditional lovey speech reminded me of H Potter actually, your power is love etc
I'll still tune in for s2, and thanks so much for your production diary, and insights :)
I don't feel that the season finale was "weak", but there are a few gaps that I'm positive will be answered in the second season like:
-Where's the Haitian?
-If the explosion happened in daytime in the "original" timeline, does this mean there's still a chance for a second, morning explosion? Does this mean Sylar can still get to DL?
-GOD I love the cliffhanger on the hero that Molly can't find. So much speculation, but I'll hold off until we find out for sure.
-Does Meredith still have anything to do with the series?
-Hana Gitelman and Claude should have been used more. I know Hana got killed off on the webcomic but she should have gotten more screen time.
-I hope Christopher Eccleston gets to come back next season. And let's pit him against David Tennant? That'd be super cool
I also wouldn't mind paying for like, VIP content :D
I dunno, the build up left me feeling a bit empty after the final show. Almost as if the writers were heading somewhere to do something spectacular for a payoff - but then the budget and some of the scripting was scalped and the payoff reduced as a result.
Maybe somebody's world did end in a bang, but to me it felt like a whimper.
I felt there were just some stupid things that made no sense like Niki deciding to joint the "battle" (silly 1 dollar slapfest) against Sylar of whom she doesn't know anything about! I mean, how did she even know he's a bad guy? They'd never met! And of course her contribution lasted like 3 seconds after she went back to just standing around...
And why didn't Peter himself fly into the sky? Sylar allowed Hiro to just stab him with the sword, and the whole "last 3 min" of the show were the lamest ever. I mean, haven't we gone thru this already?! Yeah - Hiro travels back and forth and can't control his powers and is probably related to the ancient Samurai Hero.
There was nothing suprising. The budget seemed low for a season finale that should be a kick-ass episode (instead of what it was now) and i felt that it was one of the worst finales on any show i've seen! NOTHING HAPPENED!!
And yeah, i still think it's stupid to use so much of the shows running time to replay the same scenes that ended the last episode. I'm always tempted to fast forward those. And i'm a fan of the show!!
Hopefully Season 2 can fix some of these things. I still think that Heroes is one of the most interesting and promising shows on TV at the moment, but if you guys continue to hit off the mark, audiences will move on and wait for something better to come around.
And having read comments on forums, i'm definately not alone with my thoughts about this disappointing final.
Consider it us giving back for all the work done this season. Now, how long do we have to wait for the new episodes to start airing?
..and just one more point, while I'm here. i know things don't always happen the way people might like.
But - even though a bit let-down by the finale - if either Peter or Nathan are revived now, surely the integrity of either character - and the major storyline from this season - are obliterated.
If both live, we were all fooled. Yay!! writing team....
If one lives, all he has done is assisted the death of his own brother who was trying to do the right thing..
That's no reward for heroism...
It felt like a two-hour finale split into two one hour finales by a network.
Thanks for these updates, Greg, and I'm adding to the multitude hoping for many updates to come!
Can't wait until Fall!
A great series, but there were so many previous episodes that were so much more exciting.
I love this show, and I toyed with this concept in my own work about 2-3 years ago. You guys have really done a good job with it, and it feeds both my own and what I believe is our culture's pop obsession with heroes and superheroes. I love it!
I really cannot wait for Season 2 to come out. I do hope that Nathan will be back for the next season, Adrian Pasdar played such a good role at it. Zachary Quinto is awesome! He plays such an awesome role as Sylar! I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him in Season 2? heehee
I just want to officially petition for Peter Petrelli (Milo V.) to return for season 2 and BEYOND.
He HAS to return next year, IMHO he was a BIG part of Heroes success....
Somewhere in Jersey
All in all, it was an EXCELLENT series this season and I'm looking forward to the next one!
That said, if Nathan is dead, the next season had better be the best thing I've ever seen, or else my love affair with the show is over. I will definitely be returning (which, from a business standpoint, is all that matters), but the last episode was chock-full of writing mishaps, unsatisfying fakeouts, and needless trauma. Still better than 95% of all television ever produced, but to say it was a let-down is a vast understatement. I wish Adrian Pasdar all the best, but seriously, keep that man on the show - he's a genius.
There are truly too many inconsistencies an unexplained circumstances.
Why this reluctance in an great battle, that would far better explain
- Peters explosion (Ted didn't explode like this all along)
- Niki's joining ("oh, a fight let's kick some ass" - as for she never met Sylar before)
- Sylar's sudden killing by Hiro
(a true fight with the three or four - with Parkman as a distraction - might have given several good ways to overcome Gabe)
- Sylar's sudden vanishing (what were the other doing? - they fight the most dangerous creature ever and now they just forget about him, to allow him a drawback to the canalization, please! In good old films such villains were aloud to drop in an abyss at least after having obviously been killed, so that the ignorance of the dead's body might even be a little more credible)
I just can hope you revamp the finale episode for the beginning of the next season and make it even a little more adequate to the quality of the whole season ...
Save the cheerleader, save the season!
I can't wait for the DVD (yippee, it's coming out in August!) and for Season 2. And I'll second the saving of Sylar. I don't think a villian has been this loved in a long time. :)
For one commenter that asked why Claire didn't just shoot all goes back to love vs. strength. Some of you people need to analyze more.. :)
The big showdown was anti climactic, the writing was stilted (You saved the cheerleader, let me save the're my hero...double gag)
The whole 2012 episode was a red herring and it was quite apparent that the producers decision to bring most of the cast back for season 2 impacted the final few episodes of season 1.
I loved the early part of the season, loved the middle and saw the potential for a cop out at the end. Unfortunately...that cop out happened....
I hope the staff charts a course for season 2 and sticks with it for the whole season instead of changing course in flight.
I still love the show, though, so hopefully Season 2 will be even better!
and im still sad that the petrelli's died..spez peter, but i the end of the day he was getting slightly whiny with his "I can't control it! I can't do this!"...
but YATA!!! =) to the 2nd volume! and if u ever kill off hiro i WILl cry...
Looking forward to the future, and the past, and whatever else you and the entire Heroes crew and cast come up with!
if you guys really did kill off some major characters, i say kudos to you...that takes balls.
second, i think much of the criticism of the final show, shows the sorry state of the intellectual prowess of today's tv viewing public, and that is sad.
this show was never about huge cgi laden battles, nor should it ever be.
it was the cgi laden battles trumping the human interaction that killed x3
what i really loved about the first season, was the way it payed homage to the roots of comic books in the united states.
the original creators were mostly jews who either emmigrated or were of first generation. within their stories were significant threads taken right from the bible and talmud and legends told to them by their parents
the show itself could have gotten very silly, very fast...but thank god this was avoided.
im a little sad that we wont be seeing malcolm mcdowall anymore...i just hope eccleston makes more appearances, as well as more of takei
and i just hope that greg keeps the blog going thru the offseason
and until preacher hits the hbo airwaves in 09....make mine heroes
oh, and to those who keep questioning why peter didnt just fly away....claude was a bit off on his description of peter's powers...he is less an empath and more like a sponge...he was oversaturated with powers, being surrounded by all the other heroes and sylar...he had no control over what was happening
How about this. We the viewers give you a "mulligan". We all pretend this episode never existed. You folks go and make the episode you really wanted to make, and that we wanted to see. Air it a month from now, or something. And we all love it and talk about how worth-the-wait it was to have a 5ish-week break between the last two episodes of the season.
PS - As precedent I cite Highlander 2, which all true Highlander fans will swear up and down NEVER HAPPENED!
From the way Peter acted, it was as if he really could only use one power at a time-- which means he couldn't fly. I think people should pay more attention to that.
Hiro didn't pose a threat to Sylar. Sylar didn't do anything to Hiro because of this. Sylar could've also been slightly disoriented while holding Peter in his clutches.
If Claire did shoot Peter in the head, that doesn't mean that the bullet would necessarily lodge in the brain. If it didn't, he would heal and we'd be back at square one. If it did and they took him to the hospital to get it out, we'd still be back at square one because every time Peter loses it he could explode (kind of like having high blood pressure-- except you don't explode!).
I would not like the idea of anyone dying, even though I know at least one of them will. I like DL being alive, but if he's alive the story with Niki/Jessica is still going to be around and I didn't like it too much. The commentary guy said that for all intents and purposes, the Niki/Jessica story is done, so whatever happens to DL seems kind of lost in the wind. Too bad, he seemed like a good guy. Micah was a cute little kid that really has potential in the world of Heroes-- but probably not with the storyline he comes from. It'd be hard to separate him from that.
Overall, fantastic show. I will watch it to the end.
For more information visit:
And another idea; let´s start a campaign to keep Peter Petrelli in the show! Could somebody who´s good with computers start a "" webb? And then we could all wear black clothes or something...
Props to everyone who's made this show work.
u guys are definitely up to something in season 2...=)
From all of us here in Denver who are fans, may I simply say...
"Don't Kill Parkman"..
Guys, before you say something like this, please read up on "Supersonic", "Hypersonic" and "Sonic Boom".
Here's one on Hypersonic:
Amongst the many effect that flying at hypersonic can cause is convective and radiative heating. Ditto with sonic boom, it is created due to heating and expansion of air.
We've seen in the past that Nathan has created trails of Sonic boom while flying. Despite this, his skin is not burned up and his body are not torned apart. This implies that like other supersonic or hypersonic object, he has the ability to withstand extreme heat and radiation while in flight mode. He actually create these extreme heat and radiation while flying.
If anything, I would find it unbelievable if he doesn't survive.
I hope Nathan is alive. He still has so many plot threads waiting for him. Ditto with Peter.
Heroes is my #1 new show. Keep up the good work.
The battle between Sylar and Peter didnt satisfy you? too bad...was Peter ever in full control of his powers like Sylar? That would be a resounding NO...Peter was petrified of Sylar, of possibly being the bomb, and through the whole season we saw him in full control of his powers only in 5 YEARS GONE and thats it. A mistake was made in making us expect a big fight, but Sylar would have OWNED Peter unless the other heroes had been involved.
Why didnt Peter fly? duh!! he says it!!! I CANT DO ANYTHING!!
Hiro stabbing Sylar? Haven't we all seen how Sylar believes he is invincible and how he believes he's above all others? Even when he was captured by the Company we say his arrogance and his confidence...was he going to be afraid of someone who hadnt been able to kill him before when he had the chance? In the end I firmly believe that the finale was made the way it needed to be made...true, it wasnt flashy, it was FX-loaded, but it was fitting to all the circumstances surrounding the bomb.
Why did Nathan change his mind about stopping the bomb? Because of what his daughter would think of him if it went off, the cheerleader who was saved.
Besides... given that Sylar has Issac Mendez' power, perhaps he knew he wasn't going to die, and was just decided to have a bit of a lie-down in Kirby Plaza for a while...
Make no mistake, Heroes is the best thing to happen to TV since Lost. Given the writers' past association on other shows, it wouldn't suprise me that the individual Molly cannot find is indeed JACOB....
It will be a tough act to follow, but I am definitely looking forward to Season 2.
That said, there are times when I long for clarity, for something a little more decisive--an overt (read: ha-I-told-you-so or gah-I-didn’t-see-that-one-coming) resolution to a standing mystery. The season finale turned out to be one of those times. I think I can posit explanations for some of the apparent "inconsistencies" of the final scene, but it would have had a more direct impact, more urgency, if (with respect to that particular moment) I didn't have to think about it, I just *felt* and *knew.* Y'know?
My biggest concern going into the finale was that we would get this devilishly clever, massive melee of non-stop action from wall to wall, leaving no time for character moments--and given the choice between the two, I'd choose character every time. As it was, I got the exact opposite! I highlight, in particular, Peter’s vision and the subsequent scene between Peter and HRG. Intriguing, beautiful, moving, thematic. Totally meaningful. Can there possibly be a weirder way to say, in a sense, Welcome to the Family than “If it comes to it, I’ll put you down myself”?!! How deliciously HRG!!! And yet I was sincerely and deeply moved by that scene.
All the same, the final moments lacked… punctuation, somehow. A virtual tableau, bringing together all the major characters for the final moments, is a visually-promising idea, but I didn’t understand how those characters—many completely unfamiliar with Peter and Sylar—knew that they belonged on the sidelines, that Peter and his exploding hands were the inevitable main event. Didn’t understand why they didn’t at least try to get the kids away. (We know they wouldn’t make it, do they?)
And I think that the foregoing episodes themselves, not just the publicity machine, asked us to consider, really consider, how someone as powerful as Sylar could be stopped—hopefully without someone like Peter having to compromise himself with acts of dismemberment or something. (For the record, I had my money on the old Brody Mitchum treatment, something that would give Sylar a chance to start over, at least temporarily declawed). But I never dreamed it would turn out to be as simple as: Hit him! Several times! Now poke him with the sword!
Finally, while I love the possibilities presented by Hiro’s Samuraii Adventure (!!!), I don’t think I was ready for it. One thing that did come through loud and clear in the finale was sacrifice—the beauty of it and the tragedy of it simultaneously. Even if Nathan is still alive—and he may well be—I doubt he could be sure of his survival when he made his choice. Claire can’t be sure. Peter couldn’t be sure. It was a little jarring to see Claire and HRG revert so quickly to the topic of homely comforts, and I didn’t feel ready to geek out about Hiro’s new stomping grounds. Too sad. Still too sad, and cliff-hanger or no cliff-hanger, does anybody want to ask that nice little girl where two of my favorite characters on tv—ever—fell out of the sky? (Or—gulp—didn’t?)
You can see how involved I get, LOL. Six paragraphs? That’s true love.
With apologies for my rambling and thanks, as always, for a phenomenal year,
I'm not sure if you'd still be reading the comments by now, since you posted this a while back. I'd like to say, based on what I read, that I think the directing for this show seriously elevated it's quality far beyond what you'd expect from the writing.
I've got a question about the finale. Some people have expressed disappointment with the showdown, and Tim Kring had repeatedly stated that previous encounters between Sylar and Peter were "trailers" for the finale. Did something go wrong? Were there logistical problems, did the show go too far overbudget? I'm having a bit of trouble reconciling what the writers have said would happen with what actually happened.
I am, however, worried by this:
We are all ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to not repeating ourselves next season – but in bringing you a freshly conceived show.
I'm pleased that you don't want to repeat yourselves next season, but I hope this doesn't mean that we're starting over with an almost entirely new cast. There are so many great stories left to explore with the characters we know and love now--like back story on the Petrellis, and the continued adventures of HRG and Claire--I hope these aren't dropped next season.
I can't wait to see what you bring to Comic Con in July! Please tell me it's on the Fri and not Sat. I have a wedding/party event I must attend. Either way I'm hooked
Company Man was edge of the seat. The finale was much more.
Also, everyone says there's a cockroach where Sylar disapeared, but I saw no cockroach.
I eagerly anticipate Season 2. Hiro's last scene at the end - at first, it's not such a big cliffhanger, because mostly everything in Volume 1 has been resolved satisfactorily, but the more I think about it the more I think it was indeed a crazy intense cliffhanger - WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN?!?!
Heroes is awesome!
"You saved the cheerleader, so we could save the world!"
Congratulations on a great season and an awesome finale! I was expecting a more explosive showdown between Peter and Sylar, honestly, but I was glad that the show stuck to its core of human relationships being what is the most important.
This show could have turned into something silly, violent or unresolved, but I'm glad that the writers have turned it into something that truly has heart..and drama, for that matter.
I shall join the ranks of fans proclaiming that they hope that Nathan did not, in fact, die. I was really looking forward to the development of the whole 'family' idea. It is clear that Claire doesn't trust her biological father and is still struggling with the fact that she is adopted, even with the many bizzare things going on around her. I was and am still looking forward to her character development with her biological 'family', especially Nathan. Now, that wouldn't be plausible if he were dead... (And yes, I am a hopeless fan of Adrian Pasdar in the end.)
Good luck with the upcoming season. I can't wait!
Him and Mohinder cause they're just so cute together. ^-^(okay sorry rabid fangirl kicking in)
Anyways loved it completely and shall be waiting with baited breath clutching my Sylar poster to see if my love lives to steal another brain.
But anyway, I was just thinking... and if Smallville just killed off the character of Chloe (as seems likely), then maybe you should see if there'd be any roles amongst the "Heroes: Origins" characters for Allison Mack. Heck, keep an eye open for Marsters while you're at it.
I figured that it can't hurt to make the suggestion, have a nice summer.
The only person whose survival I'm iffy about is Matt. He was unconscious as Molly pleaded with him to not die. ("You're my hero!" *sigh*)
Nathan and Peter made me cry. Just want you to know.
I am so looking forward to next season.
And your blog is great, too!
Thanks again.
Kudos to everyone for this year's season! The finale almost made me cry because of Peter and Nathan. Hope to see more of Mrs. Petrelli and Noah Bennet in the next season...
BTW, I'd like to suggest that you guest Jon Voight as Noah Bennet's father. Did you notice the resemblance between Jack Coleman and Jon Voight? Watch Enemy of the State, you'll see the similarities.
(Sorry About My English- But Im Short Age And I Dont Live in a Country Where the People Talk In English-)
Whatever.. I Like You Blog-
But i Understand Just a Little Bit-
Humm ...
I Wanna Be Like You T_T
Please Tell Me
How Peter Have This Scar In His Face?
He Have the Regeneration Spontaneous Power [From Claire]- So..How He obtained That Scar?
I Hope You Can Understand Me =P
And Again..Sorry Abour My Horrible English
Good Bye! And Thanks For Read Me!
He's probably going to land somewhere and he'll be fine
I'm hoping Peter and Nathan are'nt dead, but then again, Beeman could have meant sylar did actaully die??? Just a suggestion. I'm loving Niki's new developments and i hope next season is awesome! Cant wait till the DVD. Keep it real. T wilson.
i found this cool art of Sylar in deviantart..
Heroes is definitely one of hte best things that happened to television!!
The preview of Generations was exhilarating!! Kensei at last!
Kudos for the great work!! Lookin forward to the nxt volume!!
With a thumbs up...
Yours heroically,
-Varun Goel
PS: I hope Nathan survives....
Here's an incentive to bring them back:
It's Nathan and Peter, South Park style.
I just heard the rumour that there's a new character with similar power to Nathan.
Why are you guys doing this? I feel like you guys are purposely marginalizing Nathan. He's my favorite character and I dislike that someone else is going to have the same power as him. Can't you give this new character a different power or have Nathan upgrade his power or something?
If you do add my link to your site my I kindly as that you include the anchor text NBC Heroes for the link and the URL
Thank You and If you would like your anchor text changed to something else please let me know and I'll happily change it for you.
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What? I was going to say how happy I am that Nathan is back but this is just put a damper on that one. I hope it's not true or else I'd be wanting this new character to be dead soon.
I really like having some light moments in Tv shows. Keeps your hopes up.
Great series though! With awesome actors! I think you don't need me to tell you who I like the best. *winks* Lol.
Not like I root for the evil side or anything.
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Persistence of vision projeksiyon should be compared with the related phenomena
of beta movement and phi movement. A critical part of understanding
these visual perception phenomena projeksiyon is that the eye is not a camera, i.e.:
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(often with symbolic çevirmensignificance) in a way that influences and
affects one or more of the satınal senses, emotions, and intellect.
It encompasses a diverse range of Haber human activities, creations,
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